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Posts posted by kurtgruen

  1. Day old news already. Now three murdered and 33 injured. Both Police and Military, were there to investigate, right after the incident,as seen on live Television, so I don't know, why people keep saying that police wasn't allowed to investigate

    as far as dwindling numbers go, look on Bluesky.tv, where you can see things, as they happen, not hear about it later, altered, through various propaganda machines wai2.gif

    And what is Blue Sky Tv...if not a propaganda machine. No adverts and financed by who.....interesting

    You are wrong, on the "no adverts". They sell all kind of infomercial and commercial time. Just depends on when you log on. Propaganda, yes, from everybody, including them, I agree, but at least it's live and you can see it as it happens, or doesn't happen. If it was a live Red channel, I would watch it, too. I don't like spin doctored, second hand information wai2.gif

  2. One thing, I noticed, is that the AFP acticles are quite biased against the demonstrators. Terms like "win every election this century", "Yingluck called the snap February poll in an attempt to deflate the political crisis", is putting a spin on something, that is supposed to be news.

    For anyone, to think, that Yingluck called the election to deflate the political crisis, would be comical. You would have to be a total idiot to believe that. So again, the Western Propaganda machine at work.

    Maybe it's time for Western media, to keep their nose out of trying to influence foreign Countries, and start sticking their nose, in the S*&t of their own Nations, most of which stink to high heavens.

    So far ,the only media, i found, that has some unbiased reports, on most issues around the World, is RT (Russia Today) and I'm from Canada, so I never thought, I would look at Russia today, for accurate news.

    It's a sad world indeed, where sheep get manipulated everywhere, by media, controlled by the few ultra-rich, around the World.

    As far as the demonstrations go, yes, I support the demonstrators, but because of my own, selfish reasons, not because I think, they are any better or worse, than the other side.

    I just get tired of all the manipulation, ,by the International media and watching the sheep go Baaa Baaa and repeating everything they hear, like it is the truth. wai2.gif

    So who do you think was behind the bombing of the PDRC march yesterday? And who benefited politically from the bombing? Be honest with us now!

    The Government, because they are trying to scare the protesters and diminish the numbers of protesters. I rule out the military, because, I believe I know, they are not planning to stage a coup. (You will see, as this unfolds, that the military will not stage a coup this time) The Government wants these protests to end, before it is found guilty, in the courts. It might have even been an attempt to throw a grenade somewhere behind Khun Suthep, in order to cause confusion, so they can arrest him, in the resulting confusion. The weapons were left behind, in order to make people think, it was the military or someone else.

    Violence, in the past, even before the last coup, has mostly been against the protesters.

    Of course, this has a potential of backfiring on the Government, because in the future, more violent parties, might stand against them.

    Either way, I think, the Shin Clan's days are numbered.

    Mark my words though, there will be no coup. When the future will prove this, ,maybe people will look at what happened in a different light.

    Thailand is not an isolated economy and if it wants to remain Nationalist, it cannot afford to stage a coup. There would be too much International fallout.

    I think, as long as the demonstrators can delay elections, until this fraudulent Government is brought to justice, their main aim will be achieved.

    Yes, there will be elections again, sometime in the near future, yes, there is a good chance, that Thaksin's Puppets could win again, but at least, by then, a lot of the lies, will have been exposed and people will be making a more educated choice.

    I am happy, that there is more than one news choice in Thailand and that opposing views, from every side, get broadcast. Bluesky and ASTV, broadcast live, almost 24 hours per day. The Government and the Reds have their own channels, too. Thai people, have a huge variety of news information to choose from and to make up their own minds.

    In the end, it will come down to, who they love. Because Thai emotions run very strong and are not as easily manipulated by foreign press and writers.

    On one side, Thai people love their King and Thaksin, on the other side, Thai people love their King and Suthep. Both sides love their king! So there is common ground, as far as the people are concerned. In the end, differences will be put aside and the Nation will heal.

    All in all, Thailand is still one of the best places on Earth to live. I was born and raised in Germany, spent 17 years there and then spent another 25 years in Canada, but I found my home in Thailand and plan on spending the rest of my years here.

    Long LIve Thailand - Long Live the King!

    • Like 1
  3. I got up this morning and seen Khun Suthep, crying on stage, while he was making an announcement and my wife said, there are three people dead and many injured. Many of the prostesters, listening, were crying, before he was. You could see tears running down their eyes.

    Not sure, if he was talking about the total deaths, since the beginning, or if three people died, in the past 24 hours?

    Our Condolences to all the families!


  4. I hope if they caught the bomber, hope they let him have a phone call to Yingluck before they lynched him...

    I hope they catch him and question him, in front of witnesses, (so it can't be said it was the military) by one of the military specialists, who "know how to get information out of anyone" I am quite o.k. with torture, to get the truth, after what he did!

    I would love to see all rumors put to rest, once and for all.

  5. I don't think, many people, in a situation, that could (and has) easily turn violent, would volunteer as guards for free. Besides, you need professionals, to guard the perimeter. Last thing you want, is some loose cannon, making everyone look bad, when they are trying to have a peaceful demonstration.

    At the same time, you need skilled, ,armed guards, to protect against these crazy attacks at night. Can't expect them to sit there with prayer beads when the other sides is tossing grenades and shooting at the protesters and guards.

    So yes, it makes perfect sense, that these guards, who risk their lives every day, get paid!

    I still hear the claims, that the protests are falling apart and having less and less supporters. I have listened to that for months now and it hasn't materialized violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

    Fact is, the alliances of the General population are polarizing and slowly shifting away from Thaksin and his party. If nothing else, undermining the believe in Phuea Thai and the Thaksin Clan, has been a success.

    Thai people like to eat and have fun. If you can provide both adequate food and entertainment, you have won half the battle already.

    This is a battle for the minds of the people and I think, Khun Suthep is doing a great job so far. Ms. Yingluck is getting more and more desperate and I am sure, her brother, is starting to squirm, in Dubai. After all, getting out with a planeload full of cash and gold, wasn't enough for him. He wants to be on top. For an egomaniac like him (buying Manchester United, etc.), it's about power and control.

    You don't know what you are talking about. It was Manchester City that he bought and later sold.

    Same thing, so I go the name wrong...both have hooligan fans, who bash each others heads in, over a silly little ball, that 20 people chase around a field and two others try to catch. Human evolution at it's best. cheesy.gif (at least, when they were chasing dinosaurs, they could eat them)

  6. If the military really wanted power, they could have easily hung on to it, the last time, after the coup. I do not believe, that the military has anything to do with this. Neither does Suthep, because if it was ever found out, that he had anything to do with it, it would completely discredit his movement and it would be all over. He would not be that stupid. Besides, he has led peaceful protests, when he could have resorted to violence a long time ago, to overthrow the Country, but it is not his aim to do it violently.

    So that leaves, the Red Shirts, the former Government (Caretaker Government), the Police and the Mafia.

    Red Shirts, under the guidance of Thaksin, is a possibility, because the protests are gaining momentum and anything his sister has tried to do, to stall the protests, has failed so far. Maybe he figures, by causing some violence (in a limited way), it will deter some supporters from attending the rallies, while not causing enough violence to trigger a coup.

    The police, because they tend to loose a lot, if Suthep or his new reform committee take power. They have their hands in all kinds of things, as previously mentioned by anonymous posters. Posting under my real name, I choose not to describe them here, but a lot of you, who have lived in Thailand, for a long time, know anyways.

    The Mafia, for the same reason as the police. wai2.gif

    • Like 2
  7. What gets me, is the apathy, I see, coming from most Thai people, up here, in the North, where I live. They might proclaim to be red or yellow or whatever, but when it comes right down to it, they don't really get upset or excited, about any of it, at least not the people, who I know personally, on both sides. I know, some people care, but most don't seem to. They have given up, in the political process and I think, that they believe, that they will get screwed, no matter who is in power (and they may very well be right)

  8. Guns with silencers!,is that standard Navy issue,maybe just

    bored of sitting on an aircraft carrier that never leaves port,

    and were out looking for a bit of excitement.

    regards Worgeordie

    Armed I can understand but silencers ?

    How about being so far out of their supposed area of operations ?

    Will we ever hear any more about this ?

    I can understand the silencers, too. When you see some idiot ready to shoot at protesters, of launch a grenade, you can pop them, without making too much noise and upsetting everyone. Shoot him in the shoulder and then get the information, of who paid him to attack the protesters or protest guards.

    Silencer, would be preferable, if you are in a large, peaceful crowd, shooting at somebody outside. Why create panic, when you can do it quietly?

    As far as area of operations goes, we all know, that the bigger part of the military, sympathizes with the people behind the protests. I find it quite normal, for military personal to quietly help protect the protest sites.

    I would guess, that most of the Airforce and Navy, would be on Suthep's side of the protest if the s*%t hits the fan.

    • Like 1
  9. I don't think, many people, in a situation, that could (and has) easily turn violent, would volunteer as guards for free. Besides, you need professionals, to guard the perimeter. Last thing you want, is some loose cannon, making everyone look bad, when they are trying to have a peaceful demonstration.

    At the same time, you need skilled, ,armed guards, to protect against these crazy attacks at night. Can't expect them to sit there with prayer beads when the other sides is tossing grenades and shooting at the protesters and guards.

    So yes, it makes perfect sense, that these guards, who risk their lives every day, get paid!

    I still hear the claims, that the protests are falling apart and having less and less supporters. I have listened to that for months now and it hasn't materialized violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

    Fact is, the alliances of the General population are polarizing and slowly shifting away from Thaksin and his party. If nothing else, undermining the believe in Phuea Thai and the Thaksin Clan, has been a success.

    Thai people like to eat and have fun. If you can provide both adequate food and entertainment, you have won half the battle already.

    This is a battle for the minds of the people and I think, Khun Suthep is doing a great job so far. Ms. Yingluck is getting more and more desperate and I am sure, her brother, is starting to squirm, in Dubai. After all, getting out with a planeload full of cash and gold, wasn't enough for him. He wants to be on top. For an egomaniac like him (buying Manchester United, etc.), it's about power and control.

    • Like 2
  10. Interesting times ahead, who will be coming to Bangkok next,

    the Red hoards from Isan and the North,in support of the

    Government or demanding payment for their rice,the

    Government better find some money quick, as I feel Thais

    will be more angry about not getting their money than any


    Has the PM got her bags packed ,waiting at the front door,

    ready for a quick get away to airport !

    regards Worgeordie

    "Leaving On A Jet Plane"

    All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go

    I'm standin' here outside your door

    I hate too much, to get caught, to say goodbye

    But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn

    The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn

    Already I regret almost every lie

    So kiss me and smile for me

    Say you still believe in me

    I've got your cash and now I'm gonna' go

    'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane

    I don't know when I'll be back again

    Oh, babe, I hate you so

    There's so many times I've let you down

    So many times I've played around

    I'll tell you now, that you don't mean a thing

    Every place I go, I think of you

    Every song I sing, I feel so blue

    cause I can't come back and my brother won't be king

    So kiss me and smile for me

    Say you still believe in me

    I've got your cash and now I'm gonna' go

    'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane

    I don't know when I'll be back again

    Oh, babe, I hate you so

    Now the time has come to leave you

    One more time, let me deceive you

    And close your eyes and I'll be on my way

    Dream about the days to come

    When I won't have to leave alone

    About the times that I won't have to say ...

    Oh, kiss me and smile for me

    Say you still believe in me

    I've got your cash and now I'm gonna' go

    'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane

    I don't know when I'll be back again

    Oh, babe, I hate you so

    And I'm leaving on a jet plane

    I don't know when I'll be back again

    Oh, babe, I hate you so

    But I'm leaving on a jet plane

    (Ah ah ah ah)

    Leaving on a jet plane

    (Ah ah ah ah)

    Leaving on a jet plane

    (Ah ah ah ah)

    Leaving on a jet plane

    (Ah ah ah ah)

    Leaving on a jet plane

    (Ah ah ah ah)

    Leaving on a jet plane

    (Ah ah ah ah)

    Leaving on a jet plane

    (Ah ah ah ah)

    Leaving on a jet plane

    (Ah ah ah ah)

    (Leaving) On a jet plane

    • Like 1
  11. CAPO reveals court order to arrest ‘Suthep’

    BANGKOK, 16 January 2014 (NNT) — The Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) has revealed an arrest warrant for the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) leader Suthep Thaugsuban under the charge of treason.

    CAPO has announced an official court order to arrest PDRC leader Suthep Thaugsuban under the charge of treason after the protest leader publicly threatened to capture and restrain the premier and her Cabinet members.

    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Surapong Tovichakchaikul is working in cooperation with CAPO to arrest Mr. Suthep after the PDRC core-leader allegedly threatened the well-being of the Prime Minister and her Cabinet members.

    National Police Chief Pol. Gen. Adul Saengsingkaew, after a CAPO meeting, has stressed the importance of 3 tasks: alleviating violence, expediting the ruling of crimes committed during the protests, and preparing a sufficient amount of police to protect governmental establishment that are to be besieged by protesters.

    On other note, reports from the Immigration Bureau have shown a 22.18% drop in tourist arrivals at Suvarnabhumi Airport due to the political unrest.


    -- NNT 2014-01-16 footer_n.gif

    Funny, how they managed to slide the tourist arrival rates in there, with a court order announcement. Strange thing is, we tried to book four rooms, in Pattaya, for two nights, in mid February and we keep being told, everything is full for that time. The islands, seem to be quite busy, too.

    Anyways, if Elections did go ahead, this will probably go on, for a long time. I don't think, things will get any better, until Thaksin is out of the picture, in Thai politics. Maybe his loyal MP's, might want to think about this. Do they really want to see their Country run into the ground, just for money?

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