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Everything posted by RSD1

  1. Great to see there is no arrogance or pretentiousness around here.
  2. That poor fron't wheel.
  3. Daily. I'll need to provide diagrams or you won't be able to understand.
  4. Photos of multiple women in bed (without you in them) or it didn't happen.
  5. did you meet her at the talaht nut?
  6. WTF? Did you misread the title of this topic? This is about Thai women with money. Not about homos in China eating each other's loads. Ewwwww
  7. No way, must be purely because of your great personality, unmatched intelligence, immense sense of humor and unrivaled honesty. No wait...
  8. First post should be a list of the biggest diicks on AN.
  9. Sex is never really free. You pay for it one way or another. Money, time, effort, grief, there is always a price.
  10. 62 years old with 2 grown kids and a bunch of rubber trees? Sorry, not high on my wish list.
  11. Egos, the most fragile superficial surface known to mankind. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  12. More good news. And another post about penises. The topic probably deserves its own sub-forum by now. 😳
  13. How many meaningless posts insulting other members have you already made on this topic? It boggles. And when does it stop? It's pathetic and unprecedented. You really need to get a life. Sheesh.
  14. Clearly even greater delusions of grandeur. Silence isn't a sign of love. And just because they don't write to tell you to go get foonked does not mean in any way that they love you.
  15. Thats what the majority of your "readership" already does.
  16. Readership? You're kidding right? Deluded beyond words. A true beguiled legend in his own mind.
  17. What are you thanking people for? Your untreatable verbal diarrhea got you there. Had nothing to do with anyone else.
  18. So off topic. And nobody cares. Clearly mentally deficient. Take your meds and go back to sleep.
  19. Are you 12 years old? 🤦
  20. No, wrong, that wasn't one of the charges. And Clinton is an unrelated whataboutism. You're so off all the time. Pathetic answers. Must be drunk.
  21. 100% false. And who cares.
  22. But he's a convicted criminal felon for 38 criminal felony charges and was found civilly liable for sexual abuse, right?
  23. 25% of Trump supporters are old and poor.
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