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Everything posted by Dave0206

  1. If they were knowingly fishing illegally they got off lightly ( obviously except the deceased fisherman) surely its time to position some thai naval ships in the disputed area.Unless all money has been spent on the much awaited submarine
  2. Normally it should be assumed unfortunate but nothing to suspect foul play but mention koh phangan and it has more tragedies than the Bermuda triangle
  3. Born into a life if privilege and used the public purse to cover all his expenses whilst selling his influence to the highest bidder .in the UK its nothing new Mrs Thatchers son Mark pulled many stunts even being involved in trying to overthrow a foreign country
  4. The main suspect named "boy" very well named
  5. Mother in law may have been a pain but 1 thing for sure her son in law was no angel having a gun on his possession and willing to use it perhaps she saved her daughters life from this man child
  6. I believe it said rental operator looking after agreed return time.saving himself and wife was very fortunate I wonder if his luck continues dealing with rental operator ?
  7. I think that was his mistake he could have at least put an effort to looking the part maybe a dress lipstick ect
  8. 900.000 credit card cleared and 4 banks give loan approval for approx 10 million each they must have some high ranking bank officials in there pocket .surely it won't be too difficult to track the bank enablers who rubber stamp the application? As for the condo builders that might prove more difficult
  9. If you're in a girly bar no point fighting over the girl as they say you only miss your turn not you're chance
  10. Change it with what? If its something better very good. Telling people it's going to be great surely after 8 years the plan is ready for unveiling? There was a vote john mccaine that commie socialist gave it the thumbs down the replacement was not even given only it's going to be better
  11. You are right in so many ways I heard bernie say so many peoples health care is tied in with there work so when trying to get better wages the company holds that over you. Of course the I'm alright Jack mentality works until you are laid off then people understand others problems.
  12. The Chinese man complied with the police to stop. He was probably happy to get a rest
  13. It's not enough for 14 years but plenty to last your lifetime if you join the farang flying club.ok bad taste but I don't believe the post can be serious is it Shirley?
  14. Apparently medical costs in the USA is the number 1 reason many American families go bankrupt everyone knows along with health issues add money problems great for relationships
  15. I should have included sarcasm ⚠️ alert ?
  16. One thing for sure at $10 million a year he didn't need to deny himself much
  17. It's the crazy lefts fault people like bernie saunders telling people insurance and pharmaceutical companies are ripping them off. Travel insurance for anyone of course is essential for anyone travelling to anywhere in the world and you are asked many times countries you will visit if usa premiums higher I wonder why
  18. Why doesn't he claim to have a medical condition then he can serve his time in hospital 🤔. I'm sure I heard about it so it can be done.
  19. I saw a documentary about some rescued girls in Cambodia where there mothers had often knowingly sold them off to be forced to work in brothels cheapest end of the trade . As said before horrible existence. In Thailand I read of schoolgirls selling themselves to be able to get the newest iPhone since the Internet life for many is so superficial as long as customers are there I don't see the oldest profession shutting up shop
  20. Take him to a higher floor and let him try again it's only fair
  21. Ing who's physical high Street presence in the Netherlands is now minimal so I'm sure the staff laid off are delighted to see the savings made are going to the needy
  22. Who knows maybe someone spiked the drinks that looks very uncomfortable you really need to be comatose to endure that without waking up.i would have thought stomach pump especially after the Laos news
  23. I'm not sure if it's deja vu but I thought I read this story few months ago .Indians are enterprising you look at the restaurant's and wonder how can they survive .Then you realise they diversified into renting and loan sharking not normally @ 20% per day that seems absurdly ott because only very desperate would accept these terms causing unwanted attention trying to enforce collection
  24. Yes could not equate now I know he is a bad risk I'm lending him nothing 😁😁
  25. 20% per day ### lend elon musk 1.000 baht for a year on compound interest he may have difficulty repayment
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