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Posts posted by oldrunner

  1. He/She might be a German Shepard but surely the runt of the litter. I owned a White German Shepard who literally mauled a dog in the process of attacking me. The damage was rather extensive to the attacking dog, the owner phoned the Police who came to collect my dog. Fortunately a neighbor had been looking out her kitchen window, saw the whole melee and when she saw the Police car came running. She explained who the aggressor dog was and the Police left. Never did see the attacking dog again. Too bad, one of her owners was a cut little 5 year old, as I was at the time.


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  2. Life can be a real B**ch but much of our trip is pre-ordained in another life. Live or die with it. As for Insurance in Thailand, if you can't afford the lhealyh insurance you need, don't come to Thailand, or any other country. Stay in your home country and be cared for there. As for writer who believes everyone should have government free insurance, go ahead, get a job, give the government 90% of your salary, the government will then give you 100% health care (of course you must stay in that country to assure you get the care).

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    • Confused 2
  3. Oh solo meo. The webs we weave. See a good lawyer, preferably CBLaw, Bangkok (American/Thai), after advice, haul children and self very far away leaving no trace, no car, no money. Provide hire-a-Nurse for children (do not get involved with Nurse), have lawyer get children's school records. Protect yourself and your children.

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