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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. I dunno, seems expensive. Perhaps one of the Shetland Islands would have been better.
  2. This case gets strangerer and strangerer. According to the Attorney General of Ohio, the girl could have had the procedure done in Ohio, no questions asked. The law permits doctors to perform abortions in cases where the pregnancy could cause injury to the woman/girl. As would obviously be the case here. The behavior of the family is also really strange. The Telemundo interview with the victim's mother was creepy, to say the least. It may go far to explain the very strange timeline of events from the assault to reporting it to now. Seemed as if the alleged rapist was in some sort of relationship with the mother, had some connection with the family, odd odd odd. https://theohiostar.com/2022/07/19/telemundo-alleged-rapist-of-10-year-old-confirmed-to-be-in-domestic-relationship-with-victims-mother/
  3. Plenty of charities set up to take care of this. Pro abortion people can put their money where their collective mouths are. Should be no problem collecting millions from people if abortion is so popular, right?
  4. The people didn't know what Roe was or was not. They reacted in polls based on the media bias surrounding the subject. YET... ...if you ask actual specific questions about abortion, about what restrictions or freedoms people want to see in their state, the answers are quite different. And I think you know this, which is why you choose to ignore it. Instead, relying on generalities and platitudes and even being coy about your own beliefs on the subject. Polling shows that abortion support wanes with time. Only about 10% of people want abortion outlawed completely. Similarly, only about 20% want no restrictions. Most want restrictions after the first trimester. But that level of nuance seems difficult for some to comprehend...
  5. Again with the "gaslighting" thing... is that your mot du jour? I provide a simple fact, and you call it gaslighting. And your go-to source is......Slate.com? Bwahahahaha!
  6. ... and that is not what I said. I said it was available from coast to coast. In most places, the same as before the Court's decision.
  7. Exactly! In the World of Jingthing, you are either with him or gaslighting. Deviation is not accepted. Nor are uncomfortable truths.
  8. That's right. Trump and the GOP are anti-gay. So anti gay in fact that they appointed the first ever openly gay cabinet member in US history! And as you know, overturning Roe did not end abortion in the US. It is still possible to get an abortion from sea to sea. It just gave the power back to the people. You ARE for democracy, aren't you?
  9. Since when is quoting polling data "gaslighting"? Here is more "gaslighting". The GOP is up by 8 points on the generic Congressional ballot. Doomsday for the Democrats.
  10. Really? According to Gallup, only 38% of women are in favour of abortion being completely unrestricted. Most agree that some limits are needed, generally setting the limit at 15 weeks or thereabouts. More critically, women see inflation and gas prices and the economy in general as more important issues. There is no "stamping on women's rights" happening at all. Unless you think most European countries also "stamp on women's rights"...
  11. I was wondering the same thing- since when did inclement weather suddenly become the fault of the "climate crisis"?
  12. Nice shift from your original premise there.... Joe doesn't even know not to read the actual "prompts" on a teleprompter. He is really mailing it in at this point. Mrs. Biden isn't much better, she couldn't even pronounce "bodega" at a Latino meeting in Texas.
  13. Like I said before, no doubt the Secretary is a sharp guy. And I agree we can judge others on the basis of what they say. Like the current occupant of the White House, for example...
  14. That's probably a good idea my friend. Although I can't see anything insulting or intolerant that I wrote.
  15. Ride it out is usually the best option. Things go back to normal over the 2-3 year term. The people that have trouble are the ones who are forced to cash in assets (shares etc) during a down market. I am not a brilliant stock guy, only have ETFs and the like. Two largest are for the TSX in Toronto and the S & P. Also have a few dividend bearing bond funds- Vanguard has some good ones. Otherwise, I am down to owning only one discrete stock- EXEL (Exelisis) is a mid size pharmaceutical company that specializes in cancer treatment. Done OK this year.
  16. In what way is it bigoted? I would rather say "accurate". If Pete were straight, he would still be an ambitious nobody. At his age, he might be toiling his way up the ranks of the state government. Not saying he isn't a sharp young guy, but his defining characteristic definitely isn't his intellect or his experience.
  17. It isn't going to get much better either. The WHite House is trying desperately to keep Biden out of the public eye as much as possible. He has done far fewer press conferences or interviews than any of his recent predecessors- the numbers are shocking. Obama did nearly 200 interviews in his first two years, Biden has done less than 40. Joking aside, his cognitive decline is obvious and somewhat sad. It is a natural part of aging. A 79 year old goes through it. That is why pilots have to retire at 65, doctors the same, etc. Yet somehow politicians are allowed to stagger along with their snouts in the public trough until they are carried out feet first. It is a farce, ad one that both parties should be ashamed about participating in.
  18. This President doesn't know more than a potted plant. The only thing he can do is read the teleprompter, and then do it badly. But what about all the other media who jumped on the bandwagon- where are their journalistic instincts? Amazing how their curiosity dries up when a story so precisely fits their political narrative...
  19. Or to paraphrase the late great Carl Sagan, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". The claim is being made that this horrific crime occurred. All I am asking for is a bit of evidence. More than a news story filed by a well known pro abortion activist.
  20. How about we air on the side of caution and NOT publicise the story until it can be proven true? How about the President and his advisors do the same? I think it is obvious to anyone- the story so nicely fit the left's narrative about abortion that they just HAD to run with it. I thought the news media was in the business of publishing news, not possibility. And of verifying stories before publication, especially stories with potential national impact.
  21. That's another story. But the point is the law can be debated without resorting to fake heartbreaking stories about things that didn't happen. But for some reason the left likes to spice up their arguments by bringing victims forward to bolster their claims.
  22. Because that was the information as found on WIkipedia. Not the best source of information to be sure, but one that is easy to find. So what are YOUR stats on the number of 10 year olds who get pregnant? We can at least agree that it is vanishingly rare, thankfully.
  23. Let's assume you are right. Did the doctor do so? Aren't you just a bit curious about that? My hope is that the doctor did so if the crime happened, and that the rapist is killed. Yet again, there is NO follow up. What does this tell you...
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