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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. When this all started up like anything, when you have a demand you have problem solvers. The fact is that initially about 70% is imported. The local growers have entered and this is a problem quickly fading. Money talks and bull<deleted> walks. These growers deserve the right to earn.
  2. Not at all convincing as I trust my conversations more than your links. We all can manufacture the truth to slants so we drill our opinions to light. NBC News poll: Nearly 70% of GOP voters stand behind Trump ...
  3. I have yet to speak to any Independent or Democrats not wanting Trump to win the Republican primaries. Finally everyone is thinking as one voice.
  4. True that the year he was voted out was indeed CNN' highest ratings ever . Funny how facts matter.
  5. I think the host Roy Wood Jr ripped the dinner nicely. His famiLy must be as proud of him as he is of his own family. I think he deserves that replacement opening on The Daily Show.
  6. Seriously? I challenge your speculation his headed for a landing at these fringe outpost as anything valuable when in comparison to the three networks who have already fired his ass. MSNBC Fired 58 Billion value, CNN Fired 8 billion value and Fox News Fired 16 Billion value. Seems like desperate conclusion IMHO
  7. All the cult commenters calling this suit unjust to go after Trump obviously don't read. I feel no need to help them to wake up. The law is the law without their understanding
  8. The Young Turks on YT was saying he is running for President
  9. Bingo ! They couldn't control him -- that's the reason he got fired. Rupert let I'm know who is the Daddy. Rupert is getting his house in order and Tucker was part of him taking back the Republicans.
  10. Sums it up pretty clearly I think: https://www.yahoo.com/news/why-did-tucker-carlson-leave-fox-news-heres-what-we-know-230800125.html
  11. With out the cult following he will begin an historic fall is my opinion. Same as the clown Dan Bongino
  12. Does Tucker Carlson's Family Own Swanson? Snopes https://www.snopes.com › Fact Check Claim: Tucker Carlson's family owns Swanson food products. Fact check by Snopes: False
  13. Shock and awe is all you got and when confronted with truth you fold. Not pointing finger but that is Trumps mode of operation. I am NOT accusing though. Just saying.
  14. Probably like myself worrying they may look into my daughters sock draw. dufus Montanan's.
  15. Biden quote by his dad. He said, “Joey, don’t compare me to the Almighty. Compare me to the alternative.” Well, the alternative to the Democrats are the MAGA Republicans. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/08/26/remarks-by-president-biden-at-a-at-a-democratic-national-committee-grassroots-rally/ No worries as long as it is still Trump.
  16. I'm not that stupid to imagine you would ever find any facts convincing other than Trump lies which you lap up.
  17. If your' needing a right wing fix just type in the following, as not one nice thing has ever been written about Biden and has only high praise for Trump. https://www.foxnews.com/politics
  18. 48% say he shouldn't 16% say don't know = 64 100-64 = 36!! The new way to round up for Trump supporters
  19. Trump will win the Republican's nomination and will face his defense of Putin.
  20. Votes decide election winners and Americans would not stand for that sort of win
  21. This ends now. Nothing Burger. Bye...
  22. Maybe that is exactly just the opposite. Thanks to Biden stepping up to Putin. Maybe the two sides start to work together. Maybe the guilty in time gets their due. I think my country is the best in the world. Today is a celibration day!
  23. I hope both him and Green are the winning nominations.
  24. I recently have felt he is apt to quit this Summer
  25. Since you asked six hours ago it has been reported 30 counts of business fraud.
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