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Everything posted by AboutThaim

  1. Be careful using eDreams also. I booked a flight for my wife from Ubon to Bangkok return. I neglected to read all of the welcome email that I received in her name. One month later my bank account was reduced by €90 for her membership for one year. We're never likely to use them enough to recoup that charge although from memory I think the flights had a €23 discount. In hindsight I think booking direct with the airline like I used to do would have been the better idea.
  2. You don't think that possibly his very rich wife may have helped him accumulate a few baht? He is reputed to own houses which he would obviously rent and who knows what other investments he has. I don't know if he comes from a wealthy family. On the other hand he could be dumb enough to get involved in online gambling, money laundering and collecting brown envelopes. No matter how rich some people are it's never enough. He who dies with most money in the bank must be the winner. LOL
  3. I think your brain is so added with TDS you're incapable of rational thought. Which MAGA cult are you into? Make America Grotty As featuring unrestricted immigration, rampant homelessness and uncontrolled theft from stores. Or Make America Goofy As featuring schools and universities teaching kids gender studies and how to hate along with other useless subjects. Make America Great Again! What a diabolical plot! What American would want to do that? Get a life!
  4. Or making it great again! What a diabolical plot!
  5. What a load of <deleted>e! This breed is prone to brain farts and they just have to kill. Had one living next door some years ago. It seemed to live peacefully with a few cats but one day when owners were out I heard a cat in pain. The dog had chomped it on its back and rib cage. It just kept that up until the cat died. Told the male owner when he came home. He said that was the third cat the dog had killed and he was worried about the young kids living with them but his wife didn't want to get rid of the mut.
  6. Yes! Maybe something else the police SHOULD check before declaring suicide. IF it's working. Thanks for that Rumpledforeskin. LOL
  7. How are you so sure of this? It often comes to my mind that it would be a very easy way for crims to make money. Observe a foreigner making a withdrawal at an ATM, with a few mates follow them back to their room, knock on the door rush in, make sure you have the money, throw the foreigner over the rail. Could use a female as bait and follow them back to his room. Do police check how long the foreigner has booked the room, have they made a recent cash withdrawal, do they have cash on their person or in the room after death. Too easy to declare it suicide. Once the crims leaves the room what evidence is left behind?
  8. His name fits. What a dill! About time the likes of this dill are simply repatriated to the places they hold so dear never to be allowed to return.
  9. Na! Someone would have to tell us that that is no way to ride a motorcycle. LOL And then it would dissolve into an argument about the rights and wrongs of motorcycle riding. 555
  10. So she conceded that he won then is on record saying that he knows he is an illegitimate president? Maybe she knew something about his mother fooling around? LOL
  11. Let's also look at the fact that the Dems didn't accept that H. Clinton lost the 2016 election. She is recorded saying that Trump knows he is an illegitimate president. I saw so many Dems on this forum crying over the loss that I started to take an interest in Yank politics. Not my country and really I couldn't GAF who wins in November. Either way it will be good for a laugh. Either seeing/hearing/reading how much anguish it will cause wingeing Dems if Trump wins or the circus if Harris becomes POTUS because Biden will lose the few marbles he has left.
  12. For the uneducated such as yourself they now make all in one drills that can be used to drill wood, concrete and steel. Usually they are coloured red or yellow and, of course, come in different sizes.
  13. No! That's enough drivel for one post. LOL
  14. I had an inguinal hernia several years ago. Gf took me to Ramathibodi Hospital, a teaching hospital. I spoke to a doctor who I was told was a professor of surgery. After being quoted 150,000 baht and telling him it was more than I wanted to pay he told me if I went through the teaching side it would be a maximum of 45,000 baht. Paid 50,000 baht up front, he performed the operation and after three days in hospital total cost was 26,400 baht. The balance was refunded. Only a couple of students came to see me, no inconvenience.
  15. Unless you count the number of deaths south of the USA border over who supplies the potheads in the USA.
  16. Yes! I would have thought Big Pharma would be on to this and have a pill for wokeness by now. LOL
  17. Are you sure you don't mean Biden? If you can understand his rambling can you take it seriously? He seems far more senile IMO. But no worries. If he's re-elected it shouldn't be long before his VP has to take over and we'll have the pleasure of her cackling after every statement she makes. As for being a divider and hater he just isn't in the league of of the Democrat administration and supporters. They seem to be able to deny any wrong doing on their own behalf while constantly denigrating Trump and spewing hate and childish names.
  18. Not that I really GAF who becomes POTUS but I've seen this Trump comment cherry picked a few times. I actually saw the interview when he said he would become a dictator ' for a day'. Followed by ' long enough to close the border and say drill, drill, drill'. Each time it's just abbreviated to indicate he says he will become a dictator.
  19. Yep! They got a lot of bar girls to say " my body is a temple" then put out the above announcement LOL
  20. Which elderly people get 3000 baht a month? My wife said her father got 700 baht a month a couple of years ago. I doubt there's been an increase since then.
  21. I love these posts that go way back in history to support a point they are trying to make. I read (a joke?) about a bloke and his Russian girlfriend in Moscow. He asked her why everyone kept looking at him. She replied, because you look intelligent. Stalin had all the intelligent people killed when he was in power.
  22. Yes, especially when the bear is surly, surely.
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