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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. The Baht can move up and down for all sorts of reasons, and I’m not sure that even the financial commentators fully understand it. It’s been strong against GBP since the Brexit vote, and given the post-Brexit politics GBP has remained weak. Perhaps with Brexit finally coming to a conclusion and the Covid pandemic ending you might see better numbers. In terms of forecasting, not easy.

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  2. 6 hours ago, simon43 said:

    When I lived in Thailand, stress from xenophobia, officialdom, immigration officers, police, nosey neighbours etc.


    Now I live in Laos ==> no contact with police, IOs and no nosey neighbours = no stress!

    How do you manage to live there permanently? Do you need to have a work contract? 

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  3. 40 minutes ago, Farang123 said:

    It's 20-22 hours of teaching time.  This is no part time job.  I have to be there promptly at 7:30 a.m. every morning and stay till 4.  There is lesson preparation, extracurricular activities and answering the questions of the Thai teachers and so forth.  I was just wondering if anyone else has found themselves in a similar situation do to the covid crisis.  I appreciate the advice about sticking up for myself.  I will keep that in mind. 

    If you are relatively new to work they might calculate that you can be taken advantage of? 

    In your situation I would look at the contract that you signed and agreed to and compare it to what they are asking of you. Highlight the extra work compared to what you signed up to. Be calm and polite, and explain that you would like extra compensation for the additional tasks or you are happy to agree to work what you signed up to. Remember, calm and polite. I think you’ll get something from them ... either a less onerous work schedule or a little more cash. Good luck.

  4. You live in a country that speaks Thai, and complain because a Thai delivery boy cannot speak your language? There are French, Dutch, Germans and Swedes living their too ... should the kid also be a master of these languages? 

    If you live there permanently then you should make an effort to speak Thai.

  5. The Spanish Flu pandemic in the early 20th Century caused a wide range of issues in those affected, so Covid-19 is not that different in that sense. After reviewing several post-mortems many of the experts of the day refused to believe that they were dealing with a flu. 

    An Italian professor recently reported that the virus appears to be less intense and harmful than it was in March ... so let’s hope it just burns itself out.

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  6. I recall sitting in a coffee shop in Chiang Mai when a middle aged westerner sat near me with two well dressed Thais, who turned out to be lawyers. It seems that he started a business and took on local partners who cheated him and voted him off the board. 

    if you don’t need to for financial reasons why bother. The law is designed to screw over foreigners.

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