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Posts posted by oldrunner

  1. Hey Mitch McConnell; Social Security isn't a burden on the Government, it is a payback of money ILLEGALLY STOLEN from we who worked and paid into the fund every month. Now that we are old enough to get a measly check, not close to what we would have had if we had put it into a savings account, we are considered a "tax burden". Screw you and all the Washington crooks. Some clever lawyer should get us to sign up for a mass liable suit to take the lost interest from current and retired Senators and Congress  persons. How do you come to Wash, D.C. on a $78,000 salary and in two years amass $12.000,000. Maybe selling votes?

  2. Such friendly School gun competition, warming up for the Olympics? No neighbors complaints? No school authorities seeing brutal beating marks? Child had no trust in reporting these beatings to nearest police? What's wrong here forks? I'm bored of reading this travesty of justice every day but then again. I'm not the one being beaten.


  3. Saudis barred Thais from coming into Saudi Arabia in any labor contracts. They did allow those already working there to stay and also return from vacations. The actual thief was murdered while in Police custody (surprise, surprise), gems were never recovered as HI-SO (General's wives) refused to return the stolen gems. Does this surprise anyone who has lived in Thailand for any length of time?

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  4. Stupid is an often abused word. In Thailand when it comes to governing bodies, Stupid does not begin to cover the idiocy of appointed governing bodies. As an owner of five cats, all spayed, all caged at night one being a house nut, two birds and an unknown creature, all caged and well cared for, I do want or need some tight arse suit and tie jerk governing every minute of everyone's day. Take a break and go back to the massage palour.

  5. SOI BJ was named after an expat bar owner by the name of 'BJ', known by many of us old timers, unfortunately so many of which have passed to their next lives. Spent many an evening with friends there with other expat friends. Typical situation, bar was doing too well so he raised rent so high it was not reasonable. Bar stayed empty for a long period then was leased to Thais at 300 Baht a day. BJ stands for Bill Jones. I have not been doing the bar scene for so long I don't even know if Bill is still among the living.

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