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  1. Why ex? Some have nice I phones and new bike because there girlfriend has a farang sponsoring the couple
  2. Well I've looked now it says going price is 800 baht
  3. As a gesture of good will the bank should repay him it's obvious he didn't set out to defraud them plus the guilty party has been identified . Funny how the bank was able to locate him but not able to determine these notes were counterfeit with this amount of scrutiny she should have gotten a 100 baht identity card to match the notes then bank could look for miss long gone
  4. If any administration wanted cheap oil and gas for the world open up Venezuela and let the world benefit from cheap energy. Or perhaps not good because we worry about giving power to Venezuela corruption and abuses unlike our middle East partners 😉. The whole world is at the mercy of the whims of sanctions America decides who should be punished . The Donald has only managed to make others form alliances that would in normal times not occur
  5. Most bars if they have "girls for rent" have money from lady drinks and a % of the barfines
  6. It's stories like this that make you think oh my life is not so bad . How low do you need to go before you start thinking this deal for £2000 is worth risking it all its not exactly life changing money with risks involved. I'm sure even in uk you could get work to get £2000 or perhaps working for a living is not something these 4 consider 🤔 Ah well at least they have company whilst tucking in to fish head stew
  7. I was watching a Chris Commo pod cast and what he said made 100% sense that we all watched the ambush on TV but we decided differently who was to blame . To me it was stage managed for "good TV " showing how tough the maga crowd is
  8. Exactly but the last part of his statement has been omitted "of course I trust trump as far as I can throw the lardy asse bar steward"
  9. I can see "coffee" sales going down if they cancelled booze free days because so many bars seem to sell a lot of mugs of coffee on these days
  10. Perhaps Mr A gave her card and number expecting her to return? He was savvy enough to involve media to get police to do there job 🙄
  11. Me too but I don't use it as a rule(r)
  12. I don't know about no asses but when I first visited Thailand 2006 the girls were mostly petite " oh I'm ooan 45kg " now you get "5ft 2" and 90kg will describe herself as " full figured" only thing I figured out is who ate all the pies
  13. If what the girl alleges is true and they find the sick bar stewards an injection of lead behind the ear at high velocity should cure them of there perversions
  14. Does he happen to know the lottery numbers? For 1 so stupid he has a lot of luck
  15. I'm sure trump could leave a million instructions in the event of his demise but it would be " the king is dead long live the king" up to JD Vance I'm sure not whom he wants to succeed him
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