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Posts posted by Merylhighground

  1. This oft told/heard tale only has one sure-fire outcome

    This 17 year old deadbeat pillar of society will have her knocked up in a year, be far away a week later, if not sooner, then poor Pepsi will be left to 'hold the baby' without a pot to P**s in, and being in Pattaya and already off to a 'good start' in this direction will surely wander into only one form of employment.

    Sad tale really. If the father had anything about him, he'd get this 'Boy' kicked around half of Pattaya and locked up for fiddling underage girls before he knocks the poor lass up and the tale pans out in the usual way (as above).

    Instead of speculating with your imaginings of what could happen to the girl and what should be done to the boyfriend who hasn't been accused of anything (apart from by self-righteous, ill-informed, semi-literate Thaivisa pontificators), why not take a minute to read the report where it clearly states that the girl wants to return to school?

    What you think could have happened probably already has and probably will again in the future. Self righteous? maybe, semi-illiterate? Maybe too, but at least I am not supporting or defending paedophilia in Thailand as you seem to be along with several others...disgusting.

  2. Overstay of 8 years in Thailand? You should know better than come here and ask for advise as to whether you need the help of a lawyer.

    No sympathy from me.

    I didn't see the OP asking for your or anybody elses sympathy, do you?

    He is simply asking for advice not lectures but of course the TV brigade just can't help themselves

    No sympathy whatsoever. This country, as do all countries have immigration laws in place. They are there for a reason. If you cannot abide by those immigration laws, then you are commiting an offence. In this case, an 8 year overstay. And you wonder why the Thai Government are getting stricter?

    Even Cops I know can be sympathetic..

    Why not just chill..




    He was asking for advice, how does you post offer thus?

    You forgot to add 'Self' next the righteously in your sign off ...utterly pointless waste of space....

    • Like 1
  3. I am a Cameroonian who had been and is currently teaching in a private Thai school for 3years now. About 9months ago, my school took on someone to handle visa issues on behalf of the school. He took the Visa extension money ; got a fake visa and ran away. Right now I'm stuck with a fake visa which implies Im 9months overstayed. My school wants to destroy my passport and those of the other 2 English teachers who are also concerned. The school got us police reports to show that we lost our passports. The other two English teachers will go to get an emergency travel document to go back to the UK but for me, I don't know where to go to since I haven't got an embassy and I don't want to be banned.Please help if you have an idea on what can be done. Thanks.

    Under no circumstances allow the school to destroy your passport.

    Go and get it off them;, give them any story, leave and have nothing else to do with them.

    If your passport is still valid, get to the airport, pay the 20,000B and get out as soon as you can, while it still seems there may still be a degree of leniency being shown by Thai Immigration officers to people trying to voluntarily clear their over-stays.

    I wouldn't try and make them swallow any long, drawn out, difficult to prove stories either.

    It would probably would be best to take all it on the chin, pay up, and get out.....at worst any ban you may have put on you would only be 1 to 3 years which will soon pass.

    Good luck.

  4. This oft told/heard tale only has one sure-fire outcome

    This 17 year old deadbeat pillar of society will have her knocked up in a year, be far away a week later, if not sooner, then poor Pepsi will be left to 'hold the baby' without a pot to P**s in, and being in Pattaya and already off to a 'good start' in this direction will surely wander into only one form of employment.

    Sad tale really. If the father had anything about him, he'd get this 'Boy' kicked around half of Pattaya and locked up for fiddling underage girls before he knocks the poor lass up and the tale pans out in the usual way (as above).

  5. I suppose it is very good news for the Cambodian tourism authorities and the local economy which again makes me want to stress to people to visit NOW before it is utterly over run by rampaging hordes of Chinese, Japanese and Korean tourists. It is getting close now but one can still find a quiet corner here and there.

    It's getting close already. another year or two and the average person looking for an aimless wander around the ambience of the park will just be swamped by the masses.

    I recall my first visit with UNTAC workers in mid-late 1992 when we were literally the only people in the entire complex then a visit later in 99 when the land border had just opened and it was a similar story, then slowly over the next decade visitor numbers grew as did Siem Riep accordingly. The plus side is that the local economy is booming the down side is that there is little infrastructure in the park itself to handle such numbers.

    I'll never forget that first visit, sitting up on Phnom Bakheng talking to an elderly Cambodian woman who had lived in the complex all her life how the KR had swept into the area and she and her family had hidden in the jungle and ruins using their local knowledge to avoid capture until their luck run out.

    As she told her tale of horror and darkness all was utterly silent. Angkor Wat stood away to the right, a majestic and silent witness to Cambodia's bloody history. The sky darkened to the East and the rumble of a coming storm punctuated and gave atmosphere to her narrative as it swept slowly towards us. All else was silent apart from the gentle sing-song voice of the old lady the rustle of the wind through the trees and the odd rumble of thunder from the coming storm. That evening a small buffet and a few drinks had been laid on outside Angkor Wat for our group. There were maybe 15 of us all in all and enjoying the peace and tranquillity of the moment everyone drifted away into a small space of their own, drifting back to the table to grab another beer every now and again.

    The last time I sat in that same spot on Phonm Bakheng I could hardly hear myself think as masses of tourists jostled for the best positions to photo Angkor Wat or Bayon below at top volume, planes roaring into or out of the airport at a regular rate, the constant din of tour buses below delivering their destructive locust like cargoes to devour the peace which was once such a feature of the place.......

    One hopes the Cambodian authorities invest some of these vast sums to protect not only the monuments themselves but also to protect and preserve the incredible ambiance and atmosphere of one of the most amazing places on thie planet.

  6. Looking forward to a cracking game on Sunday.

    Difficult to predict. England, I think, are the better fielding side; but ,as we've seen, both sides contain more than one batsman who can completely turn a game around.

    One problem; I live in the UK and don't have Sky Sports; can I convince the wife that I need to spend a large part of Sunday afternoon in the pub?

    Can't you take the dog out for a three hour walk?

  7. I think England's quicks have learned how to bowl in this format throughout the tournament and Jordan is looking world class, Willey is still a little green but mixes it up nicely and is capable of producing early wicket taking deliveries, Plunkett has bags of experience and Ali and Rashid are developing guile and craft in this format though still bowl the odd loose ball that gets whacked but that is the life of a spinner in T20.

    The batting 'needs no introduction' as they say. Would be nice if Morgan finally comes to the party with the bat as he can be a destructive hitter when needed.

    The Windies are strong in batting, not so strong in the bowling department so I strongly fancy England, especially if we (England) win the toss and chase......

  8. Of course they're qualified. You think I hang out with the kind of loser that takes a 30k baht a month joke job just to stay I the country?

    Why is someone who takes a 30K per month teaching job just to stay in the country necessarily a loser? They may have bundles of cash back home but, for someone under 50, this may be their only recourse to legally stay in the Kingdom without a never-ending series of Tourist Visas or some other dubious means.

    Who wants their kids taught by somebody who only took the job so they could stay in Thailand?

    Indeed sir,

    I recall hearing this very phrase many times when I would find myself at the weekly 'Teacher Meets' at a well known bar in Nana Plaza which sadly was also my local and the finest bar on the Plaza, before they would head off up to Angelwitch or Hollywood for a nights whoring.....

    Almost every week I would have someone sidle up to me and say "I wouldn't want any of these perverts/weirdos/deviants/whoremongers/pissheads etc....teaching my kids, would you?" to which I would reply strongly in the negative and pity the poor Thais who had no choice in the matter....

  9. I know loads of teachers here. Decent people who take their work seriously, earn salaries comparable to back home, and enjoy a very pleasant lifestyle. Not the cliched idea that your hear from the embittered expats on here at all.


    The only teachers who make a good dollar here are those who get into the International game but they are qualified teachers, not some TEFL 'qualified' sex case,. The rest are noting but gollumesque, desperate guttersnipes grubbing around for a few illegal Baht to be near their whores....

  10. ^ Was this office in Australia?

    Your experience sounds like my own were at times.

    I do wonder why at times some folks seem to take hours to do what takes me ten minutes to do and make the process an ordeal for those who have everything ship shape and will be in and out in minutes after their turn at the window!

    That is why I began to ask work for a ME visa so I could just hop a flight every few months instead of running the gauntlet of over-zealous officials and inept, bumbling 'expats' at the office every time.

  11. Majorca family holiday aged 11


    Being freaked that no one was speaking English, but enchanted at this warm, sunny pine scented place buzzing with insects 24 hour a day, the blue of the sky, the yellow of the sand and the blue of the Med, having to learn Spanish phrases and the shops being full of loads of weird stuff like Lemon flavoured chewing gum.

  12. I can't understand why so many choose to be 'householders' in Thailand, a nation well known for it's herpetological fauna then freak out about snakes citing the same old tired 'I don't want it to harm my kids/dog/gerbil' etc.

    Surely if you're scared of, or can't handle snakes a nice 12th floor apartment would have been a better life choice?

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