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Posts posted by the_heart_thief

  1. I still sleep with all my lights turned on. (Can't sleep otherwise. Now that I talk about it, does anyone have a suggestion or a solution?)

    Have you tried using a light on a dimmer switch and slowly setting the light level lower and lower on progressive nights until finally it's dark? Most people have trouble overcoming their phobias in one step, but can often do it if they take it small steps at a time. I'd suggest installing a dimmer switch that has some marked levels on the plate, or make your own markings and every night set it just ever so slightly lower than the previous night. You probably won't notice the difference from one night to the next and so pyschologically you'll think it's the same as what you're used to. If you start getting afraid, turn it back up a bit and keep it there for several nights and then try again to lower it.

    Great suggestion, Soju. I do have 2 dim lights and I'll give your suggestion a try. (If I feel brave enough, but now that I think about it ....... I'm kinda feeling nervous. ***sigh. Never worry though, my cowardice levels do vary from time to time.)

  2. I still sleep with all my lights turned on. (Can't sleep otherwise. Now that I talk about it, does anyone have a suggestion or a solution?) I also play music all night --- poor neighbors! No wonder they are so pissed at me. (Oiy just kidding about the 'angry neighbor part.')

  3. :D I had a hel_l of a night ! I tried to sleep but half an hour later i woke up because at least 6 mosquito stings all over the parts of my body which were not covered by the duvet were itching like hel_l. After curing them I tried to sleep and woke up half an hour later with the same problem and 6 more stings (or 10?). After the third round I took almost a bath in mosquito repellent which helped so far that I was able to sleep til the morning.

    What could I do to 1. repell mosquitos right away (they love me for no reason :o ) or 2. to cure the stings? The best application for the stings that I know so far is toothpaste, which helps incredibly well but I'm looking for further advices.

    What do you do? Any secrets to share how to avoid stings (e.g. what to eat/apply/wear)?

    Count yourself as lucky! I woke up this morning with 5 mosquito bites on my face. Those d amn mosquitos don't bite me anywhere else except there. *** s i g h.

    I would like to propose a number of solutions, but.........

    1. Drink as much alcohol as possible. (Mosquitos who bite us will probably get too drunk to fly.)

    2. Catch one and then, torture it. (Sqeezing it every 10 seconds might work...????)

    3. Play very loud music. (Mosquitos who wander in your room will end up needing hearing aids.)

    4. Play it cool. Stay awake all night and swat them ASAP.

    5. Breed Lizards and Spiders. (Mosquitos are scared of them!)

  4. 3 weeks ago, I was in Koh Samui for ten days. And you'll never believe it if I say, I only had 2 sunny days and 8 R A I N N Y lonesome and boring days. S ucks!

    Rain, Rain, go away.

    Come again, another day.

    Little me wants to play.

    Rain, Rain, go away.

  5. Hi all,

    I would like to ask if there are any other restaurants in BKK with nice ambience besides the State Tower and Banyan Tree? I've had dinner at both places with my gf and am looking for other restaurants for her coming birthday.

    Try "Cabbage and Condoms." It has a cool ambience, though the food isn't that great.

  6. Every once in awhile I like to have some food from home and right now it is a good hamburger. I live in the Pratunam area and I have not found one place around here. I am looking for a big fat, juicy hamburger, with onions and pickles, mustard and ketchup, a slice of sharp cheddar cheese, and a toasted bun. Are you as hungry as I am?

    Seriiously, if you know of any really good places please let me know.



    Try "Big John's" at Sukhumvit 55 (Thonglo).

  7. I used to hate the way my ex girlfriend would stay in bed sleeping until eleven a.m. even though there was laundry to be done, dishes to be washed, floors to be mopped, grass to be cut, beers to be fetched, breakfast to be made, windows to be wiped, car to be cleaned, motorcy to be refueled. walls to be painted etc etc etc.

    Glad i got rid of her

    And what were you doing while she was still sleeping at eleven? (Thought some of the "stuff that needs to be done" you mentioned was your job.)

    1. Hate my X for treating me like a f riggin' maid. (And to think that I paid half of the bills and everything! The nerve.)

    2. Can't stand when people pick their nose in the street! It's gruesome.

    3. Can't stand when men bug me while I'm running, shopping, checking-out books or when I'm sitting in the park trying hard to relax.

    4. Hate my X. He cheated on me for a hooker! (Makes me wonder if I'm that bad in bed.)

    5. And I get pissed when people mistakes me for a "working girl." (Just for no particular reason at all!)

  8. Each time I top up my DTAC cell phone (I buy 50 baht prepaid cards) I get the usual message telling me my balance in baht and then the expiration date of my card.

    My expiration date has been 3 days from date of purchase since I started to use my phone again in december. From talking to other people this is way way out of the usual, as these are not supposed to expire for months and possibly a year. I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to why DTAC keeps screwing me over and I keep having to buy 50 baht cards every 3 days?

    Well, I get 30 days for a 300Baht card.

  9. Whenever i see Thai gold it reminds me of the garbage that the african "lucky lucky" man would try and sell me on the beach in Fueringarola 20 years ago.

    Discerning Thai folk know that this stuff is coveted by those who aspire to be more than they are.

    They don't think otherwise!

  10. Gawd...not another paedophile thread.

    Thought that these had been officially discouraged by the Mods.

    Nothing wrong with this type of thread. With any luck, some of these disgusting fukc will read this and be shamed. Hang'em if you can

    Yeah, I agree!

    We could all sit here and think about the worse things we could do to child molesters, but nothing we do, no matter how horrible and gruesome it will be is good enough for them. They deserve so much worse!

    Victims and their families carry the long-term emotional and psychological effects of this gruesome acts. That's always the sad part. (True, there are minors who sell their flesh for money, but they need help not exploitation.)

  11. I should have been a cowboy.

    I should have learned to rope and ride..................

    Whiskey for my men and beer for my horses...........

    Too many people running

    running around the planet.

    Why does it have to happen

    that you find your way through mine.

    Tell me what is this sweet sensation

    it's a miracles it's happened.

    Though I search for an explaination

    only one thing that could be.

    Coz I was born for you

    it was written in the stars.

    And in this random world

    it was clearly meant to be.

    Like as if the powers of the Univers

    conspired to make you mine.

    Until the day I die

    I bless the day that I was born for you.

    Too many foolish people

    trying to come between us.

    Non of this really matter

    coz you found your way through mine.

    Though I search for an explaination

    I could never find the answers



    That I was born for you

    and that you were born for me.

    And in this random world

    it was clearly meant to be.

    What the world could never understand

    or ever take away.

    Until the day I die

    God bless the day that I was born for you.

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