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Posts posted by Mangostin

  1. Sometimes I think if the farang could speak a little more Thai, they would not have so many problems

    Been there and done that, trust me, you better get a different hobby, because as soon you will be able to grasp the lingo, you might end up with all your expectations being crushed, this will also lead to many more problems if you pay attention to what they say as soon as you turn your back to them, honestly, i could write a couple of encyclopedias on the absurdities you can hear around, sometimes even worse than the ones you read on the forum...

  2. Are you really this passionate about a few bloody fried dough balls ? Or has something else got up your nose causing your pain ?

    On first reading your post I thought it was a light hearted rant that you'd get over in no time. Bit like an unwanted hangover. Bit shitty at first but you feel better in a short time. But it would appear you are treating the "scammed" episode as if it were an inoperable cancer.

    I could write a book on "it HAS happened to me", & I mean BIG time "happened to me"

    Get over it, don't be such a sook.

    You are missing the point, relax and read the whole thread till you understand, i am only making you a favour after all, but as usual some people will get upset or start crying when you show them the truth, why do you keep condemning the messenger rather than the problem or the source of the problem?

    That's the question you should ask yourself, if you still can't handle it, i am sorry for you but i am not by any means obliging you to keep discussing over it, personally, i find it amusing and also educative, because you could get a panorama of other people's thoughts partytime2.gif

  3. Can i ask where you buy your mushrooms from.

    They must be the magic sort. How else can you start a thread about a missing couple of Dodh balls and progress said rip off to a car engine with no mechanical bits.. do you eat them once or twice a day???

    I go to pick them up with your wifey in the woods when you sleep, ha ha that's when the "magic" starts.

    You can't really see the connection do you? While at the same time posting that we would die starving because of this?

    AS this turns your thread somewhat. I will only redonethis way.

    I have reportedthis to moderators as you have ssteppedover a boundary.

    Yes go and scream crying to mommy that you are unable to win an argument because of your failed logic....grow up!

  4. you percived you are being ripped off. So you will be dead of starvation soon that makes sense then.

    laugh.pngfacepalm.gif ....naaw c'mon, those vendors are clearly doing some good to you by caring about your diet and making sure you stay a sucksy man, not ripping you off, no way

    nice role reversal try but sorry no work

    That's because you got something that it's reversed into your head, i can't help you with that, the best i could do it's try to make you understand with some reasoning here, if you still don't get it it's your problem not mine.

  5. Can i ask where you buy your mushrooms from.

    They must be the magic sort. How else can you start a thread about a missing couple of Dodh balls and progress said rip off to a car engine with no mechanical bits.. do you eat them once or twice a day???

    I go to pick them up with your wifey in the woods when you sleep, ha ha that's when the "magic" starts.

    You can't really see the connection do you? While at the same time posting that we would die starving because of this?

  6. This vendor is not likely a sophisticated business person - maybe they were faced with a short term problem, an increase in expenses or something other and did not know how to deal with it or pass along the price increase... maybe they could have increased the price and given you the same quantity but felt that was too much bother... if this is someone who you deal with regularly I would like to think you can speak with them rather than get all worked up as if you were horribly scammed... maybe ask them what their problems are and help them out... show a bit of compassion.. [sure, just a crazy idea]

    Yeah right!

    What next? "Farang killed by local vendor, BiB said it would have been very hard for the vendor to just let it go and we should show compassion"...in the mean time, some TV members just organized a crowdfunding on the popular website to make sure the poor vendors will never run out of bullets, totally empathizing with the struggles they might have went into.....nice one

  7. Scientists ! nobody here can even understand that the seller put less of the product instead of selling more expensive ?

    This is so clear that this is what is happening !

    Not so difficult to understand in general except by foreigners who think that they know everything...

    I think somebody would just love to do business with you.

    Let's say you go to buy your next shiny Vigo for the usual price......only to find out that there are no mechanical's parts inside it when you try to start it, it's basically an empty box, that shouldn't be a problem for you i guess, after all, you still paid the same amount as any other normally functioning cars cheesy.gifthumbsup.gif

  8. Hi Mark, i am usually very proactive, but given the usual kind of replies i get from the various vendors, it's getting all just a bit demotivating.... to give you an idea, things like "we no have" when the products are just under our noses, or "cannot do solly", "this is Thailand, no Europe", and even simply making a "pffft" while looking and acting as being clearly annoyed etc..

    I still like a chat about it if i find out on the spot or in case of costly stuff, but given the nature and costs involved on this particular instance, they can get lost...

    If it was a simple "mistake" as mentioned by someone, it wouldn't involve so many people, but i guess some people will always find a way to justify the unjustifiable, no matter what...

  9. £20,000 worth of Diamonds in the wrong suitcase he took by mistake, mmmm something smells fishy.

    Insurance scam by the owner of the other suitcase?.

    Stop stop stop bashing thai people! Every single thai travel with at least 1 million bahts worth of diamonds into their suitcases, it's a well known fact and it just surprise me that it wasn't much much more, must have been one of those isaan rice's farmer with not even a sick buffalo at home, sure!

  10. I don't understand why the family don't pay the bills themselves... if they don't have the money then they should take out a load, earn money, sell their possessions, etc.

    I am sure that's more or less the same thing the "businessmen" inside the hospital have worked out already.

    Just compare the cost of the electricity bill and some nurses playing on Line or Facebook, with what the final bill it's going to look like, makes me wonder why some TV posters don't invest into those sort of money making's machines, ops, "hospitals".....

  11. sovr ridiculous to even notice it, don't you feel that your whole life is a scam ?

    If that's how you feel towards your own existence, i am sorry for you dear, luckily not everyone is at that stage though, just stay with us for a chance to see life from a different prospective, you never know laugh.png

  12. don't suppose the drink had anything to do with it did it !!!! No of course not silly me has to be blamed on a Thai I forgot sorry .

    Odds are in favour of the bad oil, which it's something very common, unless he came across some of that nasty ice added to the drinks, made of doubtful's water or just being crushed on a dirty floor (i've seen that myself)...... but we all knows that thais do not do those things, maybe they were burmeses.....whistling.gif

  13. Mangostin,

    you might want to make a return trip to the stall a few weeks from now to see if they have lost customers and put up the prices to compensate for their falling income.


    It's already happening, that stall is a popular one with many ppl i knows, and the buzzing around doesn't sound any good for the poor chap....serves him right though.

    Also, is not the first one to bite the dust, i have seen many disappearing in no time, others taking a while but inesorably following suit, and it's sad as i did really enjoy (some of) them.

    As for example, a notorious starred fried chicken, i have seen 4 of them coming and going, a few of them left their empty stall behind, so if if there is any of the members here interested, i think that as long as you can prove that your product it could not be sourced locally because of the skills involved, etc, shouldn't be a problem obtaining a WP for it, in fact, i already have a suggestion for any interested member, you could develop a roasted chicken which is catapulted directly on the table of your customers, if you are wondering how could you possibly do something like that, i suggest making a partnership with this guy here (Songkran's ready, just look at the shirt, and possibly looking for a new job) https://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/nov/14/rosetta-comet-genius-typical-absent-minded-scientist-sister

  14. I am sure either one of these would love to hear from you, and make you feel better.

    NCPO Thai government. 24 hour Call Center 1111 http://www.1111.go.th/

    They deal with any and all complaints related to anything and everything.

    Noise, schools, retailers, builders, police or anything else.

    Consumer Protection Board. http://www.ocpb.go.t...?filename=index

    This agency deals with all retails, real estate and alike problems, including faulty products, incomplete jobs, warranty's etc.

    It also deals with unlicensed restaurants or food sellers.

    Naaaw that would be a bit too much, i am confident that it will not takes long till he'll realize that it wasn't the wisest of the choices to resort to such a new strategy, and unsurprisingly, other patrons are just as unimpressed as i am by the new hocus-pocus trick, some TV members should seriously think about setting up a crowdfunding's page for the poor guy, it all looks as he will need one very soon.....

  15. biggrin.png thank you guys for taking part on this, i think we can safely assume that corruption and cheats exist because the majority of people not only accept them, but in fact actively support those practices.

    It's old news anyways, we know that what is rotten into our society doesn't just sprout out after the first seasonal's rainfalls, just have a taught about this next time you end up into an unpleasant situation, we will never root out bad practices till we are ourselves an active part against it, no matter how small something might looks, that's also why we start being educated while we are still at a very early stage of our life, but i bet this will be an overly complicated reasoning to understand for many...

  16. After years and years and years of being a loyal customer, a local stall selling a local delicacy ("Kaee Nokkada", which are basically just sweetened fried dough's balls), just decided to implement some tricks to (presumably) maximize its profits (read as "scam", or simply as filling up its small paper's bag just for 1/3, but making it still looks as it was completely full as per usual).

    I didn't bother to inspect what i was being handed, as after many years of happy purchases, i wouldn't expect to be rewarded on this way.....anyway, life continues and i am sure that by giving up on some of my unhealthy dietary habits, can only do some good to me, so, thanks to the thai logic of doing business, you will now have one less customer which will translate with less work to do, so you can relax a bit more, that's a winning for all of us i am sure! laugh.png


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