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About RandolphGB

  • Birthday 01/17/1990

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  1. Good luck trying to persuade Cambodians, Laotians and Vietnamese to be poorer to help people in Thailand.
  2. Nobody will admit the real cause - a selfish, ignorant, lazy, vain, low IQ people, who are more concerned with money than their own health and the health of others. The government does not want to fix the air pollution, the farmers, small scale land owners, the every-day residents burning their home and garden waste, the street food vendors belching out clouds of smoke from barbecues, do not care to fix it. None of them want to fix it because fixing it would seriously harm their own pocket. Most of all, it would take effort, evolution and change. Further, the government would have to decimate the agricultural industry and spend vast sums putting in waste collection systems across the country. They'd have to pass laws and enforce laws. That costs a lot. It's a lot of effort. It's not ever going to happen. Thais are as corrupt as they come - they see money, they keep for themselves. They don't think 'let's improve the country'. It's impossible to teach a pig to read. You will never civilize and develop this country.
  3. Thailand will never progress when money and nepotism buy status over talent and achievements.
  4. Does anybody have experience of where to find a tradesman for condo repairs / redecoration and renovation in Bangkok? It seems the market is very fragmented and mostly independent Thai guys or large companies that only take on big projects. I'm looking for basic things like new kitchen, new bathroom and redecoration. Not a full-on renovation from the empty shell. Can someone who has experience of this advise? Is it better to use one company that can do all of the tasks or find individual tradesmen for each speciality?
  5. Why is there a picture of the Rajamangala stadium?
  6. So the cowards watched him drown.
  7. Designed by Germans, built by the Japanese, badly managed by the Thais.
  8. Remind me again which of the two companies is banned from flying to the United States because they can't follow basic aviation safety standards.
  9. Using an AOT image from 2018 which shows Boeing 747s that were retired in 2021.👏
  10. Leaving Thailand is much smoother with the new machines. Coming back through immigration is still a drag. The immigration cops are all as thick as rocks and can't organize even the simplest queue system.
  11. I live here for work. Unlike people like you who came here because they can't get laid at home. I don't drink and I've worked with more Thai people in a year than you will meet in your whole life.
  12. This exactly. The goons in charge are the Thai people and the Thai people are the goons in charge. Nothing will evolve because it is, and always has been, a nation of low IQ people beset with laziness, greed, vanity and selfishness.
  13. The difference is that London and Singapore have people with an IQ above 60 managing the roads. Thailand is a country that can't even stop motorcycles from riding wherever they want to or keep food stall away from blocking pavements. They will never be able to introduce the level of technology needed to enforce a congestion charge.
  14. It would be nice if these laws were enforced, but they won't be. Street food stalls add to traffic congestion, create safety risks for drivers and pedestrians, damage pavements, add to pollution in the drains, spread unhygienic food, are untaxed and other issues.

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