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Posts posted by kurtgruen

  1. There were a few instances that come to mind, where the protest guards were unarmed, earlier in the protests. In one instance a grenade was thrown and when the guards tried to catch the guy, they were shot at and had to retreat, because they were unarmed.

    I am glad, that there are finally armed, professional guards to protect the peaceful protesters. Otherwise, they are just easy targets, for anyone who wants to toss a grenade or spray some gunfire into them.

    Since the police are not doing their job, I am also glad, that some of the military is doing it for them.

    That being said, I still believe, that both sides are being manipulated as pawns by the "big guys" on both sides. (and I am not talking about Suthep. He is just another medium size piece on the chess board) This is about power and control and the masses on both sides being manipulated by those who want to be/stay on top.

    So sad, to see practically innocent adults and their innocent children die. The Reds are being used and so are the Demonstrators.

    I just hope, that this gets resolved quickly and as peacefully as possible and that this will be the last time. wai2.gif

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  2. So have any of you on this board thought about what you would do if a civil war were to start ?

    Hmmm...I will get up, think about eating, talk about eating, eat breakfast, then think and talk about eating again...eat lunch, gossip about the neighbors, think about eating again, talk about eating, eat dinner, watch a stupid Thai soap for two hours, go to bed and fall asleep, dreaming about food. When people start talking about politics, reform, democracy, corruption, I will tell them, that I am getting tired of the same old s&%t and go back to watching my educational soap about the poor girl, who falls in love with the handsome rich guy.

    Isn't that what most people do, during a civil war? wai2.gif

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  3. Bringing Children to "Peaceful" protests, in not an uncommon thing, anywhere in the world. Bringing children to protests, where violence is expected, is a different story. I do believe, that most of these peaceful protesters in Trat, did not expect to get attacked by grenades and drive-by shooters. The following is a response from the PDRC...
    This courageous 8 year-old girl, critically injured in last night's slaughter in Trat province, has lost her life (this is reportedly an image of her from late last night). One more adult victim also passed away this morning bringing the current Trat fatalities to five (2 children, 3 adults).

    This is the second child murdered in last night's bombing. The first was a 5 year-old girl. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of all 5 deceased and of all those injured in this horrific attack. Again, we condemn the assailants and those behind the slaughter at Trat, and fervently hope that they are swiftly brought to justice.

    ...The sad thing is, that people are dying, because of a few very rich and very selfish people, on both sides.

    Our condolences to the victims! wai2.gif

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  4. Tragic! Our condolences to the families.

    More pawns being sacrificed in this cruel game of chess, between Thaksin and his clan (new money) and the old establishment. Neither side gives a rats a$$ about the poor, who get killed. They only care about being the ones with their shouts in the money trough.

    Of course, it is so easy to manipulate the masses and making "believers" out of them, on both sides. When in power, either side just provides the masses with enough education, so they can do their "dirty" work. A slave race, with a few elites on either side pulling the strings.

    Meanwhile the West looks on, because Western Corporations are making a huge profit, while Thai people sweat and work their a$$es off, just to be able to feed their families. They love to support people in power, who tell the masses "Thai People are #1, you are the best, you know best" So they proudly march to their own destruction, believing the bulls&it their rulers feed them.

    Yet, I moved here 13 years ago, because I love this Country and it's people more than I loved my former home. I still prefer it to "Western Police State Oppression".

    People do have power and hopefully one day, they will have someone lead them, who actually truly has their interests at heart. That is my hope for Thailand. I also hope that Thailand quits imitating the West, with all it's laws. Western Nations are failing. Their economies are collapsing and copying them will only bring the same results. wai2.gif


  5. Did she post this on her FB on the way to the airport ... woops .. farmers there ... she might want to look for another escape route

    This Government is so full of s*&t, it is making me sick. I live in Chiang Dao Thailand (Chiang Mai Province), where there has been a big outbreak of H1N1. More than 20 people, are dead from it, in Chiang Dao alone, so far. Our daughter barely survived on the way to McCormick Hospital, where she was treated with Tamiflu and other medications, upon arrival.

    Meanwhile, the Government is suppressing this information and more people are dying in Chiang Mai Province every day.

    This is on top of the Rice scandal, the violent attacks on peaceful protesters, etc.

    If you don't believe me, phone McCormick Hospital in Chiang Mai and ask how many people have been diagosed with and treated for H1N1 there. Then phone Chiang Dao Hospital, who admitted, that three people have already died from H1N1 there, in the past two weeks (when it fact it was more than 20).

    For the sake of exports and tourism, this Government lets people die.

    Sad...very sad!

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  6. This is a quote from Wikipedia, about medicine you can take to prevent or treat the Swine Flu...

    "The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the use of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with swine influenza viruses; however, the majority of people infected with the virus make a full recovery without requiring medical attention or antiviral drugs.[94] The virus isolated in the 2009 outbreak have been found resistant to amantadine and rimantadine"

    We have had at least 10 deaths, within the last two weeks, in the Chiang Dao area. All are assumed to be the result of H1N1. Many people have also been hospitalized up here and some family members of people who have died, are also sick.

  7. Just got more information on it. A policeman's wife died from it, yesterday. They are having the funeral in Chiang Mai. So that makes it 10 people, I know of, that died within the last 2 weeks (nine within the past 5 days), from what seems to be H1N1, here in Chiang Dao area. The last victim was living near Muang Ngay, which is just outside of Chiang Dao. Government and hospital are still in denial about it. Media (aside from TV), refuses to cover it. xangry.png.pagespeed.ic.Cla6z9sEn6.png

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  8. Most of them are from a local Chiang Dao district called Tungakhong (not sure about the spelling). As far as I know, they all died in Chiang Dao Hospital. The people from the Cesabaan (local Government) went to check it out, but it is still covered up. The first body, they burned right away, to cover it up. There need to be some autopsies done and the source needs to be found.

    Yes, there are a few pig farms up here.

    Perhaps this needs moving to the main Thaivisa news forum, rather than being hidden away in the CM news forum.

    I totally agree. I'm just glad that TV picked it up, because I am banging my head against the wall, trying to get other media to investigate it. Couldn't get through to the Nation or the B. Post, so I posted it here and on our Facebook page for Chiang Dao. Will try both newspapers again, during business hours tomorrow. wai2.gif

  9. First, wrong diagnosis.

    Second, try to cover up, although 27 more soldiers have the virus.

    Third wrong message given to the public.

    Should we be worried????????

    I have been trying for days to report the nine people, who have died in Chiang Dao, of the Swine Flu. Eight of them, died within the past five days and the 9th within the past two weeks. Both Chiang Dao Hospital and the local Government are covering it up. It is almost impossible to get this information out to the media. Thank you for posting something about the Soldier that died of the Swine Flu, Rimmer. This gave me the opportunity to get this news out.

    I am posting under my real name and my wife owns and operates a Biker Bar/Restaurant in Chiang Dao, so this is definitely not in our own interest to bring this information to light. We just don't want anyone else to die, so we can't keep our mouth's shut about this. angry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gif

    Seems to be quite a few pig farms in the area, and waste run off into streams - are you aware of any link between the victims?

    Most of them are from a local Chiang Dao district called Tungakhong (not sure about the spelling). As far as I know, they all died in Chiang Dao Hospital. The people from the Cesabaan (local Government) went to check it out, but it is still covered up. The first body, they burned right away, to cover it up. There need to be some autopsies done and the source needs to be found.

    Yes, there are a few pig farms up here.

  10. First, wrong diagnosis.

    Second, try to cover up, although 27 more soldiers have the virus.

    Third wrong message given to the public.

    Should we be worried????????

    I have been trying for days to report the nine people, who have died in Chiang Dao, of the Swine Flu. Eight of them, died within the past five days and the 9th within the past two weeks. Both Chiang Dao Hospital and the local Government are covering it up. It is almost impossible to get this information out to the media. Thank you for posting something about the Soldier that died of the Swine Flu, Rimmer. This gave me the opportunity to get this news out.

    I am posting under my real name and my wife owns and operates a Biker Bar/Restaurant in Chiang Dao, so this is definitely not in our own interest to bring this information to light. We just don't want anyone else to die, so we can't keep our mouth's shut about this. angry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gif

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  11. Hello all,

    Several days ago, I tried to get the following information to the media, but nobody listened (except for TV)....

    about two weeks ago, one person, in Chiang Dao, Chiang Mai Province, died from was said to be the Swine Flu. They quickly wrapped the body in white cloth and burned it and kept it quiet. A wasn't sure if is was true, when I first heard it, so I didn't go public then.

    About a week later, when we got back from a three day bike ride, on February 7th, our staff informed us, that eight more people had died of Swine flu, in the previous three days, all in Chiang Dao Hospital.

    A day after, the Cesabaan went to the hospital and asked, "How come the public has not been informed?" Well, the public still isn't informed. I sent an email to the Nation Newspaper, because their phones were closed after hours, on February 8th and I also tried to contact the Bangkok Post, who left me on hold for ten minutes after I told them, what it was all about. Never heard back from them. Neither of them got back to me.

    This is a big coverup. Most people, in business, seem to think, it is more important to make money, than to save lives.

    We run a bar/restaurant in Chiang Dao, but we feel, that saving lives is more important. I rather go broke, than be responsible for a death of an innocent person.

    I hope the papers and news media start investigating this. I was sad, when I just checked my email, two days after contacting the Nation and received no response, after I asked them to send a reporter to investigate.

    If any of you, have media contacts, please do ask them to investigate and to ask both the Chiang Dao Hospital and the Cesabaan some questions. The important thing, is to get this information out, before more people die. At last count, 9 people in Chiang Dao died from it and over 30, from one little area of town, were in the hospital with symptons.

    I blame the Government, media and greedy businesses for covering this up!

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