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Posts posted by mki8

  1. 2 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Never once ever have I heard any Thai call my son a half cast never ever. some times people just dream things up.

    they dont say half caste exactly but there is a word for mix in thai

    just like they call ferang a ferang

    but, i doubt many people use it these days, as mix kids are nothing new

    maybe it says a little  something about the type of thais george associates with

    although he still does not quote the term in Thai

    so maybe he has not heard the word for a very long time either

  2. 21 hours ago, Johnniey said:

    I think if you are talking about Pattaya dwellers only. Why on earth would anyone else want to go to Cambodia?


    uh................ the cost of living quickly springs to mind

    then lets not forget 1 year visa's without any hassle

    1 year business visa's also without hassle, and then you can basically do as you wish work wise


    obviously YOU YOURSELF have only visited cambodia for 1 intention and probably only 1 place you have been


    Personally, Laos would be a nice choice but cambodia is just as laid back

    • Like 1
  3. is everyone clearly missing the obvious...................


    Theives dont have a 6th sense, and i doubt they were just breaking into random trucks

    They knew the money would be inside that truck at that time

    Obviously they had set something up with the victim

    (this sounds similar to the guy who car was robbed of a few mkillion baht by some colombians in bkk)

    They setup a deal with the guy, he goes withdraw the cash, then they rob the cash

    most likely the guy was going to the temple to balance out his karma for what he was about to do (or thought he was) with the cash


  4. 1 minute ago, Get Real said:

    I don´t understand why everybody is so unhappy with this, and that there are so many negative comment about all things that are happening in Thailand. This is nothing new in the rest of the world, and most of the people complaining here comes from a country that already have a since long developed system for cyber crimes and treats to the nation. Just don´t understand. When things not happen there is complains from everone here on TV, and when something happens htere are the same complaints. Be happy that they are trying to develop a country that since long has been after in every aspect of security and enforcement of laws. Maby there is only afraid people with something to hide or an evil agenda that have negative comments. What do I know? However, Inetnet is a wide network and it must be controlled in some way because there are many people that doesn´t understand what they really can say or not can say. If everyone used common sense and realized that if you are here and live by the rules, you just have nothing to hide. As simple as that instead of just complaining over everything. Negative remarks never solved anything. That´s just for people that think of Thailand as a country that should by like for 20 years ago today. Simple fact! It´s just not going to happen.

    because it has nothing to do with actual cyber security, its about restricting freedom of speech, which does not exist here

  5. 8 minutes ago, domdom said:


    Pls try to read..

    I have a friend coming to visit me. I don t rent anything...

    yeh you tell immigration that they stay rent free,

    obviously you think you can argue your case here......LOL


    the way you word it as if a friend is staying at a condo you own

    as many of us expats here own condos to rent out

    if you said come stay with me, then it would have been much clearer

    if you own the condo, they could still have the same attitude

    if you rent the condo, then its not your concern really,

    but you may be required to inform the owner another guest is staying for a week


    for the sake of maybe 1600 baht, who really cares

    • Sad 1
  6. 1 hour ago, TheMacMan said:

    Usual general comments.... but I have a serious question.

    How are you meant to register relatives or friends who come to visit?

    What is the process?

    My son is coming to visit/stay for a while so what should I do to make sure all is legal??


    How about some info on the form, the place to report (surely not everyone has to go to the immigration offices?)

    Can you report with a form at the local police station?

    you can do it online somewhere on immigration website

    dont ask me where though

  7. round and round and round we go


    minimum wage is the worst thing that can ever happen to a country

    just look at UK since they brought it in

    minimum wage comes in

    the price on everything goes up

    minimum is then not enough and everyone has less than they did before

    so they increase minimum wage

    then the price on everything goes up again

    and the cycle is in motion


    the other problem that sets in sooner or later

    is NOBODY wants to work for the MINIMUM

    (if they actually want to do any work at all)




  8. let me guess the black marks are suposed to be from his hands when gasping for last breath................


    seriously the explanation is impossible,

    he would need to be unconcious already and even then still extremely unlikely

    but would not be suicide if he is unconcious


    it absoultely baffles me, how they can keep coming up with such ridiculous explanations for killing people,

    like the public actually beleive them,

    Thais know its all BS but they also know they are not in any position to do anything, so life goes on


  9. On 30/08/2016 at 10:42 AM, MockingJay said:

    All regular Marihuana user I know and/or ever have worked with were: 
    1) Ineffective

    2) Lots of talk, but no action

    3) Unreliable

    4) Slow (acting AND thinking)
    5) Irresponsible

    6) Always had an excuse for their own shortcomings, mostly others were to blame
    7) Partial or complete disconnection from reality
    8) Telling others what they "SHOULD" do, i.e. become vegetarian, vegan, etc. while themselves living an utterly unhealthy lifestyle (party all night sleep at work, drinking, Ganja, smoking, I don't need a helmet, etc.)
    9) Complete overinflated self esteem (most were complete losers to be honest)
    10) Changing jobs frequently, always someone else to be blamed for that
    11) Unhappy and edgy whenever "sober"... (which basically means whenever they had to physically work)

    Sure - legalize that stuff and make sure that the world tumbles even deeper into stupidity...


    Thats not the weed thats just the people

    i have always hated this notion that drugs change people, while it can be argued to an extent

    it is not always the case, and the people who stand out the most, ie the ones you notice

    would be like that regardless as it is in their nature

    your description sounds like most people i meet, that do not smoke

    it actually sounds like 50% of working class people

    and point number 8 clearly shows you dont really have first hand knowledge of people that need cannabis for living

    the people you describe, like to party, which means alcohol more than cannabis smoker

    basically someone that will get drunk and take whatever, thats just not the same


    Most smokers i know (a lot more than most) prefer NOT to drink alcohol or go partying.


    it seems you just surround yourself with clowns, who will smoke weed.


    i know many people that run very successful businesses and smoke

    my friends father owns an insurance company in UK <deleted>

    he is absolutely minted, yet he still (and always has) enjoys weed

    and trust me he buys the creme de la creme


    i even know many people that run successful businesses while they are class A addicts

    and usually the addiction is what makes them work so hard

    but they always put work before play


    drugs have nothing to do with how a person is, its all down to the individual

    people can be successful and take drugs

    people can be complete duckin morons whether they use drugs or not

    we are all just products of society


    i always used to use a phrase when people would comment that using drugs make you a bad person


    but the reality is

    if your an a-hole your an a-hole


    but like i said the people you describe are not smokers, they are party goers

    and their behaviour you describe has nothing to do with weed

    it is to do with the fact they have been out partying all night every night drinking ALCOHOL


    have you seen the difference in a stoned driver compared to a drunk driver ?

    have you ever seen a bunch of stoned people get in a mass brawl ?

    have you ever heard of heavy stoners getting liver damage and needing hospitals ?

    have you ever heard of a stoner hippie getting stoned and coming home to beat the wife and kids ?

    Have you ever actually thought about how other people live outside your bubble ?




  10. 1 hour ago, balo said:


    Bacon is not good for your health anyway so I call that progress. 


    says who ?

    very naive comment mate with nothing to back it up apart from bias research

    nothing wrong with pork or pork fat, its the other crap that does us damage, oils and sugars

    fruit can be worse than bacon, if you read any recent unbiased research you would know why.

  11. 6 hours ago, Sphere said:

    The only way to stop this is to air-condition all the rice fields, and implement a multi-fold increase in the minimum wage.

    minimum wage is what creates all the problems

    just like western countries, everything goes down hill once governements introduce a minimum wage


    A countries minimum wage should be determined by what the average man and what they will work for, in other words no minimum wage, people will work for what they need or they wont work, businesses will pay whatever they need to get staff or whatever they can get away with depending on the local.


    The problem starts when you introduce a "minimum" as the major problem as many living in UK will agree, people wont work for "minimum" nobody wants to be the bottom of the pile, so once you introduce a minimum everyone wants double it to do any work, or they feel they dont need to actually work good for their employer as their employer is tight as they pay the minimum, it just leads to disgruntled staff, which in turn slowly screw everything up (too much to go into detail)

    and then next like western countries they will bring in more policies to preotect employees so they cannot be fired for small reasons, this would be fine in most cases, but as you now see in western countries, unemployed people dont want to work unless its for more than minimum, and employers are scared to hire staff as they must pay them a decent wage before knowing if they are fully suitable, and if not it can be hard then to get rid of them later.


    Minimum wage has a HUGE knock on effect in all businesses and economy.


    It keeps the working class poorer, as cost of living increases quicker than the minimum wage does, and it just goes on and on as you see now in UK and other countries.


    Its like saying we are going to make sure you get double what you are earning now, but the cost of living will triple this time next year.


    Back to the topic, maybe they just not wanting them to go abroad, as not enough to work here anymore, i know its nothing like it used to be here.


    And at the story, sounds more like the 4 women did not understand the working conditions before they went, and thought it would be like working in Thailand, where they can sit in a bar get drunk all night, refuse a customer or 2 if she chooses, and then go to work when she wants with the customer she wants, instead they got to malaysia where everything is a lot more hush hush, where they were told they have to stay in the apartment, and customers are brought to them, who they cannot refuse, and maybe 5-20 customers a day.


    Some agents/pimps also pay by the day rather than the customer, so when they say guaranteed 10,000 baht a day, they dont mention the 10-20 customers a day bit, you could just see the 4 girls getting there and realizing its more like work and they dont have the freedom like they do when home, and then complaining they want to leave.

  12. Of course they wont legalize them as the prices would come down, and those in control earn a pretty penny as it is now, so why change anything.


    But there is a big difference as stated above in legalization and decriminalization, but Thailand really should consider decriminalizing or legalizing which ever you want to put it, the consumption of drugs, as this is just a waste oe time and money for police, wasting their efforts catching drug users instead of drug pushers, but then you go back to my initial statement, seems they are happy to keep showing their tremendous team efforts on tv busting someone for $20 worth of ice at least once a week.


    On another note you have to consider this statement was made to the Asean commuinty, and being pro drugs, or should i say anti anti-drugs, would be the direct opposite of the phillipenes current policies, where they are slaughtering drug users and pushers at the moment without trial or even arrest.




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