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Posts posted by Mangostin

  1. They are obsessed with not having been colonised....just look at the National anthem. That's all that matters to most and it doesn't matter it's a dirty s*it hole.

    That's because they voluntarily gave up some of their territory, but i bet you wouldn't find that little "irrelevant" particular on local's history books.....

  2. Germany had sent rescue teams who were cleaning up and identifying corpses and so.

    Then some Thai official told them to stop helping and go back to Germany because they had no workpermits which was very very very rude from the Thai and i will never ever forget it.

    FYI W-European search and rescue teams never work with a workpermit, wherever they go. Normally the victims are very happy to get free professional assistance but in this case Thailand didn't want it because it was work which had to be done by Thai only......

    You kind of forgot some of the best parts, as when the thai officials publicly threatened them with arrest if they would not immediately stop helping the victims.....

    Thainess indeed.

  3. I don't know if this is true but i have heard that if you are legally married you wont be arrested for helping your wife run her business as by Thai law you are obliged to help your wife in all of life's situations,any thoughts on this?

    I know personally of a few people which have been fined (30.000), just for being inside the place where their wife were working, not in the area reserved to staff, one was caught using the computer available for customers to browse the internet and another one would just go and have a nap on the sofa inside the coffee shop (sitting down), the only reason why they haven't been arrested it's because they have managed to pay on the spot, they have also been warned to never step inside those places again or they will be arrested, no matter what.....

  4. Why can't the Thai's be calm like Farangs are ?

    You no understand Broken Record, Ozzies are just a bit more noizzy because it's a different breed, but you have to admit that none of them jumped on top of each other car's bonnet doing some damage, or tried to simply run over with their car the person they were disagreeing with, people who read too much Tha_irate.com stuff, ends up having problem controlling their actions, fearangs mostly read TV so their anger get neutralized after just a few keystrokes

  5. Could I please have a reprint of this post in a form which is understandable.....I did, I promise, attempt to read it

    a few times to have it make sense!

    I understand your difficulties, someone should suggest to open a specific TV section just to suit your needs, something like a "virtual shape sorter toy", where users would have to undergo a simple entry test before being allowed to read....

    In the meantime, you have all my deepest sympathy wink.png

  6. demonizing a whole country based on ignorant, narrow minded views so common among many farang living in Thailand.

    You just gave me a great idea!

    Lets start a GofundMe's page where we raise funds to create a new kickstarter company, it will produce a new brand of flip-flops, based on the concept of those footie's shoes with metal's studs underneath, these sorts of accidents will never looks the same again! 1zgarz5.gif

  7. Years ago i stopped at a red traffic light, just before the white line draw on front of the zebra crossing, on my left i had a pickup with a long antenna and this guy wearing that typical white T-shirt you can see some "particular" locals wearing, he started asking me why i did not stop on top of the zebra crossing, i kindly declined knowing that this would result in a fine, but he was really insisting on it....

    Then on another occasion i was (legally)driving at speed, i had this police's pickup overtaking normally and then suddenly almost stopping on front of me, luckily i almost expect the armageddon to happen every time i drive out, so i quickly avoided collision without much effort, then this car kept going at a speed of a bicycle, i overtake and looked at the Bibs inside, they were all smiling as they clearly knew what they just tried to do....TITs

  8. If the main economy of the UK was based on exports rather than imports (just check official statistics for the facts), having a weaker currency would actually do goods to the economy, as it would ends up exporting even more.

    Things unfortunately will works out much differently if you are mainly importing (as it is), and the GBP it's already going nose down just on fears of an exit, if it will finally be the case, exporting companies will be booming, the rest of the country and the expat's population around the world however will have a little less reasons to be celebrating....

    MangoStayIN laugh.png

  9. With the price of tomatoes being what it is, i guess you guys wont be able to afford that extra bottle of cheers beer enjoyed on the 7-11 curb...

    Ha ha you broke violin! , just because this is what you are up to every days, it doesn't means that others have your same habits, you know?

    If there is something that i really despise, it's all those people which are ready to splash out whatever amount just to show how good they apparently are, till the people whom are taking them for a ride rise the stacks to a point they'll have to jump from a balcony instead to show any sort of disapprove or surprise...well done.


  10. The point is, where people will draw a line?

    Now it's the EU, next time it will be the countries and regions inside the NotSoUnited Kingdom wanting to split up from the rest, all the way up to the single individual where its soul will no longer wanting to share anything with its body....

    It's not restricted to the UK, its actually a reality in many more countries than one would thinks.

    So why are the people "rebelling"? Maybe because the situation became kind of unbearable to many? That's a natural consequence of not caring about other people well being, and my wild guess is that it has all been planned so the people will be much more willing into embrace a war, as it will surely not be the first time that an economic struggle ended up in a conflict, a place where the economy and peace are widespread has no interest into joining a never ending war.

    Will a "Brexit" solve the problems? Nope, it's only a game played by some local puppeteer to keep everything to himself and keep exploiting the people in a local manner rather than internationally, some might say "Ohh but if the people vote for it then it must to be right!" ...well, let's remember that the people also elected a conservative party on the last elections, and for whoever its following the local news, the effect on the people its being devastating, on pair of a war, almost every single achievement that previous generations have being fighting for to get, its being slowly but inexorably disintegrated......but whom cares? As long as we can watch the footie and hate/blame foreigners for anything, that should be fine, isn't it?

  11. I think you are all missing what's the real point here. The carlang by driving its own vehicle its depriving a mighty thai person of his livelyhood, some thai taxi driver might be dying every day because of foreigners breaking the law doing occupations reserved to them, then he very likely will also be eating some thai food taking it away from a thai, and breathing precious oxygen reserved to thai only......bad bad bad

  12. Interesting!

    Not for me.... the video will not play as it is 'private'.

    Likely a leak between meter and house, got any areas where plants are thriving?

    Yes the Op must have fixed his issue, as the video can no longer be viewed, however, as one of privileged members whom saw it when it was still available, you didn't lose much, you could only see a cement block, with 2 water pipes coming up from it, each side had its own metal valve and in the middle there was this water's meter running quite quickly, as when someone is using a water's tap......ohh and a finger pointing at it.


  13. That particular model of a valve, even if it looks much better, as they are all made of metal and cost much more than the blue/red pvc valves, are absolutely rubbish, i had to change the same one about 5 years ago, since i replaced it with a cheap one (pvc), i didn't had a single problem, however, your problem seems to include even more issues, as already pointed out by previous posts.

  14. A couple of weeks ago spring onions went from the usual 75B/kilo to 225B/kilo in Makro. That makes them nearly four times the price of chicken breast, which is ridiculous.

    Recently I bought a very large fresh Iceberg lettuce at Sainsbury's in the UK for 50p, which is their standard everyday price. That's 25B. A much smaller and much older lettuce would be three times that in BigC here.

    Someone is pocketing a lot of money here.

    Around here there are a few itinerant onion's sellers, but they only have those little micro onions, the size of a cherry, i did try them once, 50 B for a kg, but to peel them off would take such a long time that i have given up after the first try.

    Lettuce not easy to find, always overpriced anyway, here they like cabbage, they eat it raw and put it almost everywhere...

    Rarely we can even find broccoli and cauliflowers, but they just taste awful, not sure why, i don't think it's the chemicals, because they almost always have little caterpillars inside, you just have to look for them while cleaning them up.

  15. The cost of running a Greenhouse to control the environment is very costly,makes it not worth growing them,

    The cost will come down as soon as temps fall and the local farmers can grow them again

    About the costs, i imagine that you are referring to electricity, what about some renewable energy setup to cut the costs of that?

    Also, i noticed that just creating some shadow, will really create a huge difference in temperatures, however many locals just kind of accept the sunshine as something unavoidable or whatever else, as they adopts no work arounds to protect the walls or roof of their homes for example.

    While we were building up our home, you couldn't touch the walls from the inside as the sun made them incredibly hot, so we build up walls as a "sandwich", now inside stay cool even without a/c, however some protection nets or trees would have probably worked out on a similar way.

  16. Ive had to buy one instead of my normal three.................oh life will never be the same again

    Naaw, ..... you know how they say?

    They came for the tomatoes, and i said nothing,

    they came for the lettuce, and i said nothing,

    then they came for my bar girl, so i finally decided to make a post about it on TV.....

  17. How often do you water your tomatoe plants? Tomatoes like one good watering a week (every 5 days or so here in T.land) and then no more water until the following week. Avoid watering the leaves; only water at the base of the plants.

    Try again and good luck!


    That's really surprising, i thought that with such an intense heat, they would need much more water.

    The land usually get hard as a stone if it's not watered daily, it will even start cracking up, so i usually gave them a light-medium watering 3 or even 4 times a day, perhaps that's part of the problem.

    I remember to have read somewhere that during the first stage of growing, they would require much more water, anyway, i will try this new method and see if it works.

    The pots with composted soil also get usually infested with insects of all sizes and shapes, there is always a red little legged worm, which curl as soon as it get bothered, they usually dig their way in inside the soil but comes out during the watering, maybe they are feasting on my little plants?

    Thanks for sharing.

  18. Just don't buy them. Personally couldn't care less about tomatoes, not great for stomach acid. But coconuts are up also.

    Not easy to stay without my favourite sauces, however i will abstain for a while to see if this trend changes....

    Coconuts have always been up, around here i can see people risking their lifes, parking their motosay next to the trees and start climbing 20 or more meters up for them, and every year they grow even taller...(coco)nuts!!!

  19. Hey Agent Sumo, i am sure you realized that if the cost of standard food increase 3 times, we will have an harder time with our freshly imported food from abroad with our personal private jets, as more people will make the same choice and create congestion on the runways....facepalm.gif

  20. A month ago I could buy tomatoes at 15 baht per Kg yesterday the price at Tesco was 59 baht per Kg Big C 55 baht per Kg !

    15 B per kilo??? Wow where is that? The cheapest i have ever found them was 21 or 22, the average price is 28 and i usually give them a skip when they jump up to 32

  21. Yes, the wife was complaining about the increase in price of tomatoes just a few days back. Trebled in price from what I recall, but not sure over what period. This is in Pattaya.

    Not sure if other items have also increased, but unlikely to be limited just to tomatoes. I would ask the wife, but it would likely rekindle her requests for more housekeeping money. smile.png

    Well for the time being i could notice only the tomatoes having this trend, everything else was the same (Prachinburi)

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