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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. Same here and am enjoying this so far.
  2. Same here it was great crime.
  3. Seems your world wide article choices looking sorry is my take or a prerogative I choose. That exposure makes me want to suggest you spend more time understanding each point of view. Just my opinion, so don't take it personally.
  4. Who let the dogs out? big winner OMGWTFLOL https://abovethelaw.com/2023/10/trump-flings-flaming-bags-of-dog<deleted>-pretending-to-be-legal-motions-at-dc-judge/
  5. MAGA has a sad time excusing his torrid actions ongoing. Safe to say they just make up any falsehood to enamor the top liar in Chef. BS is still BS even when you find yourself crying like a baby does.
  6. The many MAGA's voices are just deafening!! But wait I hear the sound of them writing checks to the Trump legal team.
  7. I have been there a few times and it's great!
  8. "Some that might know of some options may simply be afraid of such a big change." I do believe that for Americans, it is the top of the reasoning list. People are reluctant to take action because they would just rather not venture out of a comfort zone. Reminds me of those that do not go to visit the Doctor until it is becomes too painful.
  9. “I think there were all kinds of problems with the 2020 election,” he said. Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.), demanded that Jordan admit Biden won in 2020, which Jordan wouldn’t do. https://www.yahoo.com/news/jim-jordan-admits-election-loss-132432027.html
  10. https://www.msnbc.com/ali-velshi/watch/8-of-10-republicans-who-have-declared-or-are-running-for-speaker-are-election-deniers-196128837861 Third to the Presidency. If that doesn't shock you, nothing will.
  11. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/kimmel-proposes-mike-lindell-speaker-124500857.html
  12. Do you expect that will change and both may now want to plead to the Federal inditements next?
  13. I have always appreciated your caution on these MAGA situations.
  14. Boon or not it is great that three now have caved to admitting they are going to plead and help. Still the truth prevail with all the other 16 testifying with inside knowledge of Trumps crimes.
  15. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/19/politics/sidney-powell-plea-takeaways/index.html Not for the faint of heart reading reallity .
  16. Struggling, too is no new territory for you. Living in a conspriacy world makes it necessary to take facts and twist them to some sort of a different narrative. So how is that going in MAGA world? 91 inditements and two guilty please. So much winning it is intorrable life you live in.
  17. You exposed but I have a feeling this is not any new territory for you! LOL
  18. Another domino falling. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/19/politics/michigan-fake-elector-deal/index.html
  19. Sounds just what a lawyer would use as a ploy. Lawyer speak, is just all it is. Don't be fooled as the overwelaming amount of evidence is going to be impossible to defend.
  20. https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/raskin-points-republicans-might-get-dems-support-speaker-rcna120995
  21. Hey, from the link it is clearly an opinion only. Just because his fact presentaion works for his assesmant Waking up late?
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