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grumpy 4680

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Posts posted by grumpy 4680

  1.      I'm sure if Thai Immigration made 90 day and address reporting a whole easier and less stress full, then more people would be more willing to use the immi facilities, but no, it appears to be more job creative rounding up those that don't, when they could be speeding up the queue's by being in the office's.

        And to be honest, the amount of paper work required is a real Joke, some thing the new boss should not have a problem with.

    • Like 1
  2.       This topic has now reached out to many crackpot comments, bars should simply have the choice to allow smokers or not, and then you would have the choice of where to go or not.

          Since the industrial revolution, and the beginning of the nuclear age, there's no telling what we have to breath, there are far greater issues than smoking here, which governments won't admit to, but smoking is just an easy target for the do-gooder nancy boys to complain about. The hospitals blame every illness as smoking related, but we all have some form of cancer in the genes, it just depends what aggrievates it to become full blown.

          I have smoked for 55 years with no ill affects, and stopped using UK pubs as a result of the stupid ban, Hence thousands of UK pubs have now closed (not all due to beer prices) but the atmosphere has changed.       This country will also change for the worse, all the time Thais allow crazy dictatorial governments to continue with vote rigging schemes. 90 days till these laws come in to effect, might have a sensible democratic government shortly around then.

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  3.     I reckon being in a Thai prison would drive anyone to want to smoke, helps with the boredom, and stress, (why do you suppose they we're issued as rations during the 2 Great Wars).  Guess there's going to be a lot of irate prisoners, with bad tempers and short fuses, people getting hurt etc.etc.

        Junta government not worried, they got a whole Army they can send in to quell any riots.


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  4.      Thailand's problem is the constitution, Until the constitution is amended to read that the military are not to be involved in politics, but only avail at the request of the prime minister or government, and with the Kings blessing, 

         Hence, any further coups would be deemed treacherous, and punished accordingly, so the military could  then legally fire off a few rounds at a legit target.



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  5.      Saudi, China, Russia, all have a habit of making people disappear, but the Saudis have really been caught out with undeniable proof, one of the murder squad has already died in an mysterious road accident, probably because he was prepared to spill his guts as to who was behind the hit (but I think most people already know who), next step would be to make the Saudis tell where the body is, which with 14 others, should not be problem to get the whole truth

  6. 8 hours ago, Pete1980 said:

    A lot of farangs wont adjust to the thai way of driving, and this coupled with the fact most of them cant read Thai road signs causes a lot of unnecessary accidents.

        If faranges drove like thais, there would more chaos on the roads, and I think the problem with road signs is irrelevant, its what the drivers do without looking at other road users.

  7. 15 hours ago, connda said:

    "Yes. millions of Russians died during that War, BUT WHY ???"
    Hummm. ????  They were invaded?  Shades of 1812?  Sort embedded in the county's collective psyche.  Been there; done that; gotta do it again... 


    "And who helped them, the US and allies lost thousands of men and ships..."

     After the Russians had turned the tide of the war at the cost of 26 Million Russians.  That was nice of them to come to the rescue at the end of the war. 

        I can see this topic has got out of hand. Obviously, due to propaganda issues, 

    Russians are not taught the real history 1940-1945

    • Like 1
  8. One final comment on Russian history:

                Yes. millions of Russians died during that War, BUT WHY ???

    1.     Stalin purged the army of many of its Generals.  (normal power play in Russia) hence unprepaired when attacked.

    2.     Signed a pact with Hitler, because they wanted a slice of Poland.

    3.     Ignored all the intelligence warnings.

    4      And who helped them, the US and allies lost thousands of men and ships with the supplies desperatly needed 

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Bang Bang said:

    Are you stupid? Not a single Iraqi  was on those flights. And never a connection between 9/11 and Iraq established.


    The world wars were won by allied efforts, including a huge sacrifice by Russians. Other than that I will grant your list.


    Russia has free and fair elections according to every impartial observer except for some western media.


    But here's my point about the US: it could do with a little less democracy. Because, like I said above, you have huge poorly-educated population easily manipulated by big-money campaigns (read corporations and the rich)  into voting for dumb causes.


    I think about 20% of Americans should have their voting rights taken away until they submit to a simple test: point out the US on a world map.




    19 minutes ago, Bang Bang said:

    Totally agree. Then the Russians got their butts kicked and scampered home never to be seen again. In  other words, they were smart enough to learn a lesson, even if the hard way.


    The trouble with the US though is they seem never to get their fill of getting their butts kicked. That wretched country invades for no good reason, gets the local population all against them (obviously) except for those they pay, and then want to stick around forever blighting the place.


    47 minutes ago, Bang Bang said:


    You look at grumpy and see the problem with the US. A large section of the population that's not particularly educated, unfamiliar with history and mildly thick. So when someone like Bush comes along and makes growling noises about good vs. evil, they start chanting USA, USA without a clue, and off goes their military on another birdbrain adventure.


    2 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


    No, it's just jealous Thai Visa posters because most Russians in Pattaya don't chase prostitutes, but show op on the beach with their very hot russian gf/wives.


    9 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


    No, it's just jealous Thai Visa posters because most Russians in Pattaya don't chase prostitutes, but show op on the beach with their very hot russian gf/wives.

    nice to get back to the original topic on Russians, I simply originally stated that it was Putin giving Russians a bad name, however, politics have emerged, and certain facts should be rectified, fair elections ???, there was no opposition, Putin took care of that. And Iraq was attacked because of threat of WMD, not 9/11

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