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Posts posted by LolaS

  1. 2 hours ago, manchega said:

    Hi Lola,


    You need to contact the international school/HR part of the BKK uni.

    One of the complicated things for expats is multiple jobs, since for ebvery position the work permit states one full time job only, no expat may work part time here.


    the closest you can get is consultant, though for uinversity lecturer usually we are classed as specialist.


    As one poster states ignorance of the law is not a defence .......


    i understand how two positions can arise and you are not alone, when you have out that much time into education you really don't need the 40 hoiur week


    either way there are others in yoiur position, but many on this forum will not understand the nuances.  you will find the academic - academic non thai community is quite small , so you will find some that understand your case soon enough, just not sure tv is the way forward



    Thank you for reply,



    Problem is that I dont know a lot of foreign lecturers in BKK, tbh I dont know anyone, only thais professor, that are of course clueless.

    International department told me that they handle only cases of foreigners who study or work as technical teachers ( by technical I mean the one that have only duty to teach, which I dont have, for example to those of you members that are ignorant my full time week load is 9 credits, they have for part time 15 teaching credits!!! for just part time teaching)


    Problem in this forum is people jump to conclusion too much, 

  2. 5 hours ago, overherebc said:

    Because it would appear the staff have no idea how to do it or are too lazy to do it.

     Plus they can dismiss you at any time without paying notice or severence pay and there will be nothing you can do about it.

     Think about the fact that even un-paid work for a charity requires a WP.

    I have a contract, individual and collective one, I dont understand your point with WP???


    4 hours ago, scorecard said:


    That's not surprising, I very much doubt anybody would ever get 2 universities to discuss or collaborate on such a subject, they would all always take the attitude of 'you sort it out with the other uni'.


    Thai universities are the same as universities in most, maybe all, other countries, they don't talk to each other, and internally faculties don't talk to each other. 




    Yes, exactly!!! Sometimes... not to mention... even inside department between divisions, not talk to each. Quite a shock for me


    4 hours ago, GLewis said:

    You are wrong and need to double check what you are being told by HR.  Why did you come and ask here. You seem to know it all plus you carry ya crappy attitude..

    do you have any evedience that I need one


    2 hours ago, LukKrueng said:

    not saying there aren't any, but I never heard of jobs that can be done by foreigners without a work permit. however, being a lecturer at a university requires a work permit as far as I know. I know of a very esteemed university that apply for work permits even for professors who come for 6 weeks courses

    what kind of courses? the one that are comemricial or the one belong to program approved by HC

  3. 15 hours ago, DipStick said:

    And still you can't explain How you can be in two places at the same time,  this thread is weird

    Dear Grandpa DipStick people have two or three professions on different continents. It is normal in R&D


    15 hours ago, Swimman said:

    Really?  3-4 full-time jobs at the same time?   Amazing!

    Yes. not all labor is manual.


    15 hours ago, stud858 said:

    I believe the government owned offices,  schools,  etc don't need one. You will be told, "Don't worry, everything is fine." Immigration police won't raid government. Makes sense.,yeah.


    some of them have, the one that are emloyed as stuff and foreign language teacher


    6 hours ago, greenchair said:

    You've come here to ask people for help. 

    You've been rude and nasty to almost everyone. A couple of people asked how it is possible for you to hold 2 full time jobs situated so far apart. 

    It's a reasonable question that might or might not help peopLe to assist you. If you are not willing to share significant details for readers to get their teeth into. 

    Then yes, you should keep quiet about the whole thing and find the information yourself since you are so smart. 




    It is only 700 km, one of my colleague hold two positions, one in Okinawa, another one in South Africa. do you want proof ?

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, overherebc said:

    Get a non B visa and get one company to help you get an extension for one year but make sure you tell Immigration where you will be working but don't need a work permit for either job.

    They will advise you what to do from there on.

    Problem is that Chiang Mai cannot advise me about Bangkok,  I asked them and they told me you will need to sort out with BKK 

  5. 2 hours ago, DipStick said:

    In your original post you asked did you need two work permits, Then post 13 you accuse of being harassed, then go onto say there are some jobs where you don’t need a work permit ? So why ask the original question?

    People. Including myself asked how you could work two full time jobs 700 kms apart, you went very coy and defensive.  What are you trying to hide ?


    I was asking do I need two different visa. How people will know I work for other institution legaly, because my first visa was issued for different institution.

  6. 46 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    There are very few jobs that do not require a work permit. It seems you are working for a education institute that does require one.

    What type of visa or extension of stay do you have?

    I have Non-immigrant visa.

    As started as researcher and then position change to university lecturer ( not to be confused with English teacher or lecturer) and HR told me that I dont need one.

  7. 4 hours ago, tpop said:

    just read through this thread


    Obonjoe - sorry but you have been very naughty misleading people on this thread


    Thailand does not recognise dual nationality except under certain circumstances - see the act here http://www.refworld.org/pdfid/506c08862.pdf


    page 5 loss of Thai nationality - specifically section 22 which is unequivocal - you lose your Thai nationality when you are naturalised as an alien.


    That the law, like many other Thai laws, is never policed (because it would be almost impossible to do so) does not mean it does not exist










    it is regulation for thai obtaining foreign citizenship

  8. 10 hours ago, orang37 said:

    Looking at today's Chiang Mai air measurements at aqith.com:


    Interesting that CMU Campus is currently #124;  Nimman is #91; and, Thapae at #84.


    I'd expect Nimman , and Thapae, to be higher, but given exact sensor  locations are not published, and the fact today/now is a Sunday/AM ... can we hypothesize ?.



    they are! every PIN blue one is location of sensor

  9. On 4/1/2018 at 8:23 PM, jackdd said:

    They file for a court order which prevents you from leaving Thailand. If this goes through while you are still in Thailand: They arrest you when you try to leave the country at a border and confiscate your passport. So it might happen that you have to stay in Thailand for the next few years because you can't leave.

    do you have any evidence of that* how long court order take to take a place?

    only thing is permanent ban, but I really doutb that will take it seriously for person who is injured or severly ill

  10. 5 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    They can indeed file a case against you and get you on a list of people who will be flagged in the immigration computer if/when they attempt to leave the country.


    Now if he signs a payment agreement with them for gradual repay, they will not do that, so nothing to physically stop him from subsequently leaving the country wand defaulting on the payments. But he will then be blacklisted from returning to Thailand. i know someone in that exact circumstance.

    but again, how that can stop them from leaving Thailand? Is it Thailand only country in the world where people can go?  Filing the case and then what will happen in court when you dont have any means to pay? plu case can be long for years.. what you will do by then? sit quitely? I dont understand this scaremongering.


  11. 5 hours ago, Siam Bruce said:

    My Take on this - A non-government hospital in Thailand is a private company, the guys bill just becomes another “BAD Debt” which they either “Write Off” or pursue the claim in the courts.

    I don’t think the Hospitals have any special claim on you over and above a normal company trying to recover a bad debt.

    Over to the Lawyers in the Forum on this.

    Yes exactly, they dont have access to your bank account and properties in Europe or whenever you are... I dont understand what private hospital can do? not allow you to go??? 

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