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Everything posted by PremiumLane

  1. No it isn't, cos real conspiracies do come out - crackpot ones stay as being crackpot.
  2. At no point did I say oil was bad, or that it didn't drive industrialised nations. As for the first part, sure, buddy 🙂
  3. Now what social media and media sites are pushing this kind of conspiracy trope? Oh yeah, that would be the ones funded and supported by billionaires connected to the oil industries, funny that.
  4. So just by where they come from they are automatically bad? Now where have I heard rhetoric like this before? And who is "importing" them and who are these radicals?
  5. Come on now, you can't go using facts and logic on here, that's just not cricket!
  6. Pff... have they not read this forum and taken on the thoughts from the world's leading Thailand experts on here?
  7. Anyone who reads this will just think you are a peal clutching lunatic
  8. What scientists? Many are saying overpopulation is bs
  9. One part of it, but not the only part. North Korea can be defined as a fascist state, there is no corporate rule there.
  10. Fancy thinking Ian Kershaw is an obscure writer and then bringing up Adolf Hitler, I will let you Google that to find out 🙂 Or, do you want to back even further and talk about Hagel's ideas of absolute state authority, a big influence on fascism that one. Or, how about Maurice Barrès? Ah, but wait, you will probably whine that they are too "obscure" hahaha And it ain't being "learned and wise", it is called knowing what fascism is.
  11. hahah fancy thinking not supporting "a coup" to stop gay people having rights is not fascist. And shall we go over the historical axioms of fascism and how anything that doesn't fit with the fascists ideas of social norms is "degenerate" and how violence against these outsider groups is seen as a norm... you know, like a coup. I can bring up Umberto Eco's properties of fascism, such as, 'The cult of Tradition', 'Obsession with a plot' and 'Fear of Difference', if you really want to go there? There are also definitions from Emilio Gentile and even Ian Kershaw that would hit the mark with your calling for a coup, cos you don't like other people's lifestyles, and because of some perceived plot by the Western degenerates. You know, if it quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
  12. 99% of this forum
  13. And some people wonder why this forum is dying 🙂
  14. How about you answer the questions I asked, that is specific to the study you are pushing as evidence? But they, you want to pivot to this nonsense which has been utterly debunked before. So let's have a look - Nine pages of adverse event reports from Pfizer-BioNTech in relation to its COVID-19 vaccine are not confirmed adverse events to the shot. They “may not have any causal relationship”. The list was compiled using voluntary reports through various national reporting systems, such as the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the UK’s Yellow Card reporting scheme and the EU’s EudraVigilance database. All you have done here is prove that you don't understand the stuff you post and just parrot dip<deleted> anti-vax talking points.
  15. Yet to see any credible evidence for these millions of side effects that online people keep banging on about
  16. Really simple, prosecute him for no helmet, jumping red lights etc. But the rest of his riding is what I see all the time on Thai roads. The videos of his outrages, mostly just show him filtering.
  17. I do find it telling that if I speak to an actual virologists or other scientist in the field and ask them to explain something, i don't get told "this thread is not for you", they will explain it Kind of funny how anti-vaxxer can't seem to do that
  18. Again, where in the paper does it say that there are long term health effects? Please provide evidence of how this rewiring effects your immune system in a non-beneficial way. You want to be a science communicator, not a good look to just dismiss someone for asking you to explain your reasoning.
  19. What is the human tragedy? Who are "they" and what did they get away with?
  20. So you are a scientist then 🙂 What are the long-term effects you say in your headline, and where does it talk about those in the study?
  21. Old gist moaning that people get an extra day holiday, the horror of it all, society will collapse
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