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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Exactly. What he is doing is/should be illegal, but I don't have any anger about it. Unlike many progressive types, we on the right have the ability to separate our feelings from politics.
  2. You misunderstand, not angry with him at all. He took advantage of a broken system and is doing what he has to do to feed his son. But the point is that the system IS broken. He shouldn't be able to swim the Rio Grande and then be rewarded with a work permit, free housing, etc. The blame is with Congress for not doing their most basic job, which is to secure the country.
  3. American dream, with a free bus ride, free housing, etc. He is earning about $2500 a month before taxes. How will he fare in DC once he has to pay his own rent, food, and so on. And he wants to get a car- does he have a drivers licence? The fact that he left a child behind in Venezuela speaks against his being a genuine asylee. More like an economic migrant obviously.
  4. Such an excellent example, why did he not apply for a visa from his home country? Would have saved him a long and dangerous, not to say expensive, trip. Solidly middle class guy, business owner, in no way is he an asylum seeker.
  5. You must be joking. ORourke hasn't run so much as a lemonade stand in his entire sad life.
  6. ...and what would your "comprehensive immigration reform bill" include? You may be shocked to find that lots of right wing folks agree with you!
  7. It is, which means there are myriad housing possibilities for the migrants. 15,000 year round residents which of course swells in the summer. The locals were very welcoming indeed, agreeing to help the Venezualans OUT....of their town. Fifty visitors should be a snap. Small towns in Texas and Arizona get hundreds every day. According to the signs everywhere on the island, they "stand with refugees and immigrants"... as long as they don't have to live together.
  8. But of course, the liberal media is marinating in ecstatic paroxysms of righteous rage. Anyway, looks like the Vineyard people were able to send the unwanted brown folks on their way within 48 hours. Nowhere to stay on the island, you know. No facilities. It is a wonder that ANYONE manages to eke out an existence in such a foresaken place.
  9. I am sure the families of the 700 plus murder victims and 11,000 rape victims will be comforted in that knowledge. The simple fact is that those crimes would not have occurred at all without the presence of the "undocumented". They should not have been in the country in the first place.
  10. If you have money to invest, then invest it in something reliable from a country with a good market. Perhaps dividend paying ETFs if you want to generate income, market index based ETFs if you can just leave the money for a few years, hell even t-bills are paying more than 3.5% these days. But real estate in a country you don't live in sounds like a recipe for stress, a stroke, and poverty.
  11. A bit of both really. For many people, the price of their passage to the US is to smuggle in the drugs. In other cases, the two cargos are mixed and sent across the border. The crime numbers are just the ones apprehended by the CBP. Doesnt include other law enforcement agencies. If you want a snapshot of one state, here is Texas... "The latest report from the state of Texas alone, for example, reports that between June 1, 2011, and Nov. 30, 2021, 356,000 criminal aliens were booked into Texas jails, of which over 243,000 were identified as being in the country illegally. Those illegal aliens were charged with more than 401,000 criminal offenses, including 742 murders, 47,737 assaults, 7,524 burglaries, over 11,000 sexual assaults and other sex crimes, and numerous kidnappings, thefts, robberies, and drug and weapons charges." https://www.heritage.org/immigration/commentary/federal-report-shows-open-borders-bring-increased-crimes-and-costs-taxpayers And before you complain that the website is biased, the numbers come from the Texas Dept of Justice.
  12. It has gotten tougher for sure. Yet still the majority are single men- something like 75% of the total. What has changed is the country of origin. More from central America, Brazil and South America, Cuba, etc. Mexico is still the most common, but only about 37% of the total. Mexico certainly was accepting of the other 63% when they were travelling through Mexico to get to the US so it is pretty rich for them to refuse to accept them on the way back. That is why the only safe strategy is to have detainment centres for all, until their cases can be adjudicated. There is no reason to reward illegal behavior by allowing the potential immgrants access to the rest of the country.
  13. I see virtually zero growth for 5 years, followed by a fall that is continuing. If it were such a great place, why is this happening? Like you said, ridiculous housing costs, ditto for gas, tens of thousands of homeless on the streets. The best days for Cali are over. It is declining into the future.
  14. I guess you havent read the stats for internal migration in the US. Florida and Texas are the two most popular states for people to migrate TO. Strangely, the places that are being abandoned are.... California and New York. Wonder why.
  15. Please, dont be deliberately obtuse. Where did I say that? But you do stop a good number of crimes, along with drugs, along with the attendant social problems caused by unrestricted migration. Just ask the mayors in NYC or Washington how they like it!
  16. Nobody is disputing the numbers. As for those being transported, where do YOU think they went? South of Jax is only Florida. They certainly didn't go to Martha's VIneyard.
  17. So, none of the 'migrants' fall into any of those categories? Murderers, drug dealers, rapists.... According to the CBP, they arrested 60 murderers and nearly 500 rapists, plus more than 2,000 people on drug offenses. Last year alone. Plus seized nearly 100 TONS of meth, 50 tons of coke, 5 tons of fentanyl.... Scare tactics? https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/criminal-noncitizen-statistics
  18. Travel logistics? Please. Dallas to Jacksonville is 2 hours 20 minutes. Plus one of the "children" was actually a 24 year old who is now accused of murder. As for "being informed", your article quotes Pushaw as stating; “We were not apprised of the plans for vetting and transporting migrants after July. We requested transparency moving forward and were told flight information would be shared, but additional information was never provided,” CNN has been carrying water for Biden since before the election. Not exactly an unbiased source of information.
  19. Your source said they were taken up and down the coast. Perhaps you aren't too familiar with American geography, but "down the coast" from Jacksonville is 100% state of Florida. Up the coast is still Florida, but borders with Georgia as well. At least one of them stayed in Florida though- the one who murdered a shop owner in Jacksonville.
  20. No hoax. The flights are a reality and have happened in many communities throughout the country. "Up and down the coast" is a very vague term. Could mean the coast of Florida. Perhaps a bit of Georgia, certainly not farther than that. Otherwise, other airports would be closer. The fact is that the flights were so secretive, arrived under cover of darkness. If only the federal government would be honest and truthful about them, we wouldn't have to speculate so much. Yet requests for information are ignored...
  21. Another option would be for the federal government to fund and construct refugee camps for those who are apprehended crossing the border. Keep them housed and accounted for until their claims are processed. I think the "catch and release" strategy only incentivizes people and encourages them to come. If all asylum seekers and border crossers were kept in detention until their claims could be fairly evaluated, the numbers would soon drop. It removes the number one draw for people to cross the border illegally- the chance to make money.
  22. Considering that the Biden administration has sent SEVENTY planeloads of the undocumented to Florida this year, a return of 2 seems reasonable to me.
  23. I am sure that the good liberals who live in the Vineyard would be more than happy to show compassion and open their homes to these fellow humans in need. Particularly people who have summer homes that are now empty- what a waste of a valuable resource! Compassion is meaningless without action.
  24. Of course. From the CBP website... https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics
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