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Posts posted by Moti24

  1. 2 hours ago, blackshadow said:

    nothing will ever change here until a stiffer "driving test" (which is a joke)is implemented!!!!!

    There was some talk a couple of years ago about setting-up driving test centres in all provinces.  My thoughts at the time was, "Who is going to train the examiners!".


    I constantly see brake lights flashing in front of me; obviously because the driver has a foot resting on the brake pedal.  I doubt any of these drivers were trained by a test examiner; but then, this is Thailand!

  2. 4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Every time I use the railway line bypass I will see a motorcycle riding against traffic....it is hardly signposted that it is a dual carriageway. 

    All Thais know it's a dual-carriageway.  They're just doing what they always do; taking the short-cut. 


    Even a Cambodian would know.  Wherever you are in the world, you know when you are on a dual-carriageway.  The fact that Cambodians ride/drive on the opposite side to Thailand is irrelevant.  When in Rome, do as the Romans do!


    Condolences to the victim's family. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    What I don't understand is how used car values can hold up very well under obvious oversupply. Every car yard I see in CM or CR is full of unsold vehicles.

    Yes, second hand vehicles are very expensive here.  The reason is that it's so easy for Thais to get a loan, dealers know they will eventually sell the over-priced cars.  Most Thais don't see the extra 70/80K, they just see the extra 1K per month.


    The winners - Finance companies and car dealers.  The likes of you and I have to pay the vastly inflated prices or do without.  

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  4. Under construction or not, I'm surprised more overpasses haven't collapsed since they've been built.  Nearly all working pickups and LGVs are pushing the limits on a daily basis.  Obviously nobody has never heard of the ideom, "The Straw that broke the camel's back". 


    I dread what's going to happen when all the EVs join the party. 

  5. On 7/4/2023 at 10:07 PM, advancebooking said:

    Ive been married near 10 yrs. We have a child under 10 who's in one of the competitive Maths programs at a govt' primary school.


    I cannot believe how much homework and tests that my child has to endure. Its causing a lot of tension because I dont like seeing my kid getting woken up by my pushy wife at 530am and going to bed a 940pm tonight. So many hours of homework and questions to do from basically 5pm to 930pm tonight. Both of them are stressed by this stage of the night and I feel sorry for my child actually. 


    I dont know if I can cope with years of this BS to come. 


    If we divorce I worry about leaving my child alone with my wife who doesnt seem to care about the fact that a child that age needs 9 to 10 hours sleep. Im the one cooking healthy meals and if I go away my child lives off grab deliveries. 


    My wife will not listen to me at all about these matters. I feel lonely in this marriage. My wife only cares about my childs success at school. 


    The only thing that would save our marriage and sanity, in general, is if my child moves out of the program into a normal class. But cant see the wife allowing this. 


    In summary, my wife is so caught up in her ambition for my child to succeed and be n.o 1 that she fails to see that its stressing everyone out and will probably be detrimental to our marriage that she doesnt seem to care about. 


    If we finish we have to sell assets etc. Its would all be quite difficult. I would not know what to do with myself. Wondering if I should leave Thailand. I feel they both dont value my presence in this family anyway. 

    About 16 years ago, I was teaching in a school just outside Bangkok.  I was living in a rented house at the end of a soi near the school.  Quite often, when walking home down the soi, I'd see a guy of about 21/22 riding his bike up and down the soi.  I spoke to him one day, but he just gave me a vacant look.  As time passed, we got to have longer conversations as I walked home, albeit short, but he started meeting me in the morning as well.


    To cut a long story short, he was a gifted student at school, got good grades, and went to university.  One day, he suddenly flipped, left university, didn't speak for a long time, just rode his bike up and down the soi.  After about 6 months, we would have quite a nice conversation, but he still wouldn't speak to his parents.


    I was teaching in Thailand for about 10 years before I retired.  A lot of parents think their child is the next Einstein, although it's more to do with losing face if the child is in the lower class.  I had many students who were learning with private tutors after school, were shipped off to more classes on a Saturday and Sunday, and would be almost asleep at their desk on a Monday morning.  At the end of the day, children need to be children, and allowed to find their own way, with help from their parents.


    My advise to you is to get another member of the family to explain the above information to your wife; if the language is a barrier, get an interpreter.  Either way, you need outside help.


    Best of luck.  I hope everything works out for you.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    Online works ok after reentry.

    After filling in name and pp # hit the magnifying glass ???? that auto fills rest of the fields.

    Must remember to change entered date. 

    Thanks for that. I'm not registered for on-line  but I'll give it a go.  If it doesn't work, I'll register later and do it online in future.


    There's nothing like a visit to Jomtien immigration to bring on a bout of depression.

    • Haha 1
  7. 4 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

    You do not say where you are doing but immigration, even in Bangkok, is basically still a hard copy haven - last week they had to get last years hard copy file to prove what method I had used for retirement extension of stay (money in bank or income).   Some offices may not require you fill out if have history with them but basically you are submitting a new TM47 for each report.



    I'm reporting to Jomtien, so I'll plan for the worst scenario.

  8. 2 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

    You always fill out a new TM47 (online you just paste previous information using mag glass icon to fill out form) - the print out from immigration is a receipt for the previous report - not a report itself.  Be sure to keep a copy to make sure future reports are exactly the same (assuming no change in address and not already in computer).

    Thanks for the info.  I'm aware the print-out is a receipt for the previous report.  My address has not changed.  Why query is if I can use the last print-out.  If immigration only need to type in my passport number to their system, and can see my re-entry stamp in the passport, do I need to fill-in a TM47?


  9. This aims to generate extra revenue for the government and prevent Thai people from spending excessively overseas, according to the poll. 


    Who Else!


    This aims to generate extra revenue for the government and prevent Thai people from spending excessively overseas, according to the poll. 


    I've read some rubbish, but this takes the biscuit!

    And the foreign tourists being milked for their last pocket change!

    I think the next time I visit my home country, it'll be with a one-way ticket.


  10. When I was serving in The RAF, living in married quarters, I witnessed a guy beating the s**t out of his wife at the bottom of the stairs.  The front door was open, so having seen it, I couldn't ignore it.  I went in and pulled him off, throwing him out the door.  He couldn't say much as I out-ranked him, but his wife was quite annoyed that I had intervened, and told me to F*** Off and mind my own business. 


    So, would I intervene again!   If it was on private property, not a chance!  If it was in public, maybe, although not really recommended in Thailand. 





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