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Everything posted by Dave0206

  1. It's quite frightening the amount of thai people with guns have seen 2 murders within families that never seem to go to court families reasoning lost 1 family member why lose 2 !. Is this common all over thailand where this often never reaches national news? I'm from the UK where in London I was as guilty as the next of road rage . Now perhaps with age have mellowed it's too easy to stand your ground and finish up right but dead never know who is carrying a gun or knife
  2. @ 27 years he must have done very well quickly in his adult life or family must have help sponsor this venture. Even though as mentioned cost cutting in safety was responsible for this tragedy I can not believe a venue of this size went unnoticed by the envelope collectors unless his or wives father is involved ( I know my sherlock side getting the better of me)
  3. Isn't it funny how eventually the most fervent supporters or should I say enablers of trump remember so much when out of office. Mick mulvaney.bill Barr.john Bolton. Only one I ever remember calling him a <deleted> was rex tillerson. The likes of nikki halley who never saw or heard trump lie. Is playing the long game to run for president ( I assume after she gets a new hearing aid)
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