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Posts posted by kurtgruen

  1. Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 35m

    PDRC protesters, led by Thavorn Senneam, arrived at Bang Kapi polling station. EC officials were barred access (6am). #Thailand

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 21m

    PDRC protesters locked gate of Dusit polling station at Sukhothai School (where Gen Prem will vote) & chased EC officials away #Thailand

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 9m

    More than 80,000 voters registered for advanced voting at Bang Kapi polling station are disenfranchised due to obstruction by PDRC. SHAME!

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 8m

    PDRC protesters blocking access to Saphan Sung polling station. Voters can't enter.

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 6m

    Jatujak polling station at St John College is surrounded by PDRC protesters. Voters can't enter.

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk 2m

    Polling stations for advance voting in BKK's Bang Kapi, Bang Khen, Jatujak & Dusit districts are blocked by PDRC. (7.30am)

    Sunai ‏@sunaibkk now

    EC officials at Klong Toey polling station announced voting is canceled due to obstruction by PDRC protesters. (7.35am)

    We were told emphatically by pontificating members on the forum yesterday that there were only a few dozen protesters left.

    It's amazing that so few could do so much.

    You only need 50 - 100 to go to each polling station, especially if police aren't going to do anything.

    But we were assured just yesterday by vociferous experts that there weren't even that many protesters left.

    So let me get this straight....Government supporters, keep saying, there are only about 100 protesters left, (I guess, they weren't at the stage where Suthep spoke last night) but the protesters manage to shut down all these polling stations, without the police doing anything? I see, the puzzle is coming together and when it is finished, it will look like this.....


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  2. So now the whole country knows that it can be postponed within the constitution.

    Over to you madam caretaker PM.

    She will come out and say "In the interest of keeping the peace, we will postpone the elections", hoping the people will buy it again (which her red trolls will, without questioning) and it will make her look good..

    Meanwhile it will change nothing. Just one more step backwards for the Government on the way down to Abyss. wai2.gif

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  3. Trouble is, in Thailand, if you don't vote in an election, you loose your right to vote in the following, or at least, that is what the uneducated, in the North are made to believe here. I wouldn't count on it being true, but people up here believe it is, so of course, they will vote, because they think, they will loose there voting privileges for the future, if they don't vote in this election. wai2.gif

    And it's not true as the most rudimentary research could have shown.

    If you fail to vote, you lose the rights to stand in an election, to sign a petition to recall an elected representative or to sign a petition to propose legislation. These rights are automatically restored as you as you do vote.

    Like I said, the poor people in the North, are deceived to believe, that they won't get to vote next time, if they don't vote. It's not hard, to pull the wool over someone's eyes, if they don't know the process.

  4. I wonder what the average price of a vote will be. The poll should have asked them the minimum price they would be willing to sell their votes for and without factoring in this critical aspect the poll would be meaningless. . Respondents are probably naively assuming they will be paid the same as last time but political parties are likely to pay less, given the uncertainties of a definitive result and lack of opposition. Lower prices could lead to a lower voter turn-out

    For the Chiang Mai Municipal Elections, the Reds where paying 800 Baht per person, in the voting district by Gym Kanna Golf Course. I know that for a fact!

    With no Democrats running and this election most likely being annulled right after, one would have to be stupid to pay people, but maybe they will, just to "show" people, how popular they are laugh.png

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  5. Trouble is, in Thailand, if you don't vote in an election, you loose your right to vote in the following, or at least, that is what the uneducated, in the North are made to believe here. I wouldn't count on it being true, but people up here believe it is, so of course, they will vote, because they think, they will loose there voting privileges for the future, if they don't vote in this election. wai2.gif

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  6. Reading the headlines, I figured, this article would be more appropriate. Please ignore the part about the numbers of protesters, as this has been discussed to death and it doesn't matter, if there was10, 10,000 or 100,000, it's about why they are there and as you read on in the article, it puts things together as good, as I have seen so far.

    So if you want o educate yourself, on what is really going on, try to put your biases aside for the moment and just read the whole article, before commenting on it....


    There has been too much BS and smoke and mirrors, with very little actual information lately, but the above article is the best I have read in a long time wai2.gif

  7. "as the Bernanke bubble deflates", so will the American economy, which only has two ways to go...either they keep printing money, until people will need a wheelbarrow full of it, to buy a loaf of bread (like in Nazi Germany), or they are heading for a major deflation and depression.

    Maybe, they should look at their own problems, because I think SE Asia, will still be around, long after the "American Empire" falls

  8. No mention of curbs on sales of ear medicine? Strange.

    The 26th of Jan I believe No Alcohol sales ... " early voting" ???? ... Anybody else hear this ??

    Well, the way I see it...we own a bar and we are Democrats and Democrats are boycotting the elections, so we'll just keep selling booze ;-)

    On a serious note (even though it is very difficult, talking serious, in a forum discussing Khun Chalerm) No, only election day, nobody is allowed to sell booze.

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  9. then there was Ferdinand Marcos ... elected by majority and thrown out by people power ...

    I agree with the premise that elected governments that break the law have themselves thrown away their legitimacy ...

    And the philipines is now corruption free?

    Just as was Thailand before thaksin? At least he spread money to the impoverished north or don't you have access to Google or independent media?

    Marcos was loved by the US and later welcomed, with a planeload of cash and gold, after the people booted him out. He was one of the worst dictators. So much for "elected Governments"

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  10. Remember we are logicaly thinking people! Thainess is something else. We will never understand.

    On Stage 12th of Jan, Vera a protest leader had another explanation than "logic" why Farangs don't get it:

    12:45 at Asoke protest stage, media personality Seri Wongmontha veers into anti-foreigner rant. "Do they think we're stupid?" (Cont'd)

    "It's proven ppl w/ yellow skin are smarter than ppl w/ white skin... Thais who study abroad get better marks than their classmates."

    Collapse [/b]

    We are just too dumb to understand Thainess, maybe the network of medical volunteers can add that to their little letter.

    "Do they think we're stupid?"

    Is that a rhetorical question?

    Interesting thing is, he is right about one thing. Asian students in North American universities, on average, do a lot better than their white counterparts. When my daughter did her Pre-med, she noticed it too and kept saying how smart Asian people are and how easy knowledge seems to come to them.

    Then, when we took our Thai, teenage daughter, to Canada, to do her middle school, she had almost straight A's, (except for a B or two), in her second year. That was, after skipping a year, because they wanted her in the same age group, so she jumped a grade ahead in Canada and still excelled.

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  11. Once again, I must point to Bluesky.tv , for those of you, who "honestly" believe, there are only 100 protesters. Watch the live protests. Turn the sound of, if you don't like it, but you will see the numbers, with your own, red tinted glasses.

    Anyways, Yingluck is running scared and that is the main thing. This caretaker Government keeps going backwards, when it's not busy, sticking it's own foot in it't mouth. wai2.gif

    Watch Bluesky rather than what those of us who live in Central Bangkok see with our own eyes? rolleyes.gif

    Anyway, of course there's more than a 100 protesters, but the crowds are really thin and Bangkok is far from "shutdown". The fact the focus in the yellow camp is already shifting towards trying to use legal technicalities rather than a Bangkok shutdown should tell you all you need to know.

    First of all, it was always about legally bringing PT down. Everything else was just window dressing, to stall things long enough, for the courts to do their job. With any luck, they won't need a coup. The courts will take care of Thaksin's puppets.

    Secondly, I don't live in Bangkok and rather than trusting the account of some pro-Government posters, I rather see it with my own eyes on live Television. Bluesky.tv and ASTV, have a lot of live stuff. I don't understand most of the talking anyways, so I just watch some of the live broadcasts sometime, which run in the background of my PC all day, with the sound turned off.


  12. Once again, I must point to Bluesky.tv , for those of you, who "honestly" believe, there are only 100 protesters. Watch the live protests. Turn the sound of, if you don't like it, but you will see the numbers, with your own, red tinted glasses.

    Anyways, Yingluck is running scared and that is the main thing. This caretaker Government keeps going backwards, when it's not busy, sticking it's own foot in it't mouth. wai2.gif

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  13. Yes, I agree, something needs to be done, all around the world, but Democracy has only fed this disease of the rich getting richer and the poor being used like slave labor, around the world. Communism has failed as well.

    Countries, that seem to do well, and where the standard of living is fairly high, for everyeone, are the Scandinavian Nations, where they have some good social programs and more innovative ways, to use their resources (e.g. selective logging )

    Personally, I lean towards Nationalism, with a benevolent monarch or dictator. That way, a Country can isolate itself a little bit, from the global economy and pick and choose, who it wants to trade with. Under a Nationalist system, the Country can also take full control of it's own resources (oil, power, water, etc.) and choose it's own destiny.

    Laws can be created and enacted, that benefit everyone, helping the poor, help themselves and also rewarding hard work and innovation.

    Corruption can eventually be wiped out, with an iron fist, as long as the people on top, are not corrupt themselves. This is the biggest challenge, we face around the World. Corruption on top. Self interest, above the interest of the Nations, they lead.

    Some things, should become basic human rights, everywhere. Things like healthcare (including basic dental care, which is part of health) and education. A Nation, that does not allow it's people to be property educated, will never go far. Innovation needs to be brought into the education system. Questions and new thought, need to be encouraged, if we are to move ahead, on a National and/or Global level.

    What is happening, here in Thailand right now, is two sides fighting for their spot on the trough. Neither is much better than the other. Both sides are financed by the Ultra-Rich. Both sides want to keep the poor, poor and work as slaves for them.

    Once in a while, little splinter groups, join up with one or the other side, hoping that change will make things better and hoping to have a bit of influence in future policy making, but that is about as far as it goes...hope.

    Meanwhile, things like spousal abuse, rape, extortion, slavery, poverty, police and political corruption, along with murder, go on unchecked. wai2.gif

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  14. Permanent Secretary to the Ministry Sihasak Puangketkaew held a meeting with 31 diplomats from 73 countries on Wednesday, clarifying the reason behind Tuesday’s announcement of the decree enforcement.

    31 diplomats from 73 countries .... what is wrong with these figures. I guess all diplomats had double and some even triple nationality :/

    These are figures from TAT

    Thai version of algebra

    Only 31 Countries out of 73, want to talk to them? Just a question wink.pngwai2.gif

  15. Well, if (and I am not saying that is how it happened) Thaksin, or one of his puppets, (or some other party) hired a guy to throw a grenade and he got caught on video, he will not be alive anymore. He will be wearing cement overshoes or has been fed to the alligators already, because he is much too dangerous, to let him live, now that his picture is out there.

    It probably went something like this...

    "We will pay you 100,000 Baht, to throw a Grenade into the demonstrators. We give you 10000 now and 90000 when you come back. Then they kill him and make his body disappear, when he comes back.

    After all, it only costs between $1000 - $2000, in Thailand, to have somebody killed, professionally.

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