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Posts posted by Merylhighground

  1. Lopburi is an odd town as there isn't too much there even for the casual tourist. Only real history nuts seem to stay there for a night (or more) I put in a lot of time there over the years as I liked to go there when I wanted to escape 'farangdom' though I've not been in a couple of years so my info could be out of date.

    There are very few expats in Lopburi and what little nightlife there is, is much very Thai Style.

    There is/was a decent bar at Noom GH off Rachdamnoen rd. (first or second alley on the left walking away from Na Sanprakhran (station) rd).

    The gaffer there is a friendly 'Old school' Thai Peua Cheewit former beach bum type, speaks excellent English and has/had built up a decent bar there though the clientèle is mainly backpackers on the North/South trip.

    Not far from Noom GH behind Wat Mahathat is a long standing Thai nightclub Jan Jao which has live music from a long established band who on seeing a Westerner in the crowd will churn out some decent quality 'rock standard covers' (Led Zep/Floyd/Eagles/Purple etc) as well as get the place jumping (Thurs to Sun when it's busiest) with their Peua Cheewit tunes and covers. As a bonus they also have friendly 'Promo' girls there and some English is spoken if needed.

    There are a few Thai nightclubs scattered around Town but getting around late at night can be a bit of a pain. One time I was there I was taken to a small cluster of places just over the river by a group of Thai lads. Most were OK but one or two were of a more 'nefarious' type of entertainment......

    Enjoy, if for nothing else, the fact that very few Westerners have a night out in Lopburi.

  2. Bear in mind, that for the most part,.. and certainly in the first several years of overstay, I had zero funds to even buy a ticket out of the country,.. let alone pay an overstay fine. I'm afraid it would have been a matter of >> Arrest >> IDC >> Court >> IDC (for goodness knows how long) >> Deportation under duress,.. had I been caught. And that had about the same appeal as a hole in the head!

    Both of the guys I knew on lengthy over stays were similar.

    One was old and had a morbid fear of, and incompetence of dealing with bureaucracy and had got himself in a real mess visa wise.

    It wasn't until our own departures were confirmed that my wife and I decided that something had to be done to help solve his problem so we took him in hand, arranged an ETD from the UK embassy in Bangkok for him, found him an inexpensive flight back to the UK, loaned him enough to clear his fine (since repaid in full). He cleared all a couple of days before we left, with no mention of a ban, a little (expected) 'yak yak' from the officials and is due to return to Thailand this week with a nice shiny multi- entry Non Immi O in place, his pension/income/savings all sorted out by his son, so hopefully all should be fine and easy for him.

    The other was younger and an intelligent guy but had let things 'get on top of him' visa wise and he would sometimes be in a constant state of fear. The mere (and common) sight of a copper coming in to one of our old locals would be enough to get him in a real state, so much so, sometimes he'd even slip off home, no matter how convivial an evening we were having. Not a nice state of existence to be in for anyone. He cleared out last year and has since returned with no problems.

    Brainfart, thanks for your posts.

    It is nice to see someone so refreshingly honest and open about their 'misdemeanours' here even if they have to put up with the usual brainless flack.....

    • Like 2
  3. I'll echo those saying take a taxi. At that time of year Bangkok is almost deserted and taxi rides are a joyous thing.

    No need to mither with billhooks like Uber or Grabtaxi.

    Just head to the taxi stand (downstairs at the far right bottom corner of the arrivals hall as you face the outside world) if you will. They might try and quote you a price to your destination (but ignore it and insist on the Meter).

  4. heart attack is a bigger cause of death than motorbike accidents so please stop drinking beer, eating red meat and go for a diet that you can eat only two tomatoes and an apple a day. and run for two hours every morning and afternoon on top.

    overall, there is better chance of survival if you dont leave home then! people slide in their bathroom and die as well and that number is possibly more than deaths caused by motorbike accidents.

    after years of riding, i am aware of the fact that where i can speed up and down. dont worry, sport riders are not maniacs. or sport riders in Thailand are not sado mazo guys want suffering! they respect others on the roads too and more than many cars and trucks.

    Maybe, but some bloke swilling and gorging his way to a heart attack isn't going to 'take anyone with him' as it were.

    Some tourist playing 'tough guys' on a bike he isn't experienced or strong enough to handle, could well take a few others out in the event of an accident , seems to be the point most are trying to make here.

  5. March 14th?? Nothing like waiting until the last few days left before your overstay benefit was about to expire.

    Anyway... I do feel your relief that it's all over..

    The old boy from our old neighbourhood who we helped clear his 4/5 year OS only left on the 15th March but when I asked at Samut Prakan Immigration Office, they stressed that as long as he left before the 20th March 2016 NOT on or after, he would not face a ban.

    He cleared on exit with no problem apart from being made to wait until 30 minutes before boarding commenced on his flight, he is returning next week so I'll let you know what happens to him. He is a tad apprehensive but should be fine. I hope for his sake that he gets back in with no problems and doesn't get into a tight spot again. When I get back in July/August I'll be sitting on him making sure he keeps it all up to date....

  6. 17 years???? Blimey. How could he do anything?

    I needed my passport on an almost daily basis when in Thailand for everything from travel to banking. One time when travelling to P'hiloke I forgot it and my missus had to fax a copy to the hotel so I could check in! I was staggered at how the two over-stayers I knew managed.......

  7. It's that time of year folks.

    I hope this year the rains arrive, in May/June as per a 'normal' monsoon season unlike the last two/three years which were unbearable.

    This is why we decided to leave Thailand for Europe before the crazy hot weather arrived. Even in our last week in mid - March it was getting hot...now in the UK we're enjoying mild, wet, but still cold weather and should return to Thailand in August when there is (hopefully) daily, cooling rain.

    Enjoy gents, don't forget to keep hydrated and stay cool when possible....

  8. Bangkok is on the whole fine, if you avoid the 'main celebration' areas of Khao San Road, Silom Road, Lower Sukhumwit area (Sois 1 - Asoke where the biggest idiots can be found). If you come across a 'local' celebration which may occur in isolated pockets around the city they will invariably be mainly Thais who will not soak you or smear the talc/water paste on your face if you raise a hand and indicate you're 'not playing'...it is sadly the idiot foreigners in the tourist areas who think it is 'just a huge water fight' who ruin the festival. One of the pleasures of being in Bangkok for Songkhran is that it can feel like you have the place to yourself.

    3) Any place in Bangkok where one can observe Songkran in its more traditional way (how it was done 40 years ago with only a sprinkle of water as a blessing)

    4) How safe is Mega Bang-na area? I never been there, thought it would be a good time to check it out.

    Mega Bang Na should be fine as it is some way from civilisation or any domiciles. When celebrating Songkhran, Thais tend to have a base usually at a 'mom and pop' store (for water and beers) and engage in water throwing with passing trucks.

    Near Mega Bang Na is Wat Bang Phli Yai where many locals go to celebrate in a more traditional style after the modern practice of soaking all and sundry from the back of a truck has got boring, just stay in your taxi en-route.

    All told, if you have some Thai language skills, avoiding or missing the celebrations would be a shame. I'd say have a wander around a small suburban neighbourhood and join in for a day or so.

    Don't lose your rag if someone does give you a squirting as at worst it could result in physical unpleasantness if your anger is directed at a drunk Thai male, at best it could make yourself look a total Wally.

  9. Why is there always some self important stuffed shirt looking to wave his willy and ruin the fun of his potential voters?

    I think someone needs to have a word in this fool's ear as he may not be heading for a second term as people don't want 'officials' crawling all over the place, enforcing archaic 'laws' to satisfy one man's ego while they're trying to enjoy themselves, another indication of Thailand's rapidly increasing downward spiral....

  10. If you go through a tunnel in Nana there is a bar with a sign that says "No Africa Man."

    I'll take your word for it...

    There were many bars in the Lower Sukhumwit Road area which operated a 'colour bar' aimed against 'Africa Man' especially in the now demolished 'Blade Runner Alley' which could be what ev1lchris was referring to.

    Following a big Immigration 'clear up' a couple of years ago that targeted mainly Africans and Arabs in the soi 3/5 area, which saw numbers of 'Africa Man' in the area greatly reduced (literally overnight), the signs mostly vanished though one or two bars in that area kept the signs up until the very end.

    In fairness the Africans in the Lower Sukhumwit area didn't really do much to endear themselves to the locals. Often hogging space in bars, and pool tables over one or two beers shared between a group of 6/7 big intimidating blokes so paying punters couldn't get a look in to some bars. Also trying to extort money from 'Johns' walking in the area with their freelance girls by claiming to be their 'pimps' and demanding money from the 'John' for their girl's services, when the girl was nothing to do with them, this scam led to a few girls from well known freelance bars in the area reporting them to the police to no avail, then trying to stir trouble between Africa Man' and motorcycle taxi boys in the area (as there would have been only one winner in that battle) but the 'clear out' came before things reached a head on that front thankfully as that could have got messy.

  11. about 14yrs ago i lived with a lady for 2yrs she had 2 massarge shops

    about then they learned there was more money in sex for frang as they always ask for extra

    as for bars how many sad lost souls sit there of a night

    i just returned from a trip with a lot of locals to take food to a small temple as a monk was turning 100yrs

    always they are happy and laughing all day

    not like the sad and pretend laugh at bars

    i felt bad as to top of mouintain was about 1000steps

    the 100yr old monk walked past me as i was struggling

    he walked up and back not even holding handrail

    see if you and your bar girl can do

    cheers have a happy night


  12. From what you're saying it's clear that, unlike most teenagers, you can never have had a teenage boy/girlfriend when you were young. Unless you're being a trifle hypocritical, of course, but I'm sure an upstanding person such as you wouldn't be, eh?

    Not hypocritical at all. When I was 17 I never had sexual relations with anyone aged 14 that would have been utterly out of the question and unacceptable to me, even then.

    However as you seem to find that such an arrangement as acceptable so I look forward to when your 14 year old daughter brings home (or runs off with) an itinerant 17 year old 'construction worker' before we see who is the hypocrite (though we've already established you seem to support such conduct)...

  13. Paedophilia is about exploitation of the young and vulnerable and worse. Miles and miles away from the facts here

    SO you see nothing wrong with an 17 year old preying on a vulnerable, under-age 14 year old CHILD? Sick.

    Or perhaps her destiny is more likely to be just how she wants it to be and as described in the article? Going back to her home, continuing her studies, becoming qualified and being a success in order to be able to take care of her blind parents.

    Do you live in some sort of Fairytale-Apologist-La-La Land?

    One does indeed hope she really does want to go and study and that tag line wasn't added on in a fit of journalistic license, but the reality is that she will probably get knocked up by this 17 year old predator you seem hell bent on defending.....

  14. Songkhran is a great time to be in Bangkok as you have the place to yourself as long as you avoid the 'danger areas of Soi 4, Silom and , Bangkok Noi and Khao San you should avoid a soaking as outside of these areas most of what you find are isolated local 'celebrations'.

    Getting taxis is no bother at all and as the roads are empty the blighters will take you anywhere in good time.

  15. You can't beat the first lung full of refreshing tobacco smoke over a post coital tab first thing of a morning....

    Unless you're married and the wife is on the phone asking what time you're coming home.....

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