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Posts posted by Merylhighground

  1. His type is the reason the Thai Government is making it more difficult for all of us. Defend the criminal if you want, that's up to you but the rest of us can also have our opinion.

    How so? I've never had any difficulties getting a visa thanks to having a legitimate job in Thailand, nor many, many others.

    If you find it difficult to get the correct paperwork I'd take a longer look at your own circumstances and act on changing them so you face less difficulties instead of blaming others.

    The initial given reason the Thais began to clamp down on visas, particularly visa 'runners' a decade or so ago was due to an imagined/real increase of illegal foreign workers who were supposedly hitting the borders every 30 days then hitting the language centres/boiler rooms to work without the proper documentation.

    If memory serves me right they first declared that you couldn't have more than three back to back permit on entry stamps followed by a limit on the number of tourist visas allowed in a six month period

    Some claim this was just an excuse for the Thaksin regime to screw more visa fees out of tourists, which also increased greatly in price at this time, then the goal posts seemed to shift every few months.

  2. As you said: You fail to see.

    But you can always go to the Bureau of Immigration HQ in Bangkok and look for this:


    You failed utterly to back up your spurious claim in your earlier post that;

    "a large component of the over-stayers are those who take the Thai Immigration regulations as a big joke"

    But carry on making things up and trying to put words into my mouth as it were......

    No worries -- they said it, not me.


    Ah you source your arguments or garner your information from fictional cartoon characters do you?

  3. In our old area most of the dogs were all happy enough and over the years we all became good pals through simply spending a few minutes to 'say hello' as it were. One or two were timid at first but after a while they would come bounding over like a house dog welcoming home his master or mistress.

    They got on well with our three dogs, even the two who took it on themselves to guard the house by 'moving in' to our front garden.

    Almost all were well taken care of either by the moto lads or various security guards or stall holders who fed them and took care of their general well being right through to the silly T Shirt thing in the 'cool' season.....

  4. Ok, now give foreigners who are married or have a child the right to stay and legally earn money without restrictions that you have to feed mouths of other Thai's.... lawyers, employees, corrupt officers.....

    Nice idea on paper as it were, though in reality, all that would lead to is a huge number of deadbeats knocking up the nearest bar girl they came across, filling the orphanages and temples as soon as they'd got their 'right to stay' nailed down.....

  5. While I'll guess there are persons who overstayed due to hardship financial or otherwise, a large component of the over-stayers are those who take the Thai Immigration regulations as a big joke and you are suggesting now that the Thai Immigration officials prove them correct.

    I fail to see how showing some common sense, a little mercy or leniency to those in genuine hardship while trying to rid Thailand of a problem would make a 'big joke' out of the system. I'm also a little sceptical to your unfounded claim that 'a large component' of over-stayers are merely scoff-laws.

  6. You are the "Bad Guys OUT" that immigration is talking about.

    I'm sure that your son will grow up proud that his criminal father is now able to stay with him in Thailand.

    That isnt very nice, is it ?

    No need for that

    Let's get real. This guy is:

    1. Bragging about the police buddies he knows

    2. Spouting off on the crimes he is commiting

    3. Living in Thailand against all the laws

    4. Giving all of us a bad name

    5. Not taking responsibility for what he has done.

    Now he is a father and using that as the excuse to stay here. What benefit does he provide to Thailand if he cannot even get a long stay visa?

    I know that I'm not being PC but we are being real here, telling it like we read it.

    How is he 'giving all of us a bad name'?

    Ridiculous comment of the day which having read some of your earlier stuff, takes some doing.....

    It is the Fake Lawyers, pretend Rotarians, unqualified Financial Advisers, Real Estate selling con men, sexual deviant paedophile Fake Buddhist Scholars, drug dealing Hobby Bobbies, Pornographers, Sexual Predators posing as 'Businessmen' all of who play the role of, and are accepted as such by the 'expat' community at large, as 'pillars of expat society until their crimes are unearthed who us a bad name but I'd reckon you have, as have most TV members have, called one of the above a 'mate' or claimed acquaintanceship of one of the above in the past....

    Not sure if you will be arrested but there will be a huge shaming campaign in all newspapers/websites/billboards, lol.

    No there won't. Scaremongering BS from the realms of fantasy and stupidity.

    I can't help feel that Immigration have missed a trick here.

    If they were/are serious about reducing numbers of over-stayers, they should have declared a total amnesty, waiving fines, allowing offenders to clear big overstays at any border; if, as many cite, financial problems are a main reason for overstaying then under an amnesty, most offenders could merely have hobbled to their nearest border, cleared, then began to actively address their situations in Thailand with one major worry removed. Now all they'll get is an increase of foreigners choosing not to leave the country ever for fear of a ban and be saddled with an increase of foreigners dying in the Kingdom.

  7. Thailand is awash with internal problems. What they Do? Declare open season on a few overstayers and tying up hundreds of Policemen to raid Farang Condo Complexes. As has happened in View Talay 1 & 2 recently.

    This is what I call "setting priorities".


    If you consider the approximate 800000 people currently here on overstay a few than might I suggest you go back to school and brush up on your math.
    800,000?? where did you pluck this figure from? Deep in the imagination?
    No I didn't pluck it from my imagination. I did something called research. You should try it sometime.

    Here are just 3 articles to satify your doubt.



    And in case TV removes the links due to forum rules just simply type into Google 800000 overstayers in Thailand.

    As with all research, you really must choose your sources with care instead of making knee-jerk sensationalist nonsense posts. You should try it sometime.

    From this very forum, a far more realistic number apparently sourced from Immigration.


  8. lt seems like a lot of people are outraged by what the THAI government are implementing in THAILAND.

    Its their country & we are guests.

    lf you don't like it & don't want to abide by their rules-

    Then LEAVE & stop whining, moaning & complaining.

    Can't be any clearer than that.

    I hope you don't treat your 'guests' as poorly as the Thais do. Note to self; politely decline an invitation to stay at your grotty shack.

    How would you know if my "shack"(lol!), is grotty or not?

    The Thais have a right to decide who they want in THEIR country, wouldn't you agree?

    Do you have a problem with that?

    Why should Thailand be one of the few nations on Earth to have the right to choose? Virtually every other nation on Earth has no choice in the matter; Thailand no exception, no matter how precious they think they are...

    How would you know if my "shack"(lol!), is grotty or not?

    You preach the tired old vernacular of the shack dweller; namely one on the verge of 'going native' or 'full apologist' after a few weeks living 'Thai Style' in one of those foul estates where the houses are crammed in like sardines, who has just mastered a few key phrases of Bar Girl Thai (to be repeated at full volume in earshot of anyone who may be impressed - very few in reality) and has a Buddha amulet hanging between their Moobs and above their beer gut....

  9. don't knock them when they are doing their job foreigners must carry their passports or a facsimile of the id section it is an offense not to carry the passport..

    100% incorrect. It absolutely is not an offence "not to carry the passport".

    I am happy to bet you USD $10,000.... You in?

    Im in as long as you agree to follow the letter of the law and not accepted deviations and or interpretations
    Gotcha!! Confessions of illegal gambling by 2 big time foreign criminals. Can I join the police now?

    ??? ??? ???

    I see my criminal detection skills have got you worried. ?

    Criminal detection skills???

    More like mental instability...

  10. Thailand is awash with internal problems. What they Do? Declare open season on a few overstayers and tying up hundreds of Policemen to raid Farang Condo Complexes. As has happened in View Talay 1 & 2 recently.

    This is what I call "setting priorities".


    If you consider the approximate 800000 people currently here on overstay a few than might I suggest you go back to school and brush up on your math.

    800,000?? where did you pluck this figure from? Deep in the imagination?

  11. lt seems like a lot of people are outraged by what the THAI government are implementing in THAILAND.

    Its their country & we are guests.

    lf you don't like it & don't want to abide by their rules-

    Then LEAVE & stop whining, moaning & complaining.

    Can't be any clearer than that.

    I hope you don't treat your 'guests' as poorly as the Thais do. Note to self; politely decline an invitation to stay at your grotty shack.
  12. Agree 100% Marko. I recall fondly sitting at one of my old locals watching as the beer girls assembled for their nights work. They were all utter hotties but my word they could squawk especially the one I eventually married. Even later when the gang came over the sqwarking could reach Led Zeppelin decibels levels especially if they hadn't seen each other for a while. When we return to Thailand in the summer, she can meet them on her own far from me....

  13. If you need to see their faces or know who they are; find your nearest Thai restaurant or pub and each evening you'll find them slouching around a table with a bottle of 100 or Hong Thong on display (maybe even Johnny if fines have been flowing). They will make no effort whatsoever to hide their status in this situation.

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