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Posts posted by Mangostin

  1. Thanks Soibiker, so, do you think that was somehow an act of retaliation against Cambodia?

    I also couldn't find any written material actively suggesting to give the Khmer "noms" a rub, Thailand seems to have made the first move toward that direction....

    All in all, it's a bit like a breathe of fresh air, where the thai attitude toward westerners becomes more open, maybe soon our guys could show up the nipple without risk of being fined, i know that double standards are often the nom here, but maybe this could contribute to make the situation easier, who knows?

  2. RIP to the deceased who were murdered I cannot say the same about the murderer what he did was an outrage and inexcusable!!!!

    Between the 3 of hem, in all honesty, he looked as the one who needed to find some peace first, as from his actions, he looked just a bit as being sort of nervous?

    Unless it has become the new way to meet and greet people around here, given the widespread killings we read about everyday

  3. ,how many Thai visa members would like to see their children slogging their guts out making rotis after school

    Don't even think about it! A "farang" or a "Partially Farang"(luk krung), stealing jobs from the thais, he would be imprisoned for life or at least until he had the money to buy his ticket out of the country and paid the fine for such an incredible heinous crime....oh and let's not forget being blacklisted for life to return if he survives, sometime i wonder what other punishment can be added to it, as it doesn't really feels that's enough yet

  4. I'm the same as everyone else, meter. My point being, rebate on standing order. I have had to have my TV repaired, my satellite box repaired and my oven blew it's thermostat. Has anyone complained, received a rebate or help in the cost of replacing these items.

    We got an online regional's "newspaper", publishing many articles with pictures of multimeters showing very low voltages(brownouts), inside the electrical sockets, as low as 117V , it didn't seem to make a difference, even if there are many readers commenting on these public domain articles.

  5. Crossy, hybrid inverters, MEA/PEA - my knowledge of electricity is limited to changing a fuse and putting up new wall lights.

    Sorry you lose me if technical, I'm a plug it in man, if it works great, if it doesn't it's a problem.

    Just in case you are still puzzled, i'll translate in "layman terms".

    Yes it works great, but the bureaucrats in Thailand decided that it's illegal, so you cannot do it... laugh.png

    Thailand is a great place for a lot different things, but for some stuff, which we take for granted it's ok to do, it's a helluva of a problem, as for example brewing your own alcoholic recipe, you have to undergo the same paperwork that an industrial enterprise have to do= not worth the effort.

    Almost the same for this electrical's stuff, so easy back home, a total different matter here....

  6. Had the same problem a few years back, i didn't bother to complain, as they would not even install a public's road light even if i would have paid for everything, so i doubt they would have done anything about black or brown outs...

    If it might be of any interest to you, i got a Genny that is no longer needed since they "upgraded" the supply, 2.5kW for 5k, bargain biggrin.png

  7. Poi Pet is very busy

    Not always the case, it might be true if you arrive when some of those big tourists buses arrives.

    Been there about 10 days ago, the ground floor, was full of Cambodians, but the upper floor where we "foreigners" have to go, was completely empty, not a single person in all the 10 minutes i have been there, so instead to do the "horse's run" inside the maze they have on front of their desks, i bypassed the course and went directly to the point where you have to wait just after it......well, you can imagine what happened next, a lady captain in possibly her 30's came out and say, "No! No! you have to go back!", so i reply that there was absolutely no one before or even after me, why i couldn't just wait there for one of the maybe 10 desks (all free) to call me, but nothing to do, i had to do that silly silly race's course for their joy, while the captain was making comments about me being a "farang" , ah ahhh, sometime i try to pretend that logic exist in Thailand too, but i get disproved almost immediately.... laugh.png

  8. If he wasn't in here, it wouldn't have happened, i blame it on him!....ohh wait but what does it means he's thai? It's still the farang's fault because if they weren't here, the robbers wouldn't have got confused to which people the rule applies to!!! facepalm.gif

  9. Hahaha... Purely discrimination based on skin color.

    Totally agree, some place wouldn't care less what sort of documentation you will provide to prove you are entitled, if you look as a "foreigner", nothing it's going to work, you can even be born here, speak the language, have citizenship or having lived for a 100 years straight in the same place....welcome to Thailand!

  10. lets not go and turn thailand into the countries we all left behind to move here. place is cheap and interesting. i prefer that over expensive and boring any time.

    Sorry WGA, while i respect your opinion, understanding that everyone might have different reasons behind the choice to come and live here, i can guarantee that this was not my intention.

    I am not asking for taxes or overcharges of all sorts, just some general's improvement, sounds as a pun but was not intended...

    Someone must have decided to move because it wanted to experience the challenges of being discriminated because of its race/skin color, or to feel the thrill of falling victim of a scam, a serious assault or even a murder, with the added point of being blamed for it after the facts.

    Then to expect to be given the same opportunities and rights of a thai residing into our countries, must to be something extremely boring for some people.

    Apparently i moved here for all the wrong reasons, and expecting to improve something that even the locals might realize it's not exactly the best possible choice, it's not really well accepted by the thrill's seekers i was mentioning above, i only wish everyone could have what they really wanted, to each his own.

  11. If you leave on or before the "Admitted Until" date stamped in your passport there will be no possibility of you being fined.

    That's what kept me there arguing for at least a whole good 20 minutes, then, evaluating better the situation, losing an intercontinental's flight with all the connected disadvantages and just pay the 500 B extortion's fine, i opted out for the latter rather than the former....

  12. So I dont understand why you are fined Mangostin if you leave on the actual 'admitted until' date stamped in your passport, unless you fly after midnight when legally they could.

    Yes i don't understand it either, that's why i wanted to double check it here against other people's experiences.

    And you can trust me on this, i might not be perfect, but surely i still know when a day ends and another it's starting up, so that's not the case, unless Thailand made a whole new rule on this during the last couple of years, which it's much more likely to be.... laugh.png

  13. Which airport did you exit from?

    One time i departed from Suvarnabhumi (BKK), while another time i am not sure if it was the same airport or Don Muang(BKK), anyways, always flying out from the main Bangkok's airports.

    Soon i am going to fly out from Bangkok again, and again on the day stamped on my passport, if they are going to make me pay a fine again for the third time, this time i will write down name and number of the officer for everyone to see.

  14. Let's see at the brighter side, the fact that the top man acknowledged that there is indeed a need for "innovation", it's itself a step forward into the right direction, now, if they could keep going that way, rather than doing 20 steps backwards for each step going forward, perhaps we will really see a change for the better.

    Now, i am going to suggest an easy shortcut to get results with the minimal effort, and what it's better, is that i am not even asking for a ministerial's position in exchange, so, they can consider this their very lucky lucky day.

    Give foreigners the right to do any jobs as the locals, if the locals would see their customers to chose a different kind of service/product than what they offer, they will be automatically stimulated to follow suit and improve their services/products, it's a win solution for all.

    Free transfer of useful skills to improve everyone's life, that's free teaching, what else could you ask for??

    Obviously it's only going to work if you let local's understand that they should get better in what they do, rather than allowing them to pull out silly excuses that will only keep things in a worse state, not rocket's science, really

  15. Something i really find hard to understand, it's why if your passport stamp say, valid until today's date, then you go the the airport today and they insist you over-stayed because the date on that stamp for them it means it's "expired".

    Is it just me understanding this wrong?

    It happened already a few times and they put a stamp on my passport plus a receipt of 500B for the fine (paid each time).

    At first i thought it was just a stubborn officer wanting to cash it up at all costs, but after the second time i started to think that there is more to it, as it was a different person...

    Is this normal?

  16. The Samaritons

    Yeha, great choice Johnatong, i think in LOS they could possibly open a branch called "The SatangRightOn", i contacted them years back, to highlight the "farang's " problems here in Thailand, they didn't blink an eye lid, then someone wonders why with a single Googgle's search, you can get so many answers.....https://www.google.co.uk/search?num=100&newwindow=1&q=9+out+of+10+charities+scam&oq=9+out+of+10+charities+scam&gs_l=serp.3...5050.6326.0.6846.

  17. I believe they should ask for Psychologist to volunteer their professional services and not just anyone who want to "do good" in their sparetime. Psychological matters is a to serious profession to deal with for most people.

    That would be in the perfect world. However, in a time of crisis, these people are not thinking rationally, and can not see other options.

    You do not have to be a trained psychologist to get these people talking about their problems, and then discuss with them that options are available to them, other than suicide.

    Of course, they can seek professional help at a later stage, but at crisis point, when they have a rope in one hand, and a phone in the other, if they decide to call the number, then anyone with some life experience, and willing to give of their time, could be in a position to save a life.

    "Maeee NamKang ! You very no understand, i think you yen yen toomut".....

    If you think about it, that's just what the very highly trained professionals must have thought, when during the Tsunami in PukeT, they wanted to arrest all the non professional people which were helping others, they should go and pay for their work permit first!!!!

    Also, whenever you see somebody having any sort of trouble or difficulties in life, just pretend you haven't seen anything for the same very reason, you are not a professional, not your problem....easy.

  18. Educational.

    Avoid confrontations whilst intoxicated with Thai people,


    Well let me try to educate YOU a bit better then.

    As a stable de facto resident of Thailand for a decade, i find i natural to take care of the environment where i live in, so, as my usual, one day i was cleaning up from all the rubbish trowed up from the thai and ONLY thai that live around here, from the foothpath fronting my property, i don't think this is unreasonable, well, the guy living on the other side of the road from me, which i never ever seen grabbing a brum even once, to even clean around his house, came to me and was sort of tense, he asked me what i was doing, and i said with a smile that i was cleaning the foothpath fronting my home (as that wasn't clear enough yet for this guy apparently), then he started telling me with an angry voice that "...this is Thailand!!! You are a farang and you CANNOT DO THAT!" , i that point i replied very calmly and try to let him understand that there was nothing wrong or bad in cleaning outside my home, as the rubbish with a little wind will end up just inside my property, but his loud reply attracted a crowd of people, around 10, one of which came slowly toward me and grabbed my wrists, at that point the angry one started punching me with such a force and repeatedly that the resulting wounds needed to be stitched up at an hospital, i did NOT react, not even verbally.

    Just after the attack, i went straight to the local police station, all covered in blood to make a report, voluntarily did not clean up myself to make them take a better notice of what had just happened.

    They make me wait for a while and none of the police officer was really interested, but they wrote down a report, then i went to the hospital, and after a doctor wrote down a report, i ask for a copy of it but they told me that i could not have it because a (mysterious) police officer had taken everything.

    During the following few days i went repeatedly to that police station to complain because NOBODY was doing anything and my aggressor was just doing as his usual at his home (i could see everything as he just live opposite to me), i asked to see the officer in charge of the station, but NONE of the big officers was apparently willing to listen to me, only a lieutenat replied to me very annoyed that they already did everything and i should go away.....this is Thailand for you!

    Another day i had an unknown person parking his shining pick up just on front of my vehicle's entrance, i gently asked if he could move it as i had no other entrance, he took his gun out, pointed to my face and pulled the trigger, but it was unloaded, then he asked his mate to give him some bullets, loaded the gun, and first pointed at point black against me again, then fired a bullet into my land just next to me........what to say? Sabai sabai.

    I don't blame these people for their wild and violent actions, the real blame is for the institutions that by treating "farangs" as rubbish, are simply educating the rest of the people which is ok to do that and they are in fact encouraged to prove their greatness this way.

  19. How do you get a HELP telephone line started, funded, managed 24/7 and with medically trained helpers?

    Where would on-going support facilities be located and with funding if needed?

    That would not be a problem.

    The real problem, in my views, it would be how do the heck you restore faith in somebody desperate, with the so many things being forbidden to foreigners here??? The working restrictions are an absolute nightmare which is not simply creating these sort of problems, but keeping the entire country backward!

    Then the absurdity of having to pay money as if you were a "for-profit" entity and the very short term permits to stay...........no way Jose'!

    Maybe in a couple millions years they will finally understand, good luck with evolution.

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