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Everything posted by Dave0206

  1. This is just a re opening of Mumbai magic that was there prior to 2019 where multiple coaches would bring many many groups . Regarding someone's comments why would indian come to eat indian food ???? apparently from many being vegetarian and like own food?. We could ask same why British go to Spain and set up 100% English grub joints must be because we are world renowned for our cuisine?
  2. Agree with some of your sentiments but to say thailand has free speech?? Need to think about that really ? ???? if I get a horrible hotel full of insects or bad food I can not name and shame .let alone criticise any one of power so I'm not going to start waving the freedom flag yet. I wonder if her speech had mentioned neighbouring Myanmar and the military crackdown on its own citizens if received same freedom
  3. Even though most western countries sign an agreement never to do business including bribery everyone knows it goes hand in hand if you want to work in middle East or Asia. Canada is now embroiled in a big case as was UK when Tony Blair insisted all charges be dropped against British aerospace when dealing with Saudi Arabia " against national interest " corruption is everywhere and condoned by the west when it suites them
  4. I dare say the thai judiciary would be happy if left to themselves to investigate nothing to see here move along. Top never rock the boat too much constitution says 8 years take 5 more. Watches by dead friend perfectly believable. Now it's our turn judges police and government take turns as the 3 monkeys see no evil ect ect
  5. I know that in a civilised society its unthinkable to accept "extra judicial killings" but when you speak to ordinary people in the Philippines most love duerte . I honestly can not think where to start to eradicate drug related crime when it costs 100 baht for 5 in North East Thailand if I was a victim and my whole life being ruined by others taking yabba. I may then like the Thaksin solution crime and punishment is never equal money always buys "justice " to the influential and rich world over
  6. It's only a smack on head and face by a thai man why couldn't it have been an Indian grabbing my asse compensation would be great instead of 500 baht and a wai?
  7. A little bit of the blame ? Are you kidding this piece of s"it if he was an ordinary member of the public should have been sent to prison for that behaviour for the publics safety. Now that he was a policeman no way should it have been tolerated I never thought there was a big enough rug even in Thailand to sweep that under. I can see a few people shuffling to that inactive posts very soon
  8. I am using Air bnb little bit more expensive but not that much I assume they charge around 15% so obviously landlords probably add that as opposed to getting Tennant direct fair enough. Perhaps because it's getting busier might be difficult to get 2 months at same condo I noticed air bnb when you put dates e.g 7.10.22 till 6.12.22 they sometimes put 2 condo stays e.g view tally 3 from 7.10.22 till 14.11.22 then 14.11.22 till 6.12.22 at other condo because landlords that take short term bookings probably do not have complete dates available
  9. Omg if you want approx 2 million with the 5% + 1.1% + 6 months interest upfront @ 12% pa you probably need around 2.5 million how can you make money by buying property? I'm not sure exact interest it would cost but in region of 20% depending how long you borrow assume you borrow today and immediately buy and have rental income very optimistic returns expected
  10. Since " saving face and defamation is very strong"" in Thailand can you imagine how home owners would feel being labelled broke and being wrongfully locked out of own home with neighbours looking down on them go defamation route against the bank
  11. " who would go for a stroll" ME im guilty its usually quite nice to walk on a flat smooth pavement which in itself is a rarity in Thailand. I don't know whether to be happy or insulted that I've never had an attempted touch up from our lola's . Mind you I do not go out looking like Mr T ( b a baracus) the A team .I'm more like Albert Steptoe
  12. I especially like the fact the commander ordered a "quick tracking down of the suspects " as opposed to ? The usual where culprits have time to down few red bulls ( gives you wings)
  13. It says only had 58.000 so gang with big ❤️ only got 50.000 i think we should start a go fund me campaign all sounds feasible to me ????
  14. Sorry my mistake 2 checks totaling 1.6 so it is 9.2
  15. Someone needs to check the maths "nearly 10 million " 400.000 + 1.6x2 =3.6 +240×30.000 =10.800
  16. If you had to buy foreign expensive watches depreciation on baht would be a problem but not if you can "borrow " them from friends who then die.I wonder if big watch collection had to be returned to the deceased estate????
  17. To be fair one guy is using both arms to point so full marks to him
  18. Perhaps something as simple as lost his phone don't know about you but without my phone I know no ones number prior to mobiles I had a telephone directory in my head with everyone's number now I have to check my own
  19. I must hold my hands up I was not always environmentally friendly in my earlier years neither was my local government (uk) in saying that when I was young there was not take away food everywhere but I doubt anyone even knew what a grease trap was let alone use it.
  20. "They have a child and are live in lovers" they are not YET married. Do you think that marriage may be put on hold? Just guessing of course I'm sure he would be a perfect husband!!
  21. I'm not sure population has a choice if as news coverage shows to be anti war openly can land you in jail .If news is given in a selected manner until reality hits of course the population has a different view of who is right compared to most of the world. In the west we have freedom to get the actual facts but we get fed news as we want it look at trump either a victim or villain you choose a side and you will be bombarded with "news" to support your theory
  22. Since this is not his first killing last known one 10 years ago I doubt since he has money that he will spend long in jail his wife on the other hand must fear for her future
  23. Now that ferrari Joe is out of sight time for lambo Larry to make an entrance ????
  24. If he is always drunk often driving on wrong side of road ect ect prior to this accident was he always "lucky" never to have been caught by police? Or did he keep tea money ready? If so they did him no favours as his " luck" just ran out today he will be wishing he was punished properly earlier
  25. Well he has Time on his hands( wrists) proving he is as capable as anyone to get the best out of any position
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