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Everything posted by DUNROAMIN

  1. Wont be long before the Russian Mafia control the Island.
  2. The norm here, first maintenance check in 25 years, well done. Our local Big C went into panic mode and shut down its elevator stairs for maintenance.
  3. Hi all, can someone tell me who lives in Ubon Ratchathani if the airport has opened its long term parking yet? A couple of years ago they concreted a new area for long term parking, then it was closed for some reason? Wanting to park my car for about 3 weeks. Cheers
  4. Wow, Joe Bidens brother.
  5. Hmm, all electrical cables are ment to be encased in pvc pipe in the walls. Check inside the power box for moisture. Maybe the new RCBO will solve the problems. Like I said its a matter of elimination. Cheers
  6. Many Thais will remove this feature, as it is too expensive to o find the fault. There are many causes, faulty appliences, water, gekos, faulty wall socket. I would install new RCBO and try to pin point the fault, without it you are playing russian roulette. Does it happen when raining, when you plug in a applience, use a particular wall socket, etc. Most times here in Thailand is because of crappy workmanship when wiring your home, all wire connections here are just twisted together and covered with insulation tape. Good luck.
  7. Prickly heat, use baby talc after shower when dry. Same problem for me, feels like something crawling on your skin. If you get it bad you can use a local topical cream to help, ask your Phamacy for treatment.
  8. Phuket is fast becoming totally overrun by Mafia thugs.
  9. Hes a CCP BASHER.
  10. He is not a chinese basher, he is a CCP basher.
  11. And I thought China was one of the biggest polluters in the world, I was wrong, they are going all out to help the environment becoming green again, good job China.????
  12. I Learnt after 7 years here the best thing to do here is ignore what hapens on the road here, too many crazies in Thailand, drive on and stay alive, with your cash in your pocket.
  13. Need 6 months valadity before entering into most countries. Better sooner than later.
  14. Wow, Thais are allowed to have parties with 2 miter high wall of speakers vibrating your windows 2 sois away, but a farang not allowed to have bluetooth speaker.
  15. Mazuma hot water unit POWER 4 series (6000w) 12 month warranty My experience with Mazuma hot water unit. I purchased a Mazuma Power 4 series unit after some research on the internet and actually comparing the workings inside the unit against other brands. After 6 months it shat itself and you could not control the heat, as if the thermostat was not working. I called the warranty phone number, (Bangkok), and they directed the call to their Mazuma agent in the nearest major city to my location, (Ubon Ratchathani). As I am nearly 160Klms from their location I had to wait a week for them to call, this is where the fun started. The technician, (well somebody who looked the part) arrived to take a look. He brought some parts with him only to find they were for a different model, ( they were informed of the model before coming). The mans leaves and said he will return in one week with correct parts. Week two he returns with new parts and still the unit will not function, I asked what's the problem, 'I don't know' he informs me he will take the unit back to the shop for inspection. Week 3, the man returns with the repaired unit and installs it, but once again will not function correctly. At this stage, I am getting pissed off with the company, as they will not replace the unit with a new one. The man rings his boss and he is instructed to return the unit to the shop and they will forward it to Bangkok for inspection. At this stage I had had enough BS and told the technician to take the unit away and not return, otherwise, another week or two in Bangkok and who knows what condition it would have been in. The technician was embarrassed by his companies attitude towards to incident and apologized. So, I will not be purchasing any Mazuma products in the future as their warranty and customer relationship is somewhat undesirable. I paid nearly 7000B for this unit and it lasted 6 months. The stupidity of the company bewilders me, when you think that they sent a technician on a 320Klm round trip 3 times and if allowed it would have been 4 trips, considering, fuel, technician man hours and now bad publicity, no logic here. If you have purchased a Mazuma product and have had no issues, good luck for you. I would not recommend this company purely on its warranty and customer service. Note: I installed a separate circuit for the unit back to the switch board (6 mm cable with earth) as recommended by the company.
  16. Military senators dont want the brown envelopes to stop.
  17. A fews weeks from now Junta will take over again, Thailand looking like Mynmar.
  18. Lets not forget brown envelopes from families to secure a job for their Daughters and Sons.
  19. Hi to all, just curious as to how your local Big C shopping center is fairing at the moment. Is Big C in financial trouble across Thailand? When I first moved here in 2016 my local B C shopping Mall was packed with specialty shops and food outlets upstairs and downstairs and the supermarket was always busy. I am keeping in mind that covid took its toll on all retaill outlets for the first 2 years and its a slow road back, however, in the last 12 months Big C has gone down hill in major way. 70% of its specialty shops have gone, plus sweensens icecream, chester chicken and recently MK dine in has gone. The only food outlet left now is Kentucky Fried Chicken and a few food stalls upstairs in the food court. In the Big C supermarket their stock has deminished significantly, with clearance shelves and tables now dotted around the store. Currently the bottom floor is like a ghost mall. I also have noticed 3 of Robinsons restaurants have closed as well, plus a couple of food court outlets have gone. Anybody noticing changes in their area.
  20. The country runs on brown envelopes, always has, always will. New politicians will just come up with better ways to use brown envelopes.
  21. Does NCAP ratings include the integrity of the EV's electrical and battery system?
  22. No passport no hotel, unless you stay at 1 star flea ridden resort, they dont ask.
  23. You cant search. No point all True movies are old <deleted>.
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