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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Yes, and your point is what exactly? They are still 22 grand ABOVE non graduates. Twenty two large can pay off a lot of debt. Let's say that a person graduated with $100,000 in loans. That would be paid off by the time they are 30 using the extra income they derived from their education. Then, all profit. until they die.
  2. I agree. Student loans are far too easy to get. If bankruptcy was a possibility, far less money would be given out for people studying useless degrees with no prospects. Financial institutions need some skin in the game too. But this is one of the big reasons why education became so expensive- it was/is too easy to take out huge loans to pay for it. If a young person wants to study Lesbian Ballet, and doesn't have the money to pay for their degree, let them go to a bank and make the case to the loan officer for borrowing the cash.
  3. Nah, you are just letting the Bad Orange Man keep up his rent-free status in your head. Heaving the old "but Trump....." around is getting a bit old, don't you think? And if it would make you feel better, I would say , "yes, even Trump".
  4. Off topic and completely irrelevant. Unless you can tie the two subjects together...
  5. I agree. People who declare bankruptcy should not recieve loan payoffs from the federal government.
  6. The article I quoted said that the gap in earnings is $22,000 per year for people in their TWENTIES. That is a difference of more than $100,000 in their early career years.
  7. It is really pretty simple. You took out a loan. You used the service for which you took out the loan. Now, pay it back. That is kinda how life works.
  8. Your article says the average student loan debt is about $30,000. Yet this article says that the average college grad earns $22,000 per year MORE than a high school grad. In total, $800,000 over a lifetime. https://money.com/wage-gap-college-high-school-grads/ So, why can't the person with a $30,000 debt pay it off with their extra $22,000 a year? The numbers just don't add up. Makes a person wonder what the actual motivation is for the scheme. Democrats tend to disdain non-college educated voters, so it makes sense to take from them and give to those that Democrats favour- the so-called elite who have college degrees.
  9. This is gonna cost $300 BILLION, according to the Wharton Business School. If the government has that much cash to throw at education, how about spending it a bit more wisely? For example, means tested scholarships for students who want to learn trades (electrician, plumber, carpenter etc). Scholarships for STEM fields. But loan repayments for people who majored in Womyn's Victimization Studies or Botswanian Tapestry Weaving? Give me a break. But I guess we know the answer. Those kinds of programmes won 't buy votes for the Democrats in the mid terms.
  10. Then why not lower the income threshold to an actual working class level? Say $50,000 per family. But there is no argument that Harvard grads making 6 figures need debt relief more than truckers or service workers.
  11. In what universe does the phrase 'ordinary working Americans' mean households with an annual income of a quarter million dollars?
  12. Yeah, the Senate will be interesting. There are going to be some fun races to watch- Pennsylvania having Fettermann vs. DR Oz. Trust fund baby vs. actual rich guy. Warnock vs. Walker in Georgia- two rather tainted candidates. I wonder if the President will do any actual campaigning for any of his candidates, or even if they actually WANT him to campaign for them.
  13. Where I live inflation has been steady 2%-2.5% for two years. Gas prices have not changed significantly either.
  14. Gas was $2.10 a gallon in January 2021. Now it is $3.90 according to AAA. S and P is up about 8% in the same period- hit a high of 4700 before coming down due to inflation. Inflation 1.4% in January 2021. Now 8%.
  15. Japan as a society has decided to commit slow suicide. Rather than make babies or allow immigration, they would rather die off slowly, but as pure descendents of the Gods. Young people arent interested in dating or relationships as a rule. There is no incentive to do either. The boys I teach seem less and less masculine or interested in girls as time goes by. They would rather play games and "take care of themselves" using porn. It blows my mind to see university aged young men playing Yu Gi Yoh type card games in the cafeteria. It is very different from when I first arrived in the early 90s. The population is now aging to an extent that the demographic death spiral is pretty much irreversable.
  16. All we have to do is wait for the latest bombshell report. The walls are closing in on former President Trump. Some explosive testimony is in the offing. This must be the beginning of the end..... gee, havent we all heard that some time in the past? The only happy people are CNN and the rest of the democratic-cultural complex. Their ratings are up every time The Donald is mentioned. It has been boring trying to cover Biden for the past 18 months and not fall into a coma. But anything Trump says is instant ratings.
  17. Longtime Japan resident here. The drinking culture HAS changed dramatically in the past 10 years or so. Particularly where women are concerned, a lot of companies are VERY careful about what happens at after work. Any attempt to force people to drink is frowned upon. Some very traditional companies do still follow the old trend, but it is becoming increasingly rare. Among young people/students, they just arent into booze. I am disappointed that I rarely see my students with hangovers. They seem completely addicted to their smart phones instead. Ban the smart phone and the drinking will commence again IMHO.
  18. More than Joe. He has been rocking plugs for more than 30 years.
  19. ...or that he was appointed to the US Naval Academy. In fact he got 5 deferments for military service (same as Trump) to avoid going to Vietnam. ...or that he graduated in the top half of his law school class. He was actually ranked 76th out of 85. ...or that you won(t get Covid if you get vaccinated. ...or that this bill will reduce inflation.
  20. The bill was gutted? How so? Considering the Democrats have majorities in both Houses, what could the "party of no" do about it...
  21. It isn't an "investment". "Investment" implies that returns are generated. I "invest" in my retirement funds. I don't "invest" in a new tv or a new car (in spite of what I tell my wife). How about we let smart entrepeneurs do the actual investing in climate technology? The bill is a random wishlist of pork barrel spending. Again, how will it reduce inflation? Biden has already added more than $2 trillion to the national debt. This bill might, perhaps, maybe, will see a miniscule reduction in the deficit 5 years from now, assuming best circumstances and numerous provisions are allowed to expire.
  22. Point is that nobody can afford a new car anyway due to...inflation. Which this bill does nothing to control. Raising taxes on corporations (which will either avoid them or pass them on to consumers) does not help inflation. Neither does extra government spending. How does buying the post office new electric cars help inflation? "Equity grants" for under-treed communities? Please. Basically, IF all these so-called clean energy proposals have merit, they will take off without the shadowed hand of government directing them. EVs included. In the meantime, the govt needs to take their thumb off the scales. Let the energy industry do its thing. Free the US from dependence on foreign oil. How does this bill propose to return the $700 a month the average family is losing due to Bidenflation?
  23. Sure, if you could explain how $366 billion in subsidies to so-called "clean energy" would have any downward impact on inflation, or any positive effect on working people. People whose real income has been zapped by hundreds of dollars a month (thanks to inflation) don't need subsidies on their next $50,000 electric vehicle.
  24. Then why not call it the "Well, At Least Inflation SHOULDN'T Get Worse Act"? Seems that a lot of the media have taken to not even using the correct name of the bill, calling it something like the "climate and health bill".
  25. Appreciate it. Reasonable people can agree on "A", disagree on "B", and have a long chat over beers about "C". You would probably be surprised on what we agree on, but that is never what some people seek to do. Present company excluded, of course!
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