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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Just read the transcript. No propaganda needed. "Something to the effect of.." comes up 19 times.
  2. You may be right. THis may be "the bombshell". Perhaps "the walls are closing in". Is it "the beginning of the end" for the Bad Orange Man? Forgive me for being skeptical but we have been hearing that kind of hyperbole for years now. Can't blame the Democrats for trying, especially considering how deeply unpopular the current occupant of the White House is. They have nothing to run on in the fall, no accomplishments to speak of, so the best they can hope for is to drag the corpse of the 2020 campaign back out and keep beating on it.
  3. It is a pity that young Ms. Hutchinson can't actually remember what was actually said. Her testimony was riddled with "he said something to the effect of...." or that she overheard "something to the effect of...". IF there were any genuine cross examination of her testimony she would be torn apart in short order. Her memory of fairly recent and major events is rather vague and spotty. She was "in the vicinity of conversations" that she never took part in. She offers indirect, overhear paraphrases, not direct eyewitness testimony. Not to mention that the whole incident, Trump muscling his protective detail and trying to choke one of them, is comical. This is the same guy the Democrats said needed two hands to hold a glass of water. Now he can drive with one hand while fending off a trained federal agent with the other? It defies credibility.
  4. The difference may be that Trump was smart enough to NOT actually voice his reasons. Biden, for his 50 years of experience in Washington, could not do so. He had to, for various reasons, explicitly telegraph what he was doing. There were political debts to be paid, and Biden paid them.
  5. So why not just answer and make Senator Blackburn look stupid? It was an easy lay-up. Yet she balked. And it is also VERY relevant to SCOTUS. Many decisions by the Court are based on gender and gender rights. If she cannot even define what a gender is, then how can she rule on issues relating to it?
  6. A pretty much straight party line vote, as most tend to be.
  7. More to the point, does the Justice think that she herself is a woman? And if so, what does that mean? It was just an exercise to show how stupidly Woke people feel they have to behave in certain situations and when answering certain questions. Justice Jackson is not a stupid person. She knows very well what a woman is, and that she is one. But she also knew that there was a potential political price to be paid by answering the question, so she dodged. It was a touch cowardly, but not unexpected.
  8. Really? How is it different then. Saying, I will only hire someone who is A and B is the same as saying I won't hire someone who is C or D or E or F.
  9. Yes, it has happened, absolutely. It was wrong then and it is wrong today.
  10. Just imagine you own a company and are looking for an employee. You post the job ad. Then, at the end you write, " Asians, Native Americans, Hispanics, Whites, Arabs, Inuit, Indians and men need not apply." What kind of response do you think it would generate?
  11. This is a Youtube channel that has dozens of listings for low cost mobile homes in Florida, especially for seniors. Purchase prices as low as 15-20,000 bucks plus the lot rental. Here is one for 25K plus 550 a month lot rent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_XAr6idXnQ
  12. But...so what? No native American has ever been nominated either. Nor has a Cuban American, male or female. Nor an Asian American, male or female. Black people have ascended the ladders of power in the USA, from President to cabinet to the military. This was no groundbreaking, daring act. It was just political pandering at its most crass.
  13. I would venture to say that an expat without 75k in cash should have never left home in the first place, unless they were on a VERY generous pension. But you are right, it would work for some. As would the nomadic life. Not sure what you are looking for- the mythical $400 a month apartment in an area well served by public transport, yet not crime ridden or infested?
  14. ...and a shallow, politically motivated promise it was. Crass, clumsy, and racist.
  15. So I take it your answer is "no, nothing other than a post on the internet". There was no change of tack. Biden showcased Justice Jackson for her skin colour and her sex. That is what I correctly pointed out. If anyone is the racist, it is the current occupant of the White House.
  16. Well, it you have any other evidence, other than a short message on the internet, out with it. Otherwise it would seem you are talking out your ass.
  17. Ah, you think I am racist? Got it. I generally find that people who level such an accusation are closer to it than those they accuse. Particularly when they have no evidence except their own imagination.
  18. The virtue signalling is on the part of the 'news' media, who in their rush to look appropriately woke published a wildly inaccurate and unintentionally hilarious tweet.
  19. Sorry, I am a thickie. Refresh my memory. What exactly are you accusing me of?
  20. Well, out with it. Why do you think I objected? Stop dancing around the turd.
  21. ...and in the rush to be the first to get their virtue signalle, Good Morning America managed to step on their own crank.
  22. Or perhaps declined out of fear of being pilloried by the Woke Left? The answer is of course simple. A woman is an adult human female. What is so hard about that?
  23. Completely irrelevant. Looking at the last few decades is much more pertinent.
  24. Well, when Biden came out with a list of potential Justices who were ALL the same in sex and race, what is one to think? As for other law schools being beneath Yalevard, that is quite debatable. The top tier schools are remarkably similar.
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