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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. On 6/11/2021 at 8:59 AM, Surelynot said:

    Daughter made me watch a video of a SA doctor who advocates eating nothing but meat and animal fat........swears blind by it.......taken to court for advocating such a diet and the authorities lost based on the evidence he presented??????

    I watched an interview with a guy who spent time researching the diet and health of native Alaska tribes (Inuit?), who survived on whale blubber and fats. All of them were in excellent health … blood pressure, weight, etc. When I look at photographs of Brits in the early 1900-1950 it’s very rare to see an overweight person, yet they were less conscious of health in those days. A sedentary lifestyle combined with fast food and a tendency to eat more carbohydrate than protein does a lot of damage.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    It seems some people get rapidly older when they stop working. It seems many have to get used to their retirement and some handle it better than others.

    That’s true, you really need to have new projects when you retire. Preferably activities you enjoy, in my case reading, gym, cycling … and crack cocaine!

    PS. There is a joke there somewhere.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Obviously it's nice if we feel not old.

    But sometimes it seems older guys just don't see the reality.

    I know a couple of guys who were fit when I met them and maybe 10 years longer. But some of them are now 75 and older and to say it in not so nice words: they are losing their marbles.

    Like: Really, did you forget already what I told you 10 minutes ago?

    I wonder how many of these guys would still consider themselves fit and smart. I won't ask them because otherwise they might ask me why I ask them...

    Or ask who you are? 

    Genetics are a key determinant, but other than that regular exercise, healthy eating and doing things that you enjoy helps a lot … and avoiding stress. I haven’t worked for a long time and that’s been great in relieving stress. I don’t think people should work until they drop, no matter how well they enjoy it.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    How are you feeling now......hello still OK ????


    I am booked in next month for my AstraZeneca shot ,I am a

    bit worried , as with my luck i could turn out as one of the small

    percentage that gets the blood clot.

    regards worgeordie

    Don't be worried. I got AZN, had a little light after effects (the vaccine working) but other than that feel fine. Second jab early July. Bear in mind your chances of a blood clot are much higher if you catch Covid 19. But more chance of getting struck by lightning in either case. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    I read an interesting article or saw it on a YouTube video, can't remember which it was, but a leading scientist stated that the vaccine can in fact make the blood clot, but they don't know why, apparently 11 of 13 people who died shortly after being vaccinated died of blood clotting, now that is a high number, when, where they where vaccinated I cannot recall, but I would hardly call these vaccinations safe if people are dying shortly thereafter, there has to be a reason, regardless of the benefit vs the risk, and yes I am aware people die in cars everyday.


    I will wait till the truth comes out, which it will eventually.


    Here's one I plucked off Google, it suggests it's the vaccine the way I read it.


    The probability of acquiring a blood clot is higher if you contract Covid 19 than if you receive the AZN vaccine. So if someone is worried about blood clots they should fear the virus more than the vaccine. You are also more likely to experience a blood clot if you take birth control pills. All of these activities are in fact low risk. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

    Would this be classified as a COVID-19 death?


    I'm guessing no.



    My neighbor, healthy, fit 30 - 35 YO Thai male, vaxxed Monday morning with AZ, had a mild fever, groggy/dizzy, body ache/joint pain. He's nearly back to normal today.


    Others, six people, I know with AZ over the last month, zero side effects.



    I got the AZN jab mid May, in Europe. My second jab is early July. I felt nothing with the initial jab, but 9 hours later I felt sensation on my arms and body, difficult to describe other than you know something is going on. A bit later I felt my body temperature lower and my jaw began chattering (as if I was standing outside on a very cold day) and my muscles in my body started to spasm a little. I went to bed and woke up 4 hours later, feeling fine. I guess that was the vaccine doing it’s work? I’m looking forward to getting the second and then travelling again in 2022. 

    • Like 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Iron Tongue said:


    What would you expect him to say, that the driver appeared alert and cautious while driving at the speed limit?

    It never crossed your mind he might actually be honest? Do you think lying is everyone’s first instinct? And for what purpose? The Thai’s car is stationary, the American driver hit the car. No need to lie.

  8. 3 hours ago, covidiot said:

    not sure about streaming or torrenting.


    but let's say it's for online banking.

    if you look at the top left corner of thai visa web site, you will notice a small "lock" icon. that means the web site is encrypted. most likely, your online banking site will also be encrypted. so if a site is encrypted, everything you are doing on that site is not viewable to others.

    so no vpn is needed for an encrypted site. 

    at least that's my understanding. 



    I believe if you are using the internet in a cafe or public place it is quite possible that someone can access your account, so things like banking are better done on a secure internet service. I avoid using banking and email outside but I’m less concerned about using everyday websites, like news, forums, etc. 

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Scouse123 said:




    So you are saying minumum 4 years and I think about 6 years except I think the tourist model will definitively change

    i don’t think a tourist focused place like Pattaya will simply bounce back, too many failed businesses and the Far East is lagging in vaccines. Once vaccines or boosters of your choice are freely available at the local private hospital (for a fee) then you’ll see more long termers. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Logosone said:



    Indeed, why would a tourist buy stones from a shop? And why would the same stones be found in the suitcase containing the body? What a freakin' mystery.


    Cause he's a pyschopath killer who dismembered a girl's body and wanted to weigh it down with stones. Or do you think he was building a Zen garden in his hotel room?

    Would have made more sense to bury her in the jungle. More difficult to find a buried body. Weighing down in water is always a bit of a risk. 

  11. 8 hours ago, robblok said:



    Following a police search of the accommodation Looker had been staying in around that time, Police took DNA samples from several items including nail clippers and a toothbrush, and matched DNA found in the victim’s nails.


    Looks like pretty damming evidence and the fact that the courts approved. But then again someone like would stick up for a guy like him. Birds of a feather and all. 

    Given he was in some sort of sexual relationship with her DNA proves very little. It would be different if he were a stranger to her, but that’s not the case. They will need more than that to secure a conviction. 

  12. 11 hours ago, robblok said:

    Other reports say they found Looker his DNA under the fingernails of the victim. Now that is not something where DNA goes unless trying to defend herself from him. I feel that DNA under the fingers is quite condemning evidence. 


    At least it shows that she was in contact with him CLOSE to the time of death. Now it might be from wild sex but more likely is her defending herself. Also the fact they found that Looker bought similar stones as the ones that were used to weigh her down ads to the evidence. 


    All things together make a compelling case who knows what is not in the news and the police still have on him. Lets wait for trial and see. If he is guilty lets wait what the evidence says but the fact that the extradite him says a lot.

    Might the DNA on the fingernails be a result of their sexual encounter? Given that they coupled up it is no surprise that his DNA was found on her, and hers on him. 

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