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Posts posted by the_heart_thief

  1. This old man should rot in jail. I don't have any pity for "child molesters."

    A dirt-poor region hit by Tsunami with slim chances of recovery is staggering for survival right now. Their only chance of getting-back on their feet is "their children." The Children, they are the future! Through them, old people realize their hopes and dreams. Then, a crazy guy comes to Thailand and starts currupting them, exploiting their weaknesses, shattering their dreams and hopes. (and that of their parents, relatives, neighbors, and society in general.) What is left of them after all these? What will the future be like? (I don't even want to think about it.)

  2. I know that its just banter, but us Brits seem to come in for a pounding as "Soapdodgers" :D

    Well WE BRITS know it just isn't the case so WHO ARE the great "Unwashed"

    Who are the smelliest Farangs in Thailand?

    I would have done a Poll but the Poll Button seems to have dissappeared today :D

    I have the ANNSWER but..... I better keep my mouth shut! :o

  3. This is a thread i read somehwhere else and not TV. But it makes for interesting reading.ie to see what music people are into. I've been downloading some old music i havent heard for ages(years) So whats playing now? Hue and Cry, Labour of Love. Whats playing where you are? :o

    Right now, I'm listening to Danzig's "Mother." Two minutes ago, "Patience" by Guns and Roses then, before that "Streets of Love," "November Rain," and "Wild Horses" by The Stones.

    Yesterday, I listened to Toby Keith and Johnny Cash most of the time!

  4. What do I do for fun? (Not necessarily in order.)

    1. I play with my "baby", my computer. (Fiddle with it, Fix it -- which I do almost every day, etc. etc.)

    2. Drink Properly (From 6PM til 6AM! This routine vary from time to time like Drinking Properly by the swimming pool, Drinking Properly at a friend's house, Drinking Properly at a club til 2AM, Drinking Properly at a club til 8AM, and etc. etc. etc.)

    3. Party!

    4. Attend Yoga Class.

    5. Read a funny book.

    6. Listen to Music.

    7. "Disco-Dancing"

    8. Bar-hopping.

    9. Bowling.

    10. Build Websites.

    11. Write Friends.

    12. Cook for Friends and for myself.

    13. "Cross-Stitch" (Embroidery.)

    14. Bowling.

    15. Shopping (At the malls, botiques, flea markets, side-walk shops, etc. etc. etc.)

    16. Fine Dining.

    17. Call and "Bug" friends and/or acquaintances.

    18. Lay in Bed and "THINK"

    19. Go to the park! (to run, read a book there, to watch people or to catch some air.)

    20. SLEEP. (For a working and party girl like me, SLEEP is precious.)

  5. I was living in BKK in a 7 year old 40K/mo. condo and I still had roaches. Is it really possible to get a place roach free for under 50K or so in BKK? I must say that when I read about people in ridiculously cheap places (under 10 or even 5K), I envision an infestation of such rodents. I have a real problem cohabitating with them and will pay up to not be forced to do so. Any help is appreciated

    Well I pay around 10K for my place + utilities, and it isn't infested with rodents, roaches or ants. Well, my place is new and it's just 100 meters away from Thonglo BTS. Plus, wireless!!!! (Yeah, yeah, yeah --- my place is not as spacious as I would have wanted but, it looks GOOD these days because I spent a lot of dough PERSONALIZING the furnishings and decors.) I also spend tons of cash for insecticides just to be on the safe said.

    I certainly see a lot of RODENTS, bigger than New-York RATS, but they live somewhere else. Mostly, in the sidewalk, or other Bangkok Buildings.

    I'm ###### lucky!

  6. Cosmetics! They are always wrapped with thick strong plastic, and instead of trying out my very brand new make-up product, I always end up fighting with the thick and strong plastic wrappers and/or picking them up from the floor. What a waste of ........... tsk. tsk. tsk. (What's wrong with paper? or Thin plastic covers?)

  7. Hi, I'm the_heart_thief. (I'm also a diamond thief, so I used to be Ali Baba's apprentice.) I'm a Party Animal most of the time, but my job (teaching) requires me to look and act uptight while working. It's also mandatory that I "eradicate my sense-of-humor at work (if I ever had one). Other than that, I'm alright especially at night when I'm playing with my baby, my computer!

    I guess, that's all I can say about me for now.

  8. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm........... I remember............ I used to make a lot of collect calls for home when I was still in HS and COLLEGE. (I was in the Philippines at that time though.)

    I haven't called "collect" since I got here in BKK. (And I've been here for four years. ######!) Now that I think about it, maybe I should try it. Call my old folks back home! Hmmmmmmmmm...........just like my HS and COLLEGE days.

  9. It depends (!) on how you carry yourself! I've seen people wearing cheap gold jewelries, giving them classy and elegant looks and I've seen some people wearing expensive gold jewelries, who doesn't look elegant or classy at all. Some even look like "Pimps" or Halloween Clowns ready for the masquerade ball!

    The trick is simple! Wear only what makes you look good. (or scary if you're going to some kind of "SCARE" party.)


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