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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. QAnon do not want anything to do with facts except to slant the narraitve which is all they ever have anyways.
  2. https://jabberwocking.com/donald-trump-is-showing-strong-signs-of-dementia/
  3. https://news.yahoo.com/house-speaker-chaos-new-poll-shows-americans-increasingly-blame-republicans-for-dysfunction-in-congress-184926836.html
  4. https://politicalwire.com/2023/10/17/rfk-jr-pulls-more-support-from-trump/
  5. “Mr. Trump is facing criminal charges,” the judge told the court. “He does not get to respond to every criticism of him if his response would affect potential witnesses. That’s the bottom line here.” https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/donald-trump-attacks-judge-tanya-chutkan-gag-order-1234855458/
  6. First offence is fine and possible next offence is jailtime.
  7. I personally just can't stand him as he is not the sort to learn anything, ever. I respect many others with differing views as they take care to discover the facts. Thank God I and many others are on his ignor list and we wear that bage of honor. My sin was I asked if he took the time to look into the issue being discussed.
  8. https://mlbbite.net/ https://reddit1.nflbite.com/
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/10/29/5-times-democrats-came-to-john-boehners-rescue/ Times have changed.
  10. From this overwelming MAGA posters replies, you know Gym has a sure thing going on. Let's add hope then. https://www.salon.com/2023/10/14/jim-jordans-weekend-plan-wrestle-his-foes-into-submission/ LOL
  11. I'm shocked he had 7 hard nos and 7 undecided and this is the result. I expect the worse to follow. Sad Republicans, when real leadership is no where to be found.
  12. Do you always ask such stupid questions?
  13. You are corret. In my case it amounts to additional 10 dollarsn plus bank charge savings.
  14. I think not. I see the rate at XE. I see the rate of BBK and the differences are .021. The US bank takes 500B and the Thia side takes 200B
  15. When I set up with Bangkock Bank 5 years ago I did with thier B first Debit card, Mastercard. with free almost everywhere ATM and also all available other Bank card transactions. After that I did the Auto deposit thru NY NY branch using that form and opened at the Saraphi branch. Yearly fee is 300B.
  16. Elect Trump, he already is the House leader. Just do it!
  17. Team Trump This is what we do.
  18. Why didn't Democrats rescue Speaker McCarthy? https://www.yahoo.com/news/why-didnt-democrats-rescue-speaker-mccarthy-173157244.html
  19. Yes, a preview is a big help. The evidence however will overwhelm his lawyers and is why he most likely will be found guilty.
  20. Trump at 2 am endorsing Steven Colbert.
  21. Patrick too is seriously scared of monster Nancy like you. McHenry orders Pelosi to vacate Capitol office in one of first acts as Speaker pro tem
  22. Live Kevin on Fox right now trying to weasel his sad story. Press keeps the boy whinging about his claim he's has not ever lied ,,,
  23. But then there is also Stevie! LOL House speaker contender Steve Scalise reportedly called himself ‘David Duke without the baggage’ https://news.yahoo.com/house-speaker-contender-steve-scalise-211937557.html
  24. Texas Republican will nominate Trump for Speaker of the House https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4237172-texas-republican-will-nominate-trump-for-speaker-of-the-house/ LOL Good luck with that.
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