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Everything posted by PremiumLane

  1. See the usual crowd have come flocking in, basically any story about trans people and they come along to screech about how their feels are hurt cos trans people exists. Bunch of whinging snowflakes
  2. It's was rhetoric............... ????
  3. Yeah, the managers at Took Lai Dee had a meeting, saw there were some Arabs around, so jacked up the prices..... that is what really happened, honest!
  4. GBN as a source, Jesus wept this place is going downhill fast and Dan Wootton, ask him about catfishing colleagues and sexual harassment
  5. so corporations and the ultra rich then
  6. Next headline, this dude doesn't know that only boomers use Facebook anymore
  7. The airport: Hey, we are going to make some improvements, this is why we are doing it and what will happen AseanNow Forum: moan, moan, moan, irrelevant ideas, more moaning, didn't read it so moan some more
  8. say the same about lower Sukhumvit and the farrang ghetto?
  9. Someone once described this forum of smelling like old man's p#ss, I get what he means now
  10. Jesus wept, there are some miserable old gits on this forum
  11. What do conservatives always scream when the cops shoot someone? Oh yeah, he should have complied.
  12. You really don't understand what that word means
  13. I didn't know the FBI were now "the left"
  14. takes the same amount of time to pay by CC, it is really quick.
  15. Fancy using the word "woke", anyone who uses that word seriously should be mocked. The other poster made a solid point, if they break the law then just arrest them and deal with it. Even plod over here can do that, but instead we get this performative bs and media circus.
  16. Minis Forum are good - use the latest processors and get great reviews. You can order directly from them and get it shipped over quickly. Just Google the name for the shop
  17. Sad news, his score for Raging Bull was class
  18. Why the big fuss, there are laws in place, so just go out there and do your job - not rocket science
  19. Translation: I am not going to address the argument you made and just screech that you are a troll. I thought you "podcast" dudes were all about the debate?
  20. I did, and I found out he is a bit of a grifter, and hangs out with idiots - so thanks ????
  21. Huberman's social media communications have been criticized as being akin to biohacking, hyping preliminary results of animal studies as having potential applications for human performance enhancement. The podcast heavily advertises dietary supplements and multivitamins, some of which are promoted directly by Huberman. Huberman also appeared on programs that frequently platform health misinformation. Just another grifter
  22. How about if you get your upper leg done they can cope a feel of your balls, all fair game, right?
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