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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. I agree completely that those who hire illegals should pay. But reality is that only about 1.3 million illegal immigrants actually work on farms. The rest are in the service industries like hospitality, construction, and so on. Shouldnt be too hard to replace the farm workers, with a combination of higher wages and immigration enforcement. As forthe others, too many businesses have been getting away with turning a blind eye for too long. Americans used to make their own beds and flip their own burgers, they can do it again with the right incentives.
  2. Yes, unemployment is low because people have stopped looking for work. The key number is actually the workforce participation rate. It still is below pre-covid levels and shows little sign of rising. Ten years ago it was 65%, now only 62%. This is a measure of how many people are actually being productive. Businesses can hire, if they pay enough. I think most people would be willing to pay an extra dime for a head of lettuce if they could be sure it was picked by a legal American resident or citizen.
  3. Reallly? She is the best insurance policy that Joe has ever bought. She provides a protective level similar to that of Dan Quayle to Bush the Senior. If you have any signs of her competence since being elected as VP, I would love to see them. As for the Pres, it seems like he has a mild case and hope he makes a speedy recovery.
  4. I guess then that California would be happy if Texas and Arizona were to bus their thousands of illegals to Cali instead of to New York or Washington DC then? Because the mayors of those cities are complaing about the cost, crowding, etc.
  5. He probably refuses because people like you will nitpick every syllable to death. He said she wouldn't have had to leave the state. It isn't even clear if the mother even took her daughter to a doctor in Ohio before heading across the border to Indiana. Hopefully she did, but given what we know she isn't in the running for any "mother of the year" awards.
  6. I have no problem with that. It would have been a great accompaniment to, I don't know, BUILDING A BORDER WALL perhaps? Using the National Guard to guard the nation? Step up deportations?
  7. That is such a tired and racist shibboleth, please stop using it. There are NO jobs that Americans refuse to do. There ARE jobs that Americans refuse to do because the pay is too low, and is driven to low levels by competition from illegal immigrants. That is one of the biggest problems about illegal immigration- it hurts BIPOC Americans and those in the lower economic deciles the most. Without the presence of illegals, the free market could determine the correct wages for all jobs.
  8. In the entire article, I think there is only one actual quote from the AG. It is as I posted previosly- he said; “Ohio’s heartbeat law has a medical emergency exception,” Yost told Watters. “It’s broader than just the life of the mother. This young girl — if she exists and if this horrible thing actually happened to her, it breaks my heart to think about it — she did not have to leave Ohio to find treatment." The rest is all innuendo and speculation. BTW, where do YOU stand on the issue? Not Ohio, but abortion in general. I have made my position clear. Can you do the same? Others seem reluctant to do so for some reason...
  9. Sadly, even more sordid details about the case are coming out. The suspect was in fact the boyfriend of the victim's mother. Seems that both are in the US illegally, which may explain the reluctance on the mother's part to report the crime. The crime took place on May 12 but wasn't reported to police until June 22, and charges laid on July 6. The mother waited until it was certain her daughter was pregnant before reporting it. This makes me think that, if the girl hadn't become pregnant, the mother would have done nothing. It is common that live-in boyfriends assault the children of the women they are shacking up with. And the women put up with it for various reasons. She was already pregnant with the alleged rapist's baby at the time. If that is the case here, and it seems to be, we can only hope that ALL the children have been removed from the home. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/miacathell/2022/07/21/gerson-fuentes-lourdes-gomez-n2610457
  10. Why not? What are you afraid of? It is illuminating to see where people are coming from when discussing such an important issue. The fact that you are so coy about it speaks volumes about how you see the issue.
  11. Trudging through several safe and prosperous lands before setting out to the UK certainly puts paid to the idea of displaced asylum seekers fleeing disaster. The fleeing ended long before. What is taking place is economic and not social. Hence laws like the Dublin Regulation that seek to honor the spirit of asylum, which has been crapped on by thousands.
  12. The AG doubted the story, as did many people. So did I. Tragically, it was true and horrific. Then he gave his position as I stated above. From what I understand in Ohio, doctors make their own decisions without oversight in these cases. I notice that you didnt answer my simple question- where do YOU think the law should stand? Knowing that makes it easier for everyone to understand where we are coming from.
  13. No. But a guy with 5 houses, 2 yachts and a private jet getting all worked up over OTHER peoples' carbon footprints?
  14. The constant conflating of immigrants (who enter a country legally and at that country's invitation) and illegal aliens (who are criminals) makes it hard to discuss this issue properly. Nobody is against controlled immigration. People ARE against uncontrolled, unvetted, and uninvited people crashing the border. Typical California- provide services for non-citizens that legal residents have to pay for.
  15. Me and my "ilk"? What does that mean precisely? If you bothered to read my previous comments, you would have been better informed. I wrote that I was glad the girl got her abortion done, and quickly. You are letting your emotions and prejudices cloud your reason. I don't know of any place where a doctor performing an abortion would be subject to the death penalty. The Ohio AG is the number one law enforcement guy in the state. He said, “Ohio’s heartbeat law has a medical emergency exception, broader than just the life of the mother,” he said. “She did not have to leave Ohio for treatment.” https://www.wcpo.com/news/state/state-ohio/ohio-attorney-general-said-10-year-old-rape-victim-could-have-had-abortion-in-ohio-but-state-law-isnt-clear Cards on the table time. I think abortions should be legal until the 15th week of pregnancy. Or when the mother's health is in danger. Or in cases of rape. Or in cases of severe birth defect. After 15 weeks? No, unless one of those conditions is present. Your turn.
  16. Unfortunately, there aren't any gun laws that I know of that would have prevented this nutjob from doing the crime. That is the funny thing about criminals- they don't follow the laws that well intentioned people put in place.
  17. Not according to the Ohio Attorney General. But in any case, at least we can agree that the victim needed care, wherever it took place, and can be glad that she got it. I am frankly worried about the OTHER children that were living in the same household with the accused attacker. Seems like the victim's mother was quite adamant that he hadn't done anything wrong.
  18. The vast majority of firearms in the US are semi-automatic. Whether they are "assault rifles" or not (whatever that means) is irrelevant. Just as easy to use a handgun or two and fire off that many shots in just a couple of minutes. As for the police reaction, never has the phrase "too many cooks spoil the broth" been more tragically correct. Nobody wanted to make the call, nobody wanted to jeopardize their pension. Police training has been the same for more than 20 years- in a case with an active shooter, the first police on the scene are to rush in and try to take him down withOUT waiting for backup. This is the best way to potentially save innocent lives. Yet the cops here showed utter cowardice. No wonder Americans prefer to arm themselves- who would trust their safety to clowns like these?
  19. And I will never take seriously the opinions of people who are two faced and hypocritical about such an important issue. It shows how seriously they actually take the subject and leaves them wide open to some well deserved mockery.
  20. How about just ferrying them back to Europe? From what I know, true asylum seekers are supposed to seek asylum from the FIRST safe country they enter. And that sure won't be England. Once they keep travelling, they give up the right to seek refugee status.
  21. Didn't think of that...... I'm just an ignorant colonial lad....????
  22. Not attacking the doctor at all. I am saying that the headline here is misleading. The girl wasn't "denied" an abortion in Ohio from what I have read. And the top legal person in the state saying she did not have to leave the state. Not to mention the delays, denials by the family, this speaks to a larger problem. The victim's mother is pregnant with the alleged rapist's baby? You can't make this stuff up. Personally I am glad the girl got the abortion and hope she can recover fully. Also if the suspect is convicted, I pray that he has a short and violent stay among regular inmates in a state jail. HE needs to find out how it feels to be victimized.
  23. I will start to take the climate alarmists seriously when THEY start to practice what they preach. That means no more private jets (Kerry, Gore), no beachfront mansions (Obama), no expensive meetings in exclusive resorts with imported food and wine (big carbon footprint bringing all the goodies in). It seems that they want ordinary people to bear the brunt of any changes while maintaining their champagne socialist lifestyle.
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