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Everything posted by kidneyw

  1. What´s with the silly last info? I have been drinking over a 1 000 beer in 2 years. Still don´t kill people But can you throw a knife?
  2. Hi, I am looking for a wheelchair friendly hotel in Jomtien, about 800 baht a night. Of course, I have used Google, but a waste of time, as it just gives me Jomtien hotels without wheelchair access. Thanks to anyone who can help.
  3. Plod, "Sorry that don't cut it anymore." Siriporn, "I used to appear in Maxim magazine." Plod. "Okay, that will do."
  4. Definitely on a downward spiral. Policeman then monk. What could be next?
  5. I guess these pesky tourists do not read Aseannow, then they would know everything they need to know about Thailand.
  6. Maybe to get the parachute badge they all seem to wear.
  7. Have you tried to access it online? Surely that would show activity.
  8. It is the patter of big feet coming along that he has to worry about.
  9. What was actually noticeable was that the report stated that the girl was inside the yard and that the gate was unlocked, it did not say that the gate was open. The gate was wide open in the video.
  10. What was also noticeable was the gate was open, so the child could easily have wandered out into the soi and into the path of any motorcycle maniac.
  11. Where is that Smart Safety Zone 4.0 community policing initiative when you need it?
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