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Posts posted by PremiumLane

  1. 3 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    So why isn't the offending riders insurance not covering this accident???

    Or is this just another case of "you're a foreigner screw you" ??


    Por-o-bor insurance is peanuts, he has probably already had that. If the other rider didn't have any other insurance, then all the lad can do is negotiate with the cops, however if the lad didn't have a license  then the cops will view him as being illegal on the road. Has nothing to do with being a foreigner, if you are legally allowed on the roads then the cops will negotiate for payments to be made. 

    • Like 2
  2. 16 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    I have a Honda Click, yes i can get better shocks, still not sure they'll be good enough.


    The stock shocks are <deleted>, get YSS fitted and the SAG measured for your weight. But don't get the cheapest one, at a minimum get the one with rebound and preload - tell them  you want a softer ride when you set it up. You can also get YSS springs for the front forks as well. 


    Also, as someone else said, tyres make a difference. If it is the 160 Click, the stock IRCs are pretty good, but get the Pirelli Angel Scooters for even better comfort. 


    Doesn't matter what scooter you buy, they all come with budget suspension. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. On 1/25/2024 at 7:53 AM, bamnutsak said:

    Based on the two photos in the OP, it looks like this glitch affected both Departing Immigration and Arriving Immigration.


    Another black-eye for Thailand's aspirations to hit 40 million this year.





    Can just see millions of tourists in the West saying, "We are going to have to cancel that trip to Thailand, I heard there are some queues at the airport!" 

  4. On 1/18/2024 at 1:05 PM, NanLaew said:

    Now, all you malcontents squatting in moobahns and bahn nawk, whining about how s**t your home has become, register to vote, vote Reform and let's get shot of the bloody Tories.


    You mean the kind of dudes who whine about immigrants, while being an immigrant but thinking they are an "expat" - of course they would vote for a clown show like Reform

    • Confused 1
  5. On 1/8/2024 at 6:52 AM, Skipalongcassidy said:

    Too bad other countries don't tax income... oh wait... they do.  This is a measure by Thailand to collect tax from those who don't pay... it is not aimed at pensions, SSI, or other previously taxed income... it's aimed at those that are generating income and not paying their fair share.


    Using facts in here? Don't you know it is all about their feels and knee-jerk outrage at everything

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  6. On 1/8/2024 at 7:23 AM, Henryford said:


    The problem is that people's idea of "surviving" has changed. My wife didn't work when we were bringing up children so we had to make sacrifices. Few foreign holidays, nights out etc. Now just "surviving" means 3 foreign holidays a year, 2 mobile phones, streaming tv and sky sports, 2-3 nights out a week, new leased BMW every 3 years. No wonder people can't "afford" to have children.


    In your opinion, I like to deal in actual facts 

  7. On 1/8/2024 at 10:14 AM, Bday Prang said:

    I have heard of him, of course, but, I am not a teenager and probably like most on here, this is the first video of him i have ever watched,

                 I see nothing particularly offensive or controversial in what he is saying in it.  Whatever else he may have said or done in the past is irrelevant  regarding this thread.

                 Your obviously anti Tate stance is based  on whatever he has previously said or done, and is nothing more than virtue signalling to others of your ilk.  A sad  attempt to enhance your wokeness. 

                  The stupid woman in the video probably considers herself to be woke too,   So woke that she kicked off over paying a few cents extra for a cup of tea, A few cents that she could easily afford, but that would no doubt make a huge difference to the poor old woman, she had obviously upset enough to chase her. 

                 Its no surprise that , despite "running for her life" she still managed to find time to video the whole incident,  skillfully playing the victim to divert from her privileged indignation at being "overcharged" and obvious lack of empathy for a poor old woman who probably hasn't got 2 cents to her name. A typical woke hypocrite

                 And you assertion that the proceeds of overcharging end up in the pockets of local officials, effectively accusing the old woman of being some sort of unofficial tax collector working on behalf of the corrupt authorities is one of the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard


            here's what you said.......



    "Most of these poor countries are due to the elites creaming the money for themselves. Think about that Andrew."

    You have just given a pretty good reason for first world countries to stop all aid to impoverished third world countries... very woke indeed


    "I agree there are a large number of poor people in the country but they do not get the benefit of the increase costs that foreigners pay. If they did i would be in support of it, ".......         Yeah sure you would ,until you were asked to pay a few cents more than a local .you would soon be moaning on here if that happened to you.


     " Dude, is an utter clown who should be mocked and laughed at".....   for exposing the hypocrisy of  spoilt little lefties ? 

    Anyone who takes this clown seriously, needs their head checking" ...  In the video he makes a perfectly valid point, 


       Sorry pal,  but  in the context of this thread, at least,   Andrew Tate actually comes across as considerably  more principled and far less hypocritical than you ,    


    Jesus wept, he ain't goona f#ck you, dude.


    You mean I don't want to traffic women and be violent towards them? And I don't set up scams to rip-off lonely men, then yeah, I am principled :) 

    • Agree 1
  8. On 1/6/2024 at 11:25 PM, Bday Prang said:

    This is the first time i have ever watched a video from andrew tate to be honest, and he seems to talk a lot of sense. I can assure you I am not a snowflake or woke etc,  I am apparently an extreme right wing racist nazi according to the more progressive  liberal posters on here. Just letting you know


    Not a snowflake, cries because some people call me some names... sure, dude. 

    • Haha 1
  9. On 1/5/2024 at 5:05 PM, impulse said:


    I'm sensing some negative energy there.  And some denial. 


    Problem with harboring negative energy toward someone is that the knot is in my stomach and they're blissfully unaffected.  Often referred to as "rent free space in my brain".



    I am sensing that the only one triggered is you :) 

    • Haha 1
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