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grumpy 4680

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Posts posted by grumpy 4680

  1.       Possum,  The reduction of the pounds value is the price we're having to pay for the damn politicians getting us into this mess in the first place.

          And no, the pound will not immediatly return if ever, to its previous level, if its not to the money mens advantage, financial institutions rule the roost.

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  2.      Iv'e got 8 e-mails in my con folder from inland revenue, all stating a tax refund, and to contact UK gateway etc. but I will not click on the link, in case thats what the con-men want, In the end all my tax returns have been recieved in the post (uk address).

         However tax due is another issue, and I don't think they would send an e-mail, if you can see no reason for such a demand then I would ignore it, and maybe sort it next time inthe UK

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