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About Mickmouse1

  • Birthday November 5

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    Bath 😆

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  1. this comment tantamount to a racist remark. WHY ARE YOU HERE THEN?
  2. Very true , in USA & UK where I witnessed such abuse of power
  3. Why start now? FUTILE XERCISE 55..THEY R Z BEST M8 555
  4. That is how it is done in some QRTs
  5. What a privilege and Luxurious hospitality!! I wonder how many Thai oldies behind bars seeing a specialist when similarly I'll? Of course the bill was taken care of by the Chief of ******
  6. I wonder how many other normal 70+ prisoners get some of these comforts if not PRIVILEGES?
  7. Maybe MyAirline is going to offer Samui based on CS with BKK AIRWAYS.
  8. I think the writer was trying to spice up his article.
  9. GEORDIE, the land was acquired for a specific project but somehow part of it was used to construct the Luxury condo. Private company misusing the land for private gain.Obviously big money has changed hands to gain approval etc. GOOD ORDER BY THE COURT. Good moaning Thailand, regards
  10. If I were to help them generate real income ,I will ensure that every person and animal going into or out of the Airport vicinity pays 55 ThB only. This will be for all including TRAINS,BUSSES,MOTORBIKE ,THE WHOLE LOT 55 only
  11. So what? Another One but not in uniform. It is their country ,enjoy it. Those who do not like IT ,well, u know what 2 do!
  12. Good for all as long as thai authorities accept the ROUBLES. Otherwise complicated.
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