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Posts posted by mki8

  1. The truth is a lot more complex than most may think, what we have been shown is what they want us to see, so we just start pointing fingers without ever thinking about motive,

    Some simple things to think about, is all the troops can easily tell the difference between a passenger plane and a fighter jet.

    And why did the pilot venue fly over that area?

    The plane was shot down, and the mess that followed afterwards was just to help cover up the murder of a few of the passengers on board.

    And there was probably a few governments or groups of this knowledge.

    Soldiers just follow orders and never know the true reasons behind their orders

    Don't worry about who shot it down,

    Ask yourself WHY was it shot down?

  2. Great now it's going to be 30 minute queues just like tesco

    I honestly cannot stand being in a queue where people want to pay by card it drives me insane, credit cards are the least convenient payment method, this is just a move to help Thais get even further in debt, it would not be surprising if you soon see a 7-11 partnered credit card come out soon too

  3. So much for the junta cleaning up corruption, it seems prayut is ok with all the horror stories hitting the headlines lately, surely by now they must realized they cannot control social media like they can the media, lately the truth about thailand is becoming global, and will have huge impacts later, but no worry 2 submarines (that take 10 years to be built) will fix all these problems

  4. If I was in your position, I would arrange a meeting with the head. Very politely explain that you believe this to be unfair and then explain that unless your son is allowed to take part in this competition, you will go to the newspapers. if this happens, the whole school will lose face. It would be interesting to see their reaction.

    making threats will not get you anywhere here, if you let the head know they will lose face you will likely be attacked on the spot.

    Better to post the heads picture on facebook and a picture of the school (you will also need to be in the picture pointing at the school so everyone knows what they are looking at, if you could get a pic of your girl pointing at the head that would help loads)

    put you story with pics on facebook, get other opinions and let people know first.

    Then go speak to the head, once it is public knowledge and with support of your FB mob.

    mob rules here, you go speak to head alone he will tell you where to go kap.

  5. Go see a lawyer and Sue the school, this will cost you money and take time. Go to Laos or Cambodia for a year, or go home, change name, get we passport, when you com back find a new school to work at as the school seems to have caused all your problems, and Yeh they will only care about covering the in own backsides, an probably do not care one bit about what happens to you.

  6. As you are stating you stay in a hotel, you may think you know the address as (i assume) you write it in English,

    Just think how many times foreigners may get the address wrong or even wrong hotel,

    The hotel business card is the easiest solution f them to be sure address is accurate.

    It does not matter if you yourself are on the ball, others not so sharp cause such issues

    But I do agree about get the students, as they may be more likely to just look up the address ab confirm it's accurate.

    It's always better take too many documents than not enough, regardless what is required, that way the grumpy guy can throw some back at you and tell you not need

  7. Look at GDP per person since the 70s. Not bad!

    What kind of security do you want? North Korea? After a Brexit we will have migrant camps in Kent and much reduced cooperation with mainland security. Again, I think we're doing quite well

    What bailouts have we contributed to?

    More low price labour for us and bigger market for products and services

    Which "better off" countries want leave? Germany? Netherlands?

    Scots get more money per head than UK

    So, tell us again what your beef is?

    Are you being undercut by a Bulgarian?

    So we should leave?

    since the 70's of course numbers are up, the world has printed a lot more money

    EU open borders very secure yeh ?

    why would we have migrant camps in kent? or would that be a disaster seeing as most migrants are dispersed all over the country, you are just yet to have any in Kent.

    Also the brexit would mean UK could change migrant/immigration laws without EU's permission or Eu changing anything, which means UK can tighten security.

    We dont pay any money to be in EU do we ?

    it all goes in a big pot, then is used to keep the poorer countries afloat, as Eu thinks of Eu as a whole.

    Low price labour...... obviously you are not someone born without, as you have not had to compete for for a low wage job, or had to work with any immigrants.

    bigger markets for trade............ in or out of EU will make no difference to trade at all, stop repeating crap from media intended to scare people in to a way of thinking. business is business and companies will always make money wherever they can.

    UK done just fine before we joined EU. was it not the UK alone that established many trade routes now used by many countries ??????

    UK was stated in brackets, if UK leaves others will follow (or at least weigh up options) (ok should have stated a primamy member, not countries)

    Scots get more money per head, yeh right show us your reference for this so we can rip it to shreds, my argument was also the money that comes from scotland goes to england and the same amount does not go back to scotland, nothing to do with per head, and we know money is not divided like that anyway.

    obviously you must be English

  8. If you can earn some money on your online business but not enough for all the expenses with travel and visas , right now Thailand is not the best country to stay in . Try Cambodia where you will get a 1 year business visa ,(no questions asked) for around $250 .

    he does not have an online business as such, he wants to deal with customers offline, doing web design, basically knocking up websites for local businesses, which would not class as an online business in thailand, and he would need set up shop here to operate that way.

    Now that the army are in charge of stamping out corruption.. Here in chiang Mai you can just go an buy yourself a 1 year ED visa for self defense.. No one dare care about attendance and your red carpeted through immigration as its military handers.. 32k baht.. easy..

    However the fact that you have already realized its illegal to work online and dont care and think an ED visa is 'too hard' because it involves classes.. Puts you squarely in the people who this is designed to keep out.

    It is NOT illegal to work online, if you work online only, and none of your business is done offline or using thai banks.

    To work online you must only do work when at a PC, meaning you could work from anywhere, this is perfectly fine and legal to do in thailand as it would be impossible to anything about people that work from a phone or laptop.

    but this guy wants to sell websites to people offline, which is illegal and is not an online business.

    Seems the oldies who are working at Phuket immigration as foreign volunteers are working on retirement visas, not volunteering visas as you've pointed out in the below post with your friend as an example. Immigration doesn't seem to care if people work illegally....at least in Phuket it seems they don't smile.png


    Those volunteers actually get paid as well, much as i dont care about others situations, what you going to do, report them to the people that pay them and are in charge of such issues lol

    we should all just be greatful immigration now have these expats there, as some are very helpful

    (not to be confused with expats working as tourist police)

  9. reading above you had funds sent to a thai bank account

    i would not worry so much

    as no refunds in Asia lol

    and nobody can empty your account with bank details no,

    but they can setup direct debits with just your details which will take money from your account (but these are easily reversed)

    there are other things you can do with peoples bank account but you also need a few other details, but i am not posting such info here.

  10. really there is no way he can reverse the payment,

    however, he can later inform his bank that you scammed him and sent him an empty box

    this would mean your bank account is part of fraudelant scam

    in turn the bank then freezes your account to investigate

    (i had this happen very recently through a misunderstanding)

    you will then be forced to sort it out with who made complaint

    or bank will reverse payment and then invesitage your account completely before unfreezing

    If i was you, i would first not give out bank details, if using bank then use pingit or paym, so you only provide your mobile number


    best choice is tell them pay with paypal (also open to scams)

    or get them pay with bitcoin so it cannot be reversed

    (there is bitcoin ATM in BKK for you to get cash)

    otherwise get the guy to take a selfie holding up his ID

    with a note stating he is buying something from you

    and when sending take photos of item being packed and sent (even video if value is great)

    i would also worry how many other details this person could find out about you

    but do watch out incase they pull the old nigerian cheque scam

    they send payment by cheque

    it shows in account

    you send goods

    cheque later bounces and funds are removed from your account

    parcel is already in the air and delivered next day and nothing you can do about it

  11. I would just buy a condo in a prime location in Bangkok for 3 million baht and live on the rentals, if the location is good enough you can easily get 25k per month. And live on that for as long as you want. But you have to live in a cheap room yourself 5-7000k , no problems if you live alone.

    For a 3 Million Condo I not believe you will have a return of 25'000 per month.

    Then you have to think, that you normally not will have renters 12 months a year, except you will have a longterm renter, and this one will ask for reduction because you can have a save rental income over several months.

    Then you have to pay monthly maintenance fee.. which will deduct your rental income and sometimes have to replace some things. so even less rental income at the end.

    I think if you lucky you can count with 15'000 baht per month. then deduct your cheap 7'000 baht rent.. so you would have left 8'000 baht for living......

    More rental potential in UK for sure....

    More rental potential in UK for sure....

    Finally the penny drops, I have 5 of them.

    NO WAY, would I ever consider selling them and investing the money here

    3 million baht condo, if lucky can maybe get 15,000 per month, if lucky, unless its rented to some farang mug.

    where did you get your figures from ?

    most condos, bought off plan guarantee a higher rental return than that

    condo's you are looking at more like 10% return each year if buying a new condo,

    not an old one that has passed through 10 ferangs hands already.

    Please do post any links you have for a condo worth 3m, being rented for 15k/month

    (a house i could understand as many houses are overpriced now due to land value)

  12. survive, maybe 10 years

    live, 5 years

    live in Thailand, 1-2 years

    In pattaya, 1-2 months lol

    obviously the first two i would move

    it all depends how you live, age, comforts, habits, addictions, medications

    i used to be able to "live" here on 20,000 a month

    but now no chance, its more like 60k a month bare minimum to pay bills and eat

    and i got no habits, dont drink or smoke etc. and that does not include buying clothes or nice days out

  13. if you think any type of visa is expensive or a hassle to use,

    then you will have difficulty staying here

    visa's are expensive and a hassle

    easiest and cheapest option you have is marry your GF

    then go to laos for visa, you get 12 month visa for 3 months a timeyo

    u can get 15 months out of it, but you will need to do a border run or leave every 90 days.

    This way you wont need funds in bank.

    As for your "online" business, they way you explained it, does not sound like it qualifies for an online business,

    as you state you will deal with clients offline, this will cause problems here and i dont think you have done your research correctly.

    If you had a website offering web design online only then you would be ok

    but if you meet people in person here, and i assume accept cash or payment offline,

    this will not be in the same class as a completely online business, where all payments go through a foreign bank,

    and taxes would be paid in your home country (or wherever bank account is located)

    so you would be working ILLEGALLY

    (from how little you have researched visa's it would be safe to assume you have not researched this enough or contacted amd paid a lwayer for advice)

    but for visa's

    you dont want a tourist visa because you dont want to travel (like a tourist would) and you thinks it would be expensive

    (although you think getting a dodgy work permit may be cheaper lol)

    you dont want a business visa/work permit beacuse you would have to set up a legal business

    You dont want an education visa because you would have to be educated

    You dont want an elite (do what you want) visa because you must pay for it (this is basically what you want but you want for free/cheap lol)

    You dont want a marriage visa because................. (she will take you for everything, or she will run when hearing you say visa's are expensive lol)

    you simply cannot have it both ways

    welcome to Thailand

    and welcome to the club

    you pay money, you get hassle and headaches, then you pay some more, then you take a week away and relax,

    then come back and do it all over again.

    Living in Thailand is not cheap so be prepared to pay.

    • Like 1
  14. What exactly do you think has failed

    Please explain

    you think the EU is a thriving success ?

    its not secure for starts

    how many bailouts now ?

    how does an influx of people without money and unwilling to work, coming from poor new member states help UK ?

    Eu as it is now, has the better off countries (UK) looking to leave and many poorer countries looking to join

    how is this a success ?

    opposite of success is failure

    i dont care for politics too much, as you can always argue the other way and just get nowhere (thats politics)

    but you cannot say being in the EU has benefited the average man in UK

    just as Scotland does not benefit from being in the UK, and would have been much better leaving UK

    as Scotland generates a shtload of money for UK (oil, whiskey and other exports),

    but it doesnt get the same back, as its spent in england instead

    Personally, my opion is UK should exit EU, and then Scotland and wales should go for independance. as both got shtty deals at present.

  15. they are all as bad as each other really, and most people that say he or she should win, or he or she is no good, never really have any factual reason but instead just repeat crap thats in the media.

    One thing though is trump is not a politician but he has been around many for a long time so he still in the same circle.

    but all countries need to start having longer plans, instead of politicians just taking bribes (in whatever form they are paid in) to do whatever a big corp wants them to do regardless of long term effects.

    some strong points being made is why china is allowed to keep their currency down, so they always have an export market, right now the dollar is too strong which prevents its export market groing, and the US has a lot of resources to have a huge export market, a strong dollar is hurting the US more than helping it as it just makes production cheaper outside the US.

  16. and what does he know about running a country...........................cheesy.gif

    Vote Brexit

    EU, it tried, it failed

    Time to move on, and abandon ship before all the lifeboats are taken

    Why be part of a union, where the majority of its members are much worse off than yourself and expect you to prop them up

    just makes no sense

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