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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. I think I could hack it for 9 months if I had decent internet, a nearby gym, a good selection of foodstuffs, and a decent cafe for coffee. I’ve found great cafes in Thailand, in the most unlikely places. I like to read so am happy living in my own head and I’m no longer interested in too much socialising. I’m not a drinker so the bar and nightclub scene has never appealed. But I also like big cities, malls, restaurants and cinema. So I couldn’t do it forever. I’m lucky with health but if I had a health condition I would prefer to be home or close to a first class medical hospital. So I’d only do it for a short while.

  2. The India variant (Delta) appears to be the dominant strain around the world. Despite a large percentage vaccinated it’s been spreading fast in the UK. The Chinese vaccine does not appear to offer great protection from it, and that is bad news for Thailand. It may be that we will not see a return to something approaching normality for another 12-18 months. I’ve had two jabs of AstraZeneca with no after effects … and I think any danger from vaccination is remote in comparison with the dangers of contracting the virus.  

  3. 17 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

    I miss Philippines really much sometimes. Only have stay in Cebu and Dumaquete. Thailand more safe country and many in LOS much better . But if you dont want/need "local" life much then Phil wins . If you live some nice, safe subdivision and let all other haddle running things all is great.

    Only when want get some place get driver and go. One minus point in Phil is traffic. Dont want drive there myself. If single its heaven in earth, woman more beutiful than in LOS and more "easy". My own opinion only ????


    I’m planning to spend time there in 2022 if it can get a grip on its Covid issues. So probably May or later. I’d like to spend some time in Makati (Manila) then Cebu, just to see what it is like. I might look at Dumaguete but I don’t think I could deal with the brownouts  and internet issues. If I don’t care for the place I will move on to Thailand, which should be over Covid by then. 

  4. 22 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

    When i hit soi dog whit motorpike i get right away help from locals front of accident place. Ok it was in our village and people know me but help was great! Guy even bring me right away big class of Laokhao and Chang lol. Same time when i drink "medicine" he clean my wounds. Hes wife get her own motor and go to pick up my wife and father in law . After i m not bleed like water tab anymore my wife drive me hospital.

    What if the Police came? Do you want to be drinking?

  5. If the health insurance is useless why not simply get the cheapest acceptable one with a high initial payment from you before it kicks in? It sounds like you’d be on the hook anyway if the issue was a pre existing condition. If you are spending 160k you are likely to be okay to fund anything that comes up. I’m going to take a look at the Philippines in 2022, assuming they are open. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 hours ago, colinneil said:

    You appear to be a very confused person !!!

    We are not immigrants.... Yesterday you called me an immigrant.

    Use more water in your drink next time, or better still only post when sober.????????????????????

    You spoke about Enoch Powell “being right” … he was talking about an influx of foreigners into the UK, yet you are part of an influx of foreigners to Thailand? So by logical extension Thailand would be “right” to kick you out? I’m only pointing out your hypocrisy Colin. Suck it up.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, simon43 said:

    I thought Colin is - like most foreigners in Thailand, on a short-term (i year), NON-immigrant visa, with no citizenship, no voting rights etc etc.  Hardly the same....

    Sure, it’s different if you are white. We are not immigrants, we are welcomed expats? Sure. So Colin will be fine with being asked to leave?


    Or, you are simply a foreigner with no cultural connection to Thailand. Then you marry and have kids, and you stop being a one year holidaymaker. Like immigrants to the UK that Powell referred to. 

    • Confused 3
  8. I wouldn’t be surprised if corruption was at the bottom of the Miami incident, lax building standards being ignored in return for a pay off. It will be interesting when the investigation is published.


    I suspect buildings don’t just collapse without prior clues. Rather you will see some tell tale signs several weeks or months before the incident. If I were at the top of a condo I’d be looking at the building very carefully. Wear and tear, cracks in the building, displacements. Any sign of that and I’d be off.

  9. 58 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    IMO the bar owners are succumbing to a "cargo cult" like obsession. Even after tourists return there is no reason to believe they will include large numbers of mongers.

    How many have spent the time improving the bar infrastructure? Those that think they can just put out the same decrepit bar stools and they will be inundated with randy mongers may be in for a serious wake up call.

    Last time I was in Pattaya it crossed my mind that they’d also have to improve their stock selection … to many fat munters in the line up. 

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  10. Just over 20 years ago I came home from work and noticed a letter on the floor. I bent over to pick it up and on the way back my back went out. Something in the way I moved caused it. The lower back muscles seized up and I was bent in two, unable to do much. 

    A physio with advanced equipment (electrical currents in the affected area) loosened the muscles and I was fine, but other than that it will take a week or more for the muscles to relax and you get back to normal. There are some exercises that can help.


    One is to stand with your back to a room wall, raise your hands to the sky, and go on your tip toes and move your raised hands to touch the wall. Like you were going to do a backflip into a pool. That stretches the lower back muscles.


    Another is to lie flat on the ground, with your hands stretched out in a V, then push up with your hands as if doing a press up, keeping your legs and lower back on the floor. That stretches the muscles too. If you can loosen up the seized up muscles you will recover faster.

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  11. I’ve had my first jab of AZN, and get my second in a month. I didn’t feel the jab at all, I sat for 15 minutes and was absolutely fine. About 9 hours later I felt some sensation on my arms and body generally. My temperature dropped a little and my jaw started chattering, as if I were standing in the Artic. Then my torso muscles began to spasm slightly. I went to bed, woke up a few hours later and was fine. No issues ever since. My take on it is that my body was reacting to the virus, so it wasn’t unexpected, and I’m looking forward to getting the final one out of the way.

  12. 1 hour ago, StreetCowboy said:

    Aye, right, you can pretend that films in colour have some credibility, but can you name one?  Can you name a song written this millenium with any meaningful content?

    Let's  face it.  History has stopped, and the sooner we regress to the past, the better.

    Not sure I understand? Are you saying that the only films of any merit were in black and white? 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  13. 49 minutes ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

    What is wrong with Facebook I talk to thousands of people all over the world and my family I haven't seen in many years

    it’s a double edged sword. As you state, it’s original objective was perfectly reasonable and useful. But on the other side you give up privacy and may be bombarded by views and opinions that on the surface sound reasonable but are in fact poorly researched, manipulative and agenda laden.


    Views in society appear to me to be much more polarised and angry … and I don’t think that leads to good outcomes. Qanon being one such example. There are many more.

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