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Everything posted by skorp13

  1. No they'll have it at the indoor ski slope in Dubai 555. Upon the news if beer sales being cancelled at stadiums i don't think beer is the only thing being cancelled now. Great way to make money and a successful World Cup ! ????
  2. How dare airlines land planes during the hour long somtam and noodle breaks that are a must!
  3. I've been there and used the side exit alley before many months ago. On those rare nights out that late one thing i noticed is they weren't the sole place still in operation at that time, just perhaps just a little light on the brown envelope last time around
  4. At least they're still wearing their masks 555
  5. I'm sure the residents of Sai Mai feel much safer now ????
  6. Hopefully they have it sorted. A few weeks again from 2nd rd to beach was inpassable
  7. They've already started 2 days ago, can't get to Thepprasit from the go cart track. Have to back track to where the new bunjy jump is, turn right up to Thepprasit soi 7, turn left, then u turn to get onto Thepprasit 6 aka soi kor pai.. Headed towards the beach there is an area on both sides where it is down to one lane. Going to be a helluva mess come the weekend especially with the night market LOL
  8. I was in 7/11 Thepprasit last night about 8PM. At least 20 people in there, all wearing masks.
  9. Don't kid yourself, it hasn't changed from the beginning of covid!!
  10. Laws but not laws 555. I almost thought they would take the fines to raise money to teach one of the deadliest road nations how to drive safely. LOL
  11. One less porno to be watched, good job boys!! Let us not forget that they were willing adults being paid not child sex labor. Forget all the drugs, road carnage, and shootings we busted people for having consensual sex. Break out the band Somchai!
  12. Thais....go ahead and have as much sex with other Thai's gay or straight. You'll be fine as long as you avoid those diseased dirty foreigners. OMB!!
  13. Should schools do more to train students? That has to qualify for one of the stupidest questions of the year. How about the parents as well, if they have any? I understand sometimes they need their young teens to go get something or run an errand but that doesn't mean hammering into them basic rules of safety should be ignored and not preached. I've seen way too many young teens after 02:00 laid out of the ground with a pool of blood leaking out of their heads. I'll be the first one to say how free it feels to ride and understand the fun and enjoyment of riding a scooter or full on motorcycle but if you want to treat them as toys buy the safety gear and take it off road!
  14. This is actually a fairly common practice. Quite a few areas of Bangkok operate like this in restaurants. It's all for local Thais
  15. That's what Obama did with H1N1, simply stopped testing and reporting and swept it under the rug. There is a new flu strain every year and a new jab every year, what makes anyone think this is going to be any different? I haven't been the same since my 2nd Moderna jab. Since then i got Covid, a 3rd Moderna jab and have long Covid. It's just something we are going to be living with for at least the foreseeable future, just need to get on with it and yes i do know the seriousness of it i had a friend die from it
  16. Just a ploy to be able to say " yes foreigners can own land in Thailand"! They already know they're not going to sell much of it to foreigners.
  17. Hotel Amber. Half way between soi buakhao and 3rd rd, lk metro and pattaya klang. Nice pool, i did my quarantine there a while back
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