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Everything posted by AboutThaim

  1. Reminds me of the old witch's chant. Hub bull, hub bull toil and more hub bull. LOL
  2. Is MORON a language or did you miss a comma?
  3. Who'd have thought that Trump Derangement Syndrome would go hand in hand with EV Derangement Syndrome? Biden is doing such a great job I can't wait until the VP takes over. Next they'll want to get someone like Bubba from Forrest Gump to run the USA. Forrest himself would be far to smart for Democrats to relate to. LOL
  4. A recent post on YouTube from Canada I believe had someone paying a tad over $60,000 for battery replacement.
  5. Yes, not a good idea. When doing my first 90 day report with my gf waiting she picked up a wallet and handed it in. The owner was contacted and when he checked his wallet said there was money missing. My gf was held by the police until I'd finished my report then they escorted me to where she was held. When I arrived it seemed that having a farang bf was proof enough that she hadn't emptied the wallet and they let her go.
  6. Well I'm betting it won't be Thaksin Derangement Syndrome that seems to have infected so many legal expert posters on this forum.
  7. Why is it always 'cum convict at large' when he hasn't been 'at large' since he was arrested? Maybe 'ex convict at large' might be a better description.
  8. I think it's the Hippocratic oath named after Hippocrates although TIT so they could take a hipocritic oath?
  9. I don't know why so many people pick on BigNob, he's a legend! A perfect driver according to himself and he steers with his feet!! I worked that out because with one hand always on his willy and the other always patting himself on the back that's the only way he can steer. LOL
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