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Posts posted by mki8

  1. "Humans are all animals. You might be in denial of such a scientific fact though." humans have intelligence. they can choose what is good for them instead of what gives pleasure.

    Non-human animals have intelligence too, and they can choose what is good for them too. How do you think animals in the wild have survived for millions of years up to this day?

    Actually, pleasure seeking activity is linked with survival of species. Just one example is sexual activity. Another is taste of food.

    "Which drug culture are you talking about"

    1)junkies run out of money very quickly. to bu drugs they start to sell it. to sell - they need more users

    2) if more of their friends are taking the drug they feel less miserable. that's why they try to hook all people they know

    Are you aware that not all consumers of illegal drugs are "junkies"?

    animals choose not by intelligence, but by instincts. but humans made so complicated environment so instinct give them wrong answers. that's why people who do what instincts tell them - always lose.

    nature made pleasure as a reward for useful activity (for DNA spreading) - sex, eating, defecating etc. but drug users hijack this system to get a stronger pleasure. but brain self-regulates - if it feels that the stimulation of pleasure receptors is too strong - it makes them less sensitive. that's why drug users soon lose an ability to get pleasure by natural way - and become hooked. like rats with electric brain stimulation.

    real conscious humans can ignore the urge to feel pleasure - and do what is good for long perspective. drug users -those who hijacked their pleasure system - can't. that's why they are not humans anymore. and should be treated accordingly.

    "Are you aware that not all consumers of illegal drugs are "junkies"?" all of them are on different steps on the way to addiction. strong type of psych can last longer. but the end is the same.

    how can you say drug users are not human ?

    every human on the planet has some form of addiction, and every human IS addicted to one drug or another.

    just think about it as you sit there drinking your morning coffee as you read this.

  2. How come as you read article there seems to be a 700 milion difference from headline?

    lets not spoil things with exact figures and calculations and stuff

    they had to use 4 casio calculators next to each other to work this out

    they used calculators so it all must be correct

    and better not mention they will lose that extra amount as exchange rate goes back to what it was last before

    or that half will be lost when economy collapses after years of propping up the baht and unsustainable debt.

    Congratulations all round, on the false strength of the baht.

  3. with the baht having false strength

    UK (or EU) will not be here in numbers like they used to, and wont be until the baht weakens to a more realistic rate,

    and even then it may be too late, as Thailand has ALREADY lost many tourists from UK and EU over past 10 years

    and once they find other places to visit that have better value for money,

    its doubtful they will have any reason to return to thailand.

    Thailand wont try to do anything until its too late, and likely then will be an idiotic attempt at something silly

    Obviously the Russians, Indians and Chinese gave the country a much better deal............................

    UK is TAT's scapegoat, for a while

    maybe they will release actual real figures and stats about tourism

    and then blame the UK for leaving EU,

    sounds logical............

  4. I've just got my multiple non-o based on marriage from Savannaket (27/03/16) and it's the same process as always. However 2 interesting things occurred during my latest trip.

    First, when leaving for my trip I couldn't find my photos ... Didn't seem to mind as I remembered a ramshackle hut next to the Thai embassy in Laos that could knock me up a couple of passport photos. BIG mistake! I exited Thailand and arrived at the Laos border (on the bus across the friendship bridge) only to need a photo for my Laos entry visa. I didnt have one. My mind pictured me having to reboard the bus, re-enter Thailand find a Kodak shop, return to Laos and try to get to the embassy before 11am. Massive panic for about 15 minutes before I sheepishly approached the immigration officer and explained my situation. No problem he took a photocopy of my passport instead. panic over.

    Arrive at the embassy and head to the ramshackle hut to get some photos. (It's now opposite the embassy instead of next to it) and the owner started helping me fill out my form. He then asked me if I wanted a 'same day visa' and that he could 'help'. Unfortunately I had already booked and paid for a room in Savannaket for the night so I politely declined. I didn't enquirer as to how much his 'help' would cost but I would have certainly been interested as there is nothing to do in Savannaket except get drunk and wait for your visa.

    Anyway everything worked out ok, visa is fine. Good luck in the Land of Smiles

    good to hear that they can help you get same day service (even though i literally booked my hotel)

    but i will see how much they want for same day service next week

    i dont mind paying for hotel for just a few hours if it means i can get back a day earlier

  5. Wow what a hot head, murdered a person for a small taxi fare probably no more than 100 baht max.

    It's a shame for everybody else that the world is full of these type of idiots.

    Since you can't know for sure the exhorbant amount the taxi was trying to charge then you couldn't possibly say it was a small fare. I have ridden the those for less than a kilometer and been asked to pay over 200 baht. Rather than me getting angry I throw a 50 at him and walk away.

    if you read the article, instead of assuming the taxi was trying to overcharge, the passenger did not have money on him, and wanted to go inside a building to get money for the taxi, this is common when people do taxi runners, which the taxi obviously knew.

    And to your other comment, it seems instead of you knowing the exact fare or agreeing on said fare BEFORE taking the taxi (which is where i assume times like this you are intoxicated as you forgot to confirm price prior to journey) instead of you paying the requested fare when you reach your destination you then refuse to pay simply because there is no meter stating the fare, and you then decide upon yourself how much you want to pay and then you add more insult by throwing money at them which they most likely have to pick up from the floor.

    It seems you are the lucky one that has not had his neck cut and you have only dealt with taxi's that have thought the trouble is not worth the pittance even to them.

    You will find if a taxi is the bad kind that wants to rip you off (like you must assume all are) most of them would not consider money being thrown at them/on the floor, as payment and they would also take more offence and would not let you just walk off.

    If i do ever catch a moto taxi, i am always aware of the going price for my desired journey, i never ask the price, but i do always over pay by 20-50 baht depending on ride, as the ride is pennies anyway, depending where you are it is usually the quickest method, and its much easier to just be nice to someone providing a service that you need, instead of penny picking.

  6. Don't know why they even changed it.

    Ok i can understand making a lane to turn so not holding up the outside lane

    But the u-turns were better placed before,

    Now when they do decide to open the new u turn, yo need to dash across 3 lanes to get to makro

    And to get back must do the same, which is just not possible, so for going to makro it useless

    It drives me insane getting stuck in traffic waiting to u turn by tesco

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