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Everything posted by Dave0206

  1. I once overstayed by 2 days omg crime of the century marched to the naughty section made to wait 30 mins ( enough time to start imagining bad outcomes missed flights ect) eventually my turn why you overstay? I'm so sorry miscalculated sir ok 1000 baht fine plus note on passport never again
  2. I read just 5 minutes on another story how we should proof read our posts before submitting them fair enough now this story. The list of his crimes including Murder of a parent assault assault blah blah before being charged now with this More serious crime me thinks no proof reading? 🙄
  3. Note to self " don't argue with wife's uncle "
  4. I'm pretty sure it depends status of the victims and the guilty party
  5. Road looks well lit so you should imagine you should see it .the girl has paid the price for what ever the reason she didn't. So many times I watch people on bikes whilst head looking at phones instead of the road
  6. The Israeli government is actively seeking to neutralise the threat it all sounds so pleasant. Israeli s are murdered but Arabs are neutralised
  7. Then he won't have bare arms. The bare and bear 🐻 I thought about but in my old head I chose wrong I'm sorry 😞
  8. You know better I was under assumption that in mississippi for example it's legal to buy or sell privately with no checks compulsory? I don't suppose this could be the reason it's high up if not no1 on gun deaths % wise
  9. I apologise gun was AR15 with 30 rounds of ammunition
  10. Why do you always look for mistakes? Quote the whole piece read it again you may see it was in reference to the arrested individual. Who went online made threats plus on some of his posts was pictured with ak47. Do try and keep up
  11. Britania rules the waves long gone history. The Falklands conflict in the 80s saved Thatcher nothing like a little war to unite the nation and get behind the iron lady. For an island near to Argentina that even if you're father died protecting it does not give you automatic right to live there. Before Mrs Thatcher died discussion was if she would receive a state funeral north of the border only discussion was do we have to wait till she is dead? Her popularity did not cross borders
  12. Please be clear I don't agree with the idiot but I also don't agree with no checks to buy guns or the need for machine guns for protection with Joe bloggs "free speech " comes at a price. No threats of violence online or in person should be tolerated full stop. Even if its a threat to hang Mike pence same people your victim may pardon
  13. Is no one going to defend his right to bare arms or free speech 🤔
  14. No gun ? Surely not a real gangster. It says his jealous rage are we supposed to fill in the blanks ourselves to make a nice juicy story? Ok I will go first the stab victim was porking his girlfriend a stab for a stab now your turn
  15. A bit short of information who found him ? Died only 3 hours give or take not long either way 40 years is not old but many seemingly healthy people die young
  16. I imagine perhaps he didn't have the 20.000 to pay them plus his detention means missing flight so further expenses he probably doesn't have. In saying that if he can stay over 6 months he either thought they will just deport him but I've no sympathy
  17. I should imagine his bills do not end there I should imagine rental company will want there pound of flesh. At moment £1500 is derailing a 2 month holiday mmm lot of thought went into that budget 😳
  18. Yes Donald a bastion of truth which was why he was a great supporter of the national enquirer to make sure all stories were told 😉
  19. Who needs 2 heavy suitcases if your only on holiday on your own ? If your coming from alaska or a cold country perhaps. I don't know what it would take to induce me to risk my freedom especially since your jeopardy will start in a place like thailand certainly not £10-15.000 . I wonder if they flew in with 15kg and returning with 50kg plus? Who knows what red flags are being set off or when one thing for sure even snoop dog would have difficulty persuading it's for personal use
  20. He said he didn't very strongly and to be honest I don't see why he would case closed
  21. Driving in London or any big city is a pain where to give an inch is as a weakness luckily for most of us we are in no hurry lotus or wherever we are going will still be open if we get there 5 minutes later. It's been mentioned on here before but one of my biggest grumbles when I'm driving is Indians in particular walking on the road 2 and 3 deep without a care in the world even if pavement is available. The bar stewards were walking 3 deep on beach road ( beach side) if I thought I would not damage my mirror I would have liked to side swipe the thoughtless """"" people 😀
  22. If the numbers are down easy solution charge the ones who do come double
  23. I love the way the police manage to congratulate themselves on solving a crime committed in front of an audience of work colleagues. I'm sure most of us would rather hear of them busting an armoury operation taking weapons off the streets before used
  24. Yes and following weekend jazz festival with ronan keating stock up and stay within walking distance
  25. I hope you realise I was only joking no offence meant nearest I've been to philadephia is watching the film but if you're serious in wishing to return I hope you get there
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