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Everything posted by Dave0206

  1. It's great that Hungary a large euro recipient of funds worries how money should be spent. Uk was 2nd net contributing to eu after Germany I wonder how they are filling the gap with wonderful partners like orbon
  2. Don't want to sound like a broken record is there no time statute on murder or only vehicular homicide when you unknowingly drag your victim 100s of metres
  3. Well let's start with influence peddling and please remember hunter has never been in office are you telling me timing of Jared and ivanka sweet deals with Saudi Arabia and China were purely coincidental. The sanctions on Qatar at the behest of Saudi Arabia was a policy USA would normally be interested in? Regarding all the court cases many of which he has already been found GUILTY nothing can happen whilst he was in office. Your hero has played the judicial system his whole life with delay delay delay stiffing so many contractors along the way. It's a bit rich to complain about his treatment by the DOJ he was the worst at trying to use the doj .Bill Barr who distorted much for him says he is in deep <deleted> over his top secret boxes . I could go on but I'm wasting my time on you as you seem like the type of person Jordan klepper would be interviewing at rump rallies. Vindictive and tunnel vision when you talk about Hunter it's well documented he was an addict and went off the rails. Young Donald is not exactly adverse to drugs himself but I don't care and obviously in your blinkered vision neither do you ๐Ÿ˜‰
  4. Nice to see you take a fair and balanced view. Must be so easy to figure out what you believe just watch the Donald? If saying jail anyone if they are guilty of a serious crime dem or Republican makes me a leftist you have a warped sense of justice
  5. I can not for the life of me figure out the sheer hypocrisy the Republicans have by keep pushing the narrative regarding corruption and influence peddling with hunter but when it comes to Jared and ivanka nothing to see here. If they did wrong jail them all of them Republicans or dems . Even the master of deflection kellyanne Conway was stuck for words with Jared 2 billion with a b. Or Sarah huckabee with her 20.000 to her friends for a lectern corruption is corruption she should be jailed for that drawl of a voice alone
  6. Wow 1500 voters polled with that evidence you should sell your home car cash in your 401 and put your money on your man
  7. Drunk British man crashed his truck now this ALLEGED drunk thai man crashed his truck
  8. Swiss neutral? It was a Swiss and French man that helped secure the world cup for Russia only problem now in this digital crypto world more difficult to sanction anyone ๐Ÿ˜ณ
  9. Well she would not need to save 2000 per month for 10 years since the price of gold fluctuates and especially recently it has sky rocketed due to gold tied to us$ . Maybe every time she saved enough 1 baht bought at going rate . 10 years ago 18.000 maybe buy I baht gold now worth what 35000?
  10. Big notice on petrol forefront with all the debtor's and amounts they have forgotten to pay
  11. If what she claims is true she should sell the debt to people who are able to collect
  12. It does seem to be a very popular way of life I was up in issaan and next to basically shacks were Ford rangers Toyota fortuner ect even prawits financial disclosure said house value 3.6 million but 3 cars total 10.8 million maybe they sleep in there cars?
  13. I don't agree with you regards who is to blame for inflation but since most members on this platform take money from overseas then convert to baht I should imagine most are better off now with virtually all currency .I know that I have chf and I'm not complaining of a 10% increase in food costs in Thailand
  14. I used above services in pattaya cost was 5000 but finished up costing 6800 probably because at bank they asked you want this (yes) you want that yes yes and yes plus 100 I think for photograph 500 is in your account took a few hours collect passport next day for me it was worth it as I had been refused @ every bank I tried on my own
  15. 1 night I can understand but 15 year old must either be very brave or lucky that 19 days go bye with no checking. Must be 5 star hotel @ 400 baht per night that is short time type rates
  16. Must be a real money spinner if 120.000 needed to be collected from near and far ๐Ÿค”
  17. The cod v haddock was a North South thing in Scotland haddock was the normal with skate also on the menu .As you moved south instead of salt and vinegar you got salt and sauce . Then mushy peas curry sauce pukka pies ect ect I don't know ๐Ÿ˜• why I'm fat
  18. I work with Indian tourists and often complimented on my good English I just reply ty I've been practicing for 64 years ( I'm Scottish) Or if they describe me as English I correct them and say it's a common mistake you Pakistanis make It's only for fun I don't care I've been described much worse
  19. 5 years for murder providing you've no money but lese majeste will assure you of fish head soup for much longer
  20. Ah well no double standards here the alleged victim has anonymity whilst the accused has his name and picture in print . Might as well get the rope ready
  21. I am looking to buy a condo soon ( still working 8 months to go ) so for last few trips to pattaya area I've did the air bnb test .I stayed view talay 6 and 3 in jomtien. Vt 6 great views but it's a hotel more or less with lift not going down to car park levels so shopping carry up minimum 1 level. Vt 3 for me seemed perfect condo seems quiet and prices much lower than average I'm heavily leaning towards purchasing here unless anyone has some information why its a bad idea ?
  22. So much money they could get a few submarines and some bomb detecting equipment for that kind of money
  23. I've done elephant ride with my son 5 @ the time in jodhpur up slippery path with 2ft wall up to a Fort I was terrified. What I would never in a million years do is @ nong nooch public used to volunteer for elephant to " massage them whilst lying on the ground " I mean what could possibly go wrong ๐Ÿค”
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