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  1. Rumors on the street are that the Hua Hin government doesn't want mass tourism, so they may not be making moves that would encourage that.
  2. Who goes to walking street with ~75,000 THB on them? Have bar fines really gone up that much? ????
  3. I take it is digital representations only, no originals here? I wonder if the quality is high enough to enjoy the details.
  4. Thankfully there is no issue with addiction or teen use for alcohol and cigarettes, so it's perfectly fine to sell those for recreational use.
  5. Of course there are very few Europeans or Americans there. Have you seen how many Indians, Chinese and Russians are there clogging up the place! Europeans and Americans have better choices
  6. Is it possible that those in Thailand elite which is a tourist visa, do not pay taxes. But those on a retirement or marriage visa will? (For purposes of bringing in money for spending or even to put in the bank for income requirement)?
  7. So expats who reside here and bring in some of their savings each year will need to pay tax on bringing that money on?
  8. IIRC from when I did this, some of the 'correct' answers were wrong and you had to put in the wrong 'answer' to get it marked correctly. I missed one and got one point shy of perfect. Staff were shocked I scored so high. Note: I did it in English. Not sure if the problem exists in other languages. And this was quite some time ago, so not sure if they updated their software.
  9. Personal smartphone with dual sim. Backup feature phone with single sim. Car with sim. Tablet with sim. Laptop with sim. Watch with sim. Oh dear, how many years prison am I facing?
  10. It's called politics my friend. The one guarantee is that no politician will keep their word when their job is on the line. The ones who would, sadly, are rarely the ones who get elected.
  11. I'm curious why 12 months are needed. Are you not allowed to use the money at all and you have to maintain the minimum amount in perpetuity?
  12. Some people report taking THC before sleep helps.
  13. I missed the explanation of why he did not get rid of those shares before running. Could someone clue me in there
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