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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Just imagine you own a company and are looking for an employee. You post the job ad. Then, at the end you write, " Asians, Native Americans, Hispanics, Whites, Arabs, Inuit, Indians and men need not apply." What kind of response do you think it would generate?
  2. This is a Youtube channel that has dozens of listings for low cost mobile homes in Florida, especially for seniors. Purchase prices as low as 15-20,000 bucks plus the lot rental. Here is one for 25K plus 550 a month lot rent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_XAr6idXnQ
  3. But...so what? No native American has ever been nominated either. Nor has a Cuban American, male or female. Nor an Asian American, male or female. Black people have ascended the ladders of power in the USA, from President to cabinet to the military. This was no groundbreaking, daring act. It was just political pandering at its most crass.
  4. I would venture to say that an expat without 75k in cash should have never left home in the first place, unless they were on a VERY generous pension. But you are right, it would work for some. As would the nomadic life. Not sure what you are looking for- the mythical $400 a month apartment in an area well served by public transport, yet not crime ridden or infested?
  5. ...and a shallow, politically motivated promise it was. Crass, clumsy, and racist.
  6. So I take it your answer is "no, nothing other than a post on the internet". There was no change of tack. Biden showcased Justice Jackson for her skin colour and her sex. That is what I correctly pointed out. If anyone is the racist, it is the current occupant of the White House.
  7. Well, it you have any other evidence, other than a short message on the internet, out with it. Otherwise it would seem you are talking out your ass.
  8. Ah, you think I am racist? Got it. I generally find that people who level such an accusation are closer to it than those they accuse. Particularly when they have no evidence except their own imagination.
  9. The virtue signalling is on the part of the 'news' media, who in their rush to look appropriately woke published a wildly inaccurate and unintentionally hilarious tweet.
  10. Sorry, I am a thickie. Refresh my memory. What exactly are you accusing me of?
  11. Well, out with it. Why do you think I objected? Stop dancing around the turd.
  12. ...and in the rush to be the first to get their virtue signalle, Good Morning America managed to step on their own crank.
  13. Or perhaps declined out of fear of being pilloried by the Woke Left? The answer is of course simple. A woman is an adult human female. What is so hard about that?
  14. Completely irrelevant. Looking at the last few decades is much more pertinent.
  15. Well, when Biden came out with a list of potential Justices who were ALL the same in sex and race, what is one to think? As for other law schools being beneath Yalevard, that is quite debatable. The top tier schools are remarkably similar.
  16. My objections are mainly to Biden's hamhanded approach to the situation. Using the presence or absence of a uterus and extra melanin as being meaningful qualifications to such an important position is remarkably bigoted, even for an old school racist like Joe Biden.
  17. om/resources/top-law-schools I note you’ve flipped on candidates being selected on ability. Depends on the website you read. I have seen Harvard ranked as low as 5th, behind Stanford, Columbia, and U of Chicago. I do worry that religion and academic pedigree are factors that limit the Court to a far greater extent than race or sex. Not sure what you mean about flipping on ability. Care to explain?
  18. Not sure your meaning here. The only one who is an exception to the rule is Justice Barrett. The rest, both liberal and conservative, are ALL part of the Yalevard cabal.
  19. Really? 8 of the current judges are Harvard/Yale alumni. Where is the diversity? How many are left handed? That bears about as much relevance as skin colour or sex. You know, the problem is that she is in a no-win situation. She may very well turn out to do a great job and be an outstanding Justice. But, thanks to Biden, she will always be seen as having been picked for her innate and irrelevant qualities rather than her expertise. It is tokenism at its most craven.
  20. Actually, you may find we agree more than disagree. I would like to see some actual diversity on the Court. Too many folks from Harvard/Yale, too many from one particular religion... Chromosones or pigmentation don't matter whatsoever except in a shallow and irrelevant way. There are already black people on the court, and women on the court, what is magical about the combination of the two?
  21. Campaigning or patronizing? I checked the Justice's record. She is the daughter of a lawyer, from a well off family, yet another member of the Harvard clique that holds inordinate sway on the Court. I didn't see too much time representing "ordinary people" in her career, she has been working for the government almost exclusively. I could see about 4 years in private practice, mainly working for huge legal firms with 1,000 plus lawyers in them. One point in her favour, at least she isn't Catholic.
  22. Of course not. There have been many "not white men" chosen for the court. Doesn't bother me one way or another. My point was that it shouldn't be a factor either way for the President too. And IF it is a factor for him, that demonstrates a character flaw that needs to be addressed.
  23. From what I have read, the "science" on aircraft and the virus is that there is really little risk of catching Covid during a flight. Yes, the cabin is sealed. However, the air is constantly drawn upward to the ceiling of the cabin, where it goes through a serious filtration process before being recirculated in the cabin. The IATA does not think it is a danger at all. So masks on planes seem to be more performative theatre than actual precaution.
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