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Everything posted by PremiumLane

  1. have they been reading this forum?
  2. get a basic android tablet, bigger screen and you can zoom in with double taps - then easy to read for such situations
  3. you forgot a foreigner working who might not have a work permit ????
  4. Nothing gets the boomers on here more excited than a story of a tourist having a crash in Thailand
  5. Source? Illuminatibot................. Jesus Wept, this place is a joke sometimes
  6. hahaha triggered by Sesame Street, are they Postmodern Neo-Marxist as well?
  7. haha It is not scrambling, it is called understanding the difference between Marxism and post-modonism. For man of so called high-IQ you come across as thick. Where did you dig up that quote from? There is no such thing as a Neo-Marxist postmodernist, other than in the drug addled brain of Peterson and far-right goons. It is a made up boogey man to scare simpletons like yourself.
  8. If it quacks like a duck.... you sound like a conspiracy theorist. How do the WHO want it all? And what does that even mean? Who are these "others"? How is the idea of communities having easy access to essential places and services without having to use a car a bad thing? There is nothing about banning cars, it is about making livable spaces without car culture, many places in Europe have done this for decades now. What you are complaining about is rich people and capitalism.
  9. in reference to Peterson using the utterly laughable claim of Neo-Marxist postmodernism, which is basically not a thing and something he has cooked up in his head, or has got from far-right circles
  10. And regarding his nonsense about Bill C-16 https://www.utpjournals.press/doi/full/10.3138/utlj.2017-0073#fn024 Oh no! I am not supporting my claims......
  11. Michael Brooks also said he would debate JP, of course JP declined, cos "the left won't debate me' https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=302530631010543
  12. I don't think you understand what those words mean, happy reading https://www.news.com.au/technology/online/social/jordan-peterson-roasted-for-sharing-male-milking-bdsm-porn-video/news-story/bbe535a21a7a7199fcc9280289d8e007
  13. Here is yet another reason why he is a clown, earlier this year he posted a photo of men being "milked" by machines, and with his usual righteous fury, proclaimed that this is what the government in China do to all the men there and they will be doing this to all red-blooded males soon in the West. Turns out the photo was from pornhub and showed a sexual fetish, and had nothing to do with the Chinese government. I have more if you want, but oh yeah, I can't provide arguments for why he is a clown, right?
  14. Well so far I have provided lots of reasons to back up my claim that JP is a clown, all you have done is whinge and cry and engaged in a hell of a lot of projection. Suck it up, buttercup, your boy is an idiot ????
  15. Oh look, another "coherent argument" - how about the fact that he actually uses the phrases "post-modern Marxist" and if you have any understanding of Marxism you would know how dumb that phrase is. Also, his use of "cultural Marxism" a well know conspiracy theory cooked up by the soup-brains of the far-right and literal Nazis. It is a nonsense vapid phrase, banded around by people who don't know what they are talking about. I am not a Marxist, but at least I have read Marx and know enough about his theories to literally laugh when JP starts waffling on like a 12-grader with no understanding of the subject. And how about his claims that people were going to be locked up in Canada for misgendering people. His claims on this were so obtuse and disingenuous that even the law society of Canada had to issue a statement basically saying that JP doesn't know what he is talking about.
  16. they don't, that is the point, it is JP that runs away from debates... try learning to read error, was meant to say unreasonable, it is the usual boring shtick from JP fanboys I literally gave you reasons why he is a clown, I mean, I can go into more if you really want. And like most JP fanboys you are incapable of actual reading
  17. Oh you mean like when he debated Slavoj Zizek and clearly didn't know anything about the subject and admitted he hadn't even read Marx. Or, how about him whinging on Joe Rogan about how the "left" won't debate him. Which is funny considering how poorly he did with Slavoj Zizek and how he ran away from a debate with the economist Richard Wolff. Shall we also bring up his embarrassing claims to Matt Dillahunty about addiction and god? And then there is his melt down and Benzos addiction, and let's not forget his inane vapid posting on social media, or his cozying up to the fascists (and before you start winning, it is funded by right-wing backers and has self-proclaimed fascists as hosts) on the Daily Wire. So your "oh the left are reasonable" response is laughable
  18. aww did you get triggered?
  19. Two things are guaranteed in life, death and old farts on this forum whining about beauty queens being "ugly"
  20. Awesome, I hope it made you cry ????
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